Michael Jackson choreographer wanted pop star healthy


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Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
Michael Jackson choreographer wanted pop star healthy

By Mesfin Fekadu, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK — Kenny Ortega was responsible for some of Michael Jackson's biggest concerts, including what were to be his comeback shows in London. But in the singer's final days, the producer-director-choregrapher felt like he needed to take on another responsibility — making sure Jackson stayed healthy.

"Michael had sleepless nights and we had to look after him. (I'd say to him), 'Stay hydrated, have a protein shake — Did you eat today before you came?'" Ortega said in an interview Thursday to promote the new Jackson documentary, This Is It.

When Jackson would say he had, a skeptical Ortega would say — "Michael?"

"Michael's an adult. ... We didn't want to baby him," he said. "(But) I had concerns and we had conversations, wanting to make sure he was doing everything he could to build himself and not break himself down."

Jackson died June 25 at age 50. The Los Angeles County coroner has ruled Jackson's death a homicide, caused primarily by the powerful anesthetic propofol and another sedative. Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has not been charged with a crime but is the focus of the police investigation.

Ortega's work with Jackson included world tours for Jackson's Dangerous and HIStory albums. He was directing the This Is It shows — which would have marked the performer's comeback concerts in London's O2 Arena in July — and was brought on to direct a film adaptation of those taped rehearsals after Jackson's death.

This Is It will premiere globally on Tuesday and run for two weeks. The soundtrack for the film, which includes the newly released title track as well as some of his best-known hits, is being released Monday.

In a 12-minute clip previewed for media on Thursday, a strong-voiced King of Pop is shown enthusiastically practicing some of his biggest hits.

Jackson, though frail-looking, is shown warming up his vocals during a performance of Human Nature. That's followed by the singer running through the song in various outfits.

Later, he playfully dances with a woman as he sings The Way You Make Me Feel, touching her thigh and holding her waist.

"One more time," Jackson says toward the end of the song after being told the last eight bars were to be cut.

Ortega says although he worried about Jackson's health, he doesn't believe the preparation for the shows wore the singer down. In fact, he says it was the opposite.

"I can tell you this experience, working on this show, was invigorating, was nourishing. ... (it) wasn't taking away from Michael," he said.

Travis Payne, a choreographer who worked on This Is It and other Jackson tours, says he remembers spending one-on-one time with Jackson — especially visiting websites like YouTube.

"I used to love sitting and just surfing the 'net with him," Payne said. "And we would just do that and we would be able to have our creative reference time in a different way now."

Musical director Michael Bearden recalls Jackson's lofty goal to try to capture all of his music in one, over-the-top show.

"He had so, so much music that we tried to get everything in but not cheat the audience at the same time, which is a delicate balance if you will to try to get everything in and still feel like you're getting a full song," he said.

Ortega says Jackson was very adamant about the look of the tour — from the length of the songs to the stage's lighting.

"From the very beginning Michael was very vocal, and very upfront about what he wanted to do and why he wanted to do it," Ortega said.

"That's what This Is It, Michael Jackson's This Is It the film, is about — it's a privileged peak into the final creative process of Michael's last theatrical work."

