Michael Jackson commemorative stamp released in Hungary on 29th August


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hungary - EU
On 29th August commemorative stamp was released in Hungary of Michael Jackson. On the stamp there is a photo that was taken during the History concert in Budapest (10th September 1996)
It was first released yesterday in the Stamp Museum (hopefully i can post photos of it later).
Only on 29th&30th August the Post also gave stamps on envelopes (or wherever it was asked to) that says: "In Memorian Michael Joseph Jackson" (and the stamp also has a microphone)

5000 exemplares were released of this stamp


these photos i took today:


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oh could you please send a postcard to me with a such stamp ? :D:D

lool actually its value is valid only inside Hungary

That was such a beautiful tribute to Michael as a celebration for his birthday and his life :)

yeah, i was actually surprised to have this here. Maybe because collecting stamps etc still has a big tradtion here, and our Post always releases nice ones during the year.

just added a photo to my #1 post of the stamps on the envelope
I want one!

Can you just BUY them? I have most of his other stamps he has, I would love to add this one to my collection. Maybe I can get in touch with your mailing companies in Hungary?? :)
that is so cool!!! I have a friend in Hungary, he will be happy about this :)
Thank you Hungary. I would take a long time for that to happen in my country in new your the MTA which runs the subway was ask to rename the subway were Bad was made they said NO, so a stamp would take a long time WHAT A SHAME
information correction on the "stamp":
sorry guys, i was told yesterday at the Post Office that this is not a stamp, but a memory sheet (on Sunday i was told this is a stamp and i can use it inside our country forever...). But i was also told yesterday that they might release a normal stamp as well later. Lets hope so.
HI all!

Szia Ági :) nem is láttalak még ezen a fórumon.:cheers:

I was there at the stampMuseum in Budapest, Hungary , when it first released on 29 august 2009 9'o clock.
I have a lots of videos made by myself and a lot's of photos,
There was a guy who sang you are not alone. It was preety cool. There was Gabi Tóth a hungarian seinger who sang Beat It.
The picture what is on at the stamp (goldpants:wild:) was Made in Hungary on the HIStory Budapest concert (1996 september 10)
So hungarian stamp....Picture from hungarian concert.
And there was our impersonator Sándor Farkas "Sam Jackson" too. Who did a very good dance for Billie Jean.


