Michael Jackson - "Canceled Beatles Project" - Any Archived Information? (Stevie Ray Vaughan notes)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Pensacola, FL
Michael Jackson - "Canceled Beatles Project" - Any Archived Information? (Stevie Ray Vaughan notes)

From what I have read, at one time Michael Jackson was planning a "Beatles Tribute / Cover Album" or a "Beatles Related Project" of some kind after he purchased the ATV Publishing Rights. Michael Jackson had recorded the song "Come Together" during this time period and from what I have recently learned, Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble may have recorded their version of the song "Taxman" for the same Michael Jackson project.

In addition to being a life long Michael Jackson fan, I have also been life long fan of the guitar playing of Stevie Ray Vaughan.

I started trying to find out more information about this after I recently saw a video interview with Stevie Ray Vaughan from May/1988 - it was a "Much Music Canada" interview, and when asked what he was currently working on, Stevie Ray Vaughan replied that he had just recorded his own, unique version of "Taxman" for a Michael Jackson project he was working on.

Because Stevie Ray Vaughan may have actually worked on a Michael Jackson project of some kind, I have been extremely curious about any details available I can find - In 1995 the song "Taxman" was officially released as a new song for the posthumous SRV album "Greatest Hits" and until recently, I had personally never made the connection as to why Stevie Ray Vaughan had recorded a random Beatles song. I never noticed the details, like when and why it was actually recorded.

If anyone has any information and facts on the subject, I am looking for as much information as possible, answers to questions like:

1) Does anyone have any additional information on the actual recording sessions and where did the recordings take place?
2) Who were the other bands and performers that had been chosen to be on this album / project?
3) Are there any other known or released recordings from other bands or other songs from this same session, or same project?
4) What happened to this project and why was not finished?

Here is some of the information I have found online regarding Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Greatest Hits" release and the song "Taxman" -- that also mentions Michael Jackson:

Both of the recordings were released in 1995 - "Come Together" on MJs "HIStory" in June/95 and "Taxman" on SRVs "Greatest Hits" in October/95.

An SRV Fan Site Note
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Greatest hits (LP/CD)
"Michael Jackson was at some stage putting together a Beatles tribute album, probably to
celebrate his acquisition of the rights to their catalogue. This George Harrison composition
was to be SRV & DT’s contribution. The album was canceled, but the song eventually surfaced here."

A portion of an article when SRV's "Greatest Hit" was released
The latest Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble release is `Greatest Hits' - no surprises here, apart from a version of the Beatles' `Taxman'. A rather unusual choice of cover?

`Several years ago, it was either `86 or `87, Michael Jackson was doing an animated movie for which he wanted to use all Beatles songs,' recalls Tommy Shannon, Double Trouble bassist and Stevie's longtime friend. `All these different musicians were doing Beatles' songs so we did `Taxman'. Something happened and the movie never came out so it's been sitting in the can for several years. We took a listen to it and thought it sounded real good and decided to put it on the record.'

`But there's nothing else like`Taxman' that we're holding back,' adds Double Trouble drummer Chris Layton.


The Official SRV Fan Club will hopefully have some interesting information about this recording. I am also seeking information regarding other Beatles song covers done by artisits and musicians that were on EPIC records in the late 1980's.
It also appears some there is some information directly from the actual Stevie Ray Vaughan Estate that mentions the recording of the song of "Taxman" by Stevie Ray Vaughan was part of a "Canceled Michael Jackson Project." I will post the information when I receive it, it is coming by email.
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Re: Michael Jackson - "Beatles Tribute Album" - Any Archived Information? (Stevie Ray Vaughan notes)

I've never heard about a tribute album or a movie, but in the mid 1980s, there was a report that Mike was making a covers album of all Beatles songs, but later Bad came out instead. The Beatles remake album was supposed to be only him, not other acts.
Re: Michael Jackson - "Beatles Tribute Album" - Any Archived Information? (Stevie Ray Vaughan notes)

wow, just wow.