I do believe Kenny and the others when they say they were a bit concerned and told Michael to eat and get rest and all that...but like Kenny also said..Michael WAS an adult and in charge of his own life, so what was anyone to do really, if he didn't eat or drink enough? I mean, you can't force one to eat and if he said he's fine, what could the others really do? As much as I hate to say it and as much as I myself wanted to see Michael gain weight and eat...I can understand both sides. Michael's side and Kenny's, etc. side. When I'm crazy busy at work, I often skip meals too because it feels it will only put me behind in my work, if I take a five minute break, and I often forget to drink too. I often go home after 13 hours of work and realize I have not drunk even one glass of water the whole time. When I'm busy, it just doesn't cross my mind. Or I'm planning to go get a glass of water, and just then some patient needs something, so instead of going to drink something, I go see the patient and see what he/she needs. And it often goes on like that. And often times the other nurses and other staff tell me to go have something to drink or to finally go eat something and they keep telling me that and it just often makes me angry because it just irritates me. I know they mean well, but I also think I'm an adult and think I can decide myself when I'll eat. So it could have been the same with Michael....that he was so focused on the tour preparations that he really did "forget" to eat or drink. Or he felt that having a break to eat would just be a distraction just when he was "on a roll"...or he felt there was so much to do that taking a break to eat would just put him behind in his schedule because every minute mattered. I'm not saying it is healthy or a great thing to do, and I'm not trying to defend the fact that MJ was so skinny (because it worried me too...however he does seem strong and energetic on the clips, and he did seem a LITTLE bit stronger (as in having gained a LITTLE weight) in June, compared to March. Not much...but a little bit.) And I'm not even saying those were MJ's reasons for eating so little...I'm just trying to see it from different views and trying to understand both MJ and the crew...without judging or blaming anyone. Hope someone knows what I mean. :scratch: :lol:
believe me 4 months were not enough for Michael to prepare for his final global tour , time was his main enemy.
he needed a year , i have no clue why was the rush.
There we go then, Kenny saw the signs and was concerned. That backs up the concerns of the TINI girls.
Kenny O pointed out on a fact "MJ was an adult" he knew what he is getting himself up to if he wasnt able to sleep or he forgot to eat...it is not the production team's job to force feed their boss....Kenny did all he could..
There we go then, Kenny saw the signs and was concerned. That backs up the concerns of the TINI girls.

yes it does.....he is know making comments....but...he is also saying....I asked Michael did you eat today...Michael would say yes......now see he has just set up a whole scenario of....."see I did tell him to eat...I cannot help it if he didn't.'......I think he is trying to cover his butt...
No, Kenny isn't trying to cover his self. Everyone encourages MJ to eat, but take a look at Summer's explanation. That is truth. I also wished Travis and Kenny talk about how similar this is to MJ's past tour preparations. I mean, it has been known for years that this is how MJ gets when in preparation; nothing else (except his children) is more important. He is just so excited with everything, flooded with ideas, in brain overload, and the adrenaline on a mad high (sleepless nights).

And I am surprised MJ not once snapped at those harping on him to eat.

Tonight I had a fight with mom about forcing me, a big woman, to eat. I was so irritated. And believe me, she's tried all the tricks. Just like Summer said, I figure, I am woman enough to know when I want to eat, and how much, and I have to be trusted that i won't get myself sick from not eating.

And with MJ, that seemed to be true. Not eating was not the problem, it was not sleeping that led to the ultimate problem.
I do believe Kenny and the others when they say they were a bit concerned and told Michael to eat and get rest and all that...but like Kenny also said..Michael WAS an adult and in charge of his own life, so what was anyone to do really, if he didn't eat or drink enough? I mean, you can't force one to eat and if he said he's fine, what could the others really do? As much as I hate to say it and as much as I myself wanted to see Michael gain weight and eat...I can understand both sides. Michael's side and Kenny's, etc. side. When I'm crazy busy at work, I often skip meals too because it feels it will only put me behind in my work, if I take a five minute break, and I often forget to drink too. I often go home after 13 hours of work and realize I have not drunk even one glass of water the whole time. When I'm busy, it just doesn't cross my mind. Or I'm planning to go get a glass of water, and just then some patient needs something, so instead of going to drink something, I go see the patient and see what he/she needs. And it often goes on like that. And often times the other nurses and other staff tell me to go have something to drink or to finally go eat something and they keep telling me that and it just often makes me angry because it just irritates me. I know they mean well, but I also think I'm an adult and think I can decide myself when I'll eat. So it could have been the same with Michael....that he was so focused on the tour preparations that he really did "forget" to eat or drink. Or he felt that having a break to eat would just be a distraction just when he was "on a roll"...or he felt there was so much to do that taking a break to eat would just put him behind in his schedule because every minute mattered. I'm not saying it is healthy or a great thing to do, and I'm not trying to defend the fact that MJ was so skinny (because it worried me too...however he does seem strong and energetic on the clips, and he did seem a LITTLE bit stronger (as in having gained a LITTLE weight) in June, compared to March. Not much...but a little bit.) And I'm not even saying those were MJ's reasons for eating so little...I'm just trying to see it from different views and trying to understand both MJ and the crew...without judging or blaming anyone. Hope someone knows what I mean. :scratch: :lol:

