Michael Jackson breathes life back into the music industry


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Back in the good ol' 757 VA BABY!
I just wrote this for the examiner.com to apply for a position...let me know what you all think

The music industry has seen an amazing resurgence since the tragic and sudden passing of its King, Michael Jackson. Not since the King of Pop in his prime has the recording industry seen record sales at its highest. Artists such as Beyonce, 50 Cent, Rihanna, Kanye West, Jay-Z and Taylor Swift were all the hype of 2009 and have had successful album releases to boast, but on June 25th, 2009 these artist as well as millions of fans all around the world stood still. The industry as a whole was silenced and in shock. The man that paved the way for many if not every artist that is recording in the industry today was gone. In an attempt to try to reconnect with the magic that was Michael Jackson, fans flew to their nearest record store to purchase Jacksons’ greatest and unforgettable hits. Compilation albums such the The Essential Michael Jackson and Number