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Good post. :flowers:

believe me 4 months were not enough for Michael to prepare for his final global tour , time was his main enemy.
he needed a year , i have no clue why was the rush.

I agree. Michael, AEG and Colony Capital probably know the answer to that...unless Michael specifically shared that info with someone. I do remember reading somewhere that Michael was interested in working on a film and wanted to start on that at the beginning of 2010. Maybe they were trying to fit in the shows ASAP and get them out of the way so he could do that. Just a theory.

There we go then, Kenny saw the signs and was concerned. That backs up the concerns of the TINI girls.

But they also said everyone around Michael ignored any signs, didn't care about him, overworked him, and allowed him to waste away...indirectly contributing to his death...and they had NO knowledge or proof of any of that when they went on accusing people. Perhaps people DID care and those fans simply didn't know. Perhaps they should at least concede that. Again, they weren't with MJ 24/7 to know who did what or who said what to whom and when. They're knowledge is limited to what they saw and heard for themselves at certain points in time. And ppl should be "aware" of that, imho. Not trying to turn this into another thread debating the issue becuz all it does is go in circles. Peace.

No, Kenny isn't trying to cover his self. Everyone encourages MJ to eat, but take a look at Summer's explanation. That is truth. I also wished Travis and Kenny talk about how similar this is to MJ's past tour preparations. I mean, it has been known for years that this is how MJ gets when in preparation; nothing else (except his children) is more important. He is just so excited with everything, flooded with ideas, in brain overload, and the adrenaline on a mad high (sleepless nights).

And I am surprised MJ not once snapped at those harping on him to eat.

Tonight I had a fight with mom about forcing me, a big woman, to eat. I was so irritated. And believe me, she's tried all the tricks. Just like Summer said, I figure, I am woman enough to know when I want to eat, and how much, and I have to be trusted that i won't get myself sick from not eating.

And with MJ, that seemed to be true. Not eating was not the problem, it was not sleeping that led to the ultimate problem.

Agree with you on this as well. And as for the red bolded part, we don't know...perhaps he DID snap at a person or two to get off his back about it...and then "they" left it alone?

Thanks for posting. Good article. :)
I am sorry if some fans will get me wrong,but Michael really should have taken care of his health more... Please don't get me wrong, I hope you are sane enough to agree with this fact...
Travis Payne, a choreographer who worked on This Is It and other Jackson tours, says he remembers spending one-on-one time with Jackson — especially visiting websites like YouTube.

"I used to love sitting and just surfing the 'net with him," Payne said. "And we would just do that and we would be able to have our creative reference time in a different way now."

Imagine MJ on youtube coming across all those horny fangirl videos about him...LOL!!!
Sorry for my English
It could not be that easy with all the stress and sleepless nights. Try to not sleep for two days and you will go crazy … He had to work hard and take care of his children at the same time. He was probably depressed, totally stressed out with anxiety problems. He didn’t want to die and he needed help for sure but nobody came to rescue him. I mean who could go against MJ, who would risk that? The 50 dates stressed me what do you think he felt at that age knowing one mistake could cost him his life. We all know that if he had started and stopped half way the media would terrorize him and his family forever. It was do it or die. How much could one man take? His body was crying for help but he was too busy trying to give us a show beyond all imaginations. It was all about Love and he died for it. Someone took his chance from him his chance of shining as the brightest star ever once more. I believe in justice and onlyTime will tell.
I am sorry if some fans will get me wrong,but Michael really should have taken care of his health more... Please don't get me wrong, I hope you are sane enough to agree with this fact...

Well it's true. Like summer said, you can't force a grown man to eat.
But they also said everyone around Michael ignored any signs, didn't care about him, overworked him, and allowed him to waste away...indirectly contributing to his death...and they had NO knowledge or proof of any of that when they went on accusing people. Perhaps people DID care and those fans simply didn't know. Perhaps they should at least concede that. Again, they weren't with MJ 24/7 to know who did what or who said what to whom and when. They're knowledge is limited to what they saw and heard for themselves at certain points in time. And ppl should be "aware" of that, imho. Not trying to turn this into another thread debating the issue becuz all it does is go in circles. Peace.

You are right. I don't want to go on about this anymore either, but I do want to say I don't 100% agree with every single thing the TINI girls say, or LaToya says, or Karen Faye says. I agree that perhaps some people around him did see the signs something was wrong and did care, perhaps others didn't see or chose to ignore it. I agree no they weren't with him 24/7 but they saw and were told enough to be concerned.

To me this article supports them by showing:

1) They weren't being delusional about their concerns for him, and they were not lying or making up their testimonies (as some people on here have suggested).

2) People on the 'inside' apart from KF and MB saw the signs that something was wrong and were concerned for him. I knew already that KO was one whom saw it also, I said his name in the other thread. This shows each time they were saying everything is absolutely fine, Michael didn't say that, he is absolutely fine, I'd trade my body for his etc. and when they continued to say this after his death they weren't being 100% honest.

3) They didn't do enough to help him, because now he is dead. Saying 'Michael??' in a skeptical way isn't really helping. Even the TINI girls were more direct than that. After they became concerned they told him, they wrote him quite forceful but still respectful letters (which you can see on their site).

Agree with you on this as well. And as for the red bolded part, we don't know...perhaps he DID snap at a person or two to get off his back about it...and then "they" left it alone?

He could well have snapped at people, but that still doesn't mean you ignore it.

Importantly its not even about getting him to eat. He didn't die from being too thin. But the fact that he wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping etc. should have alerted them that something was wrong and motivated them to dig deeper to find the problem. Not just think it's normal like it was on tour 13 years ago or whatever.

Yes he was grown, he was 50, but damn.. so what? If he was in some sort of crisis which eventually led him to propofol.. forget his age, he needed someone to help him, even if he was strong willed, there are ways of going about things. Forget that he was 'Michael Jackson' and everything that goes with that, he was a man who if he was helped in the right way wouldn't be dead. Remember this isn't with hindsight, as people, both TINI, KF and MB were very concerned days and weeks before his death.

The responsibility of his death is ultimately Murray on the 25th June - he's the one who administered the propofol. But maybe, if certain people, after seeing signs that something was wrong..days or weeks before, investigated a bit further to see what was happening they could have prevented the use of propofol and therefore his death.

Yes Murray is responsible, yes it sounds bad but Michael is also part responsible. I would not say AEG is responsible for his death, but as Michael was kind of 'in their care' and under their contract they were responsible to look after him to a certain extent.

I'm not going to talk about it anymore. Whats done is done. I wish that when Michael asked 'brother' Michael to bring him the TINI letters 8 hours before his death, that he would have read them and left the country to take care of himself, but he didn't, it was too late.
If someone who isn´t eating enough is told by many people around her/him to eat more it might be an reaction that he/she gets angry and eat less.He/she might not want to be told what to do, you have to be very careful with how you say or write it.

"I wish that when Michael asked 'brother' Michael to bring him the TINI letters 8 hours before his death, that he would have read them and left the country to take care of himself, but he didn't, it was too late. "

I guess he still wanted to sleep and that whats killed him.I don´t think he wanted to leave his concerts and dreams.He was probably thinking about the rehearsals of dirty diana during the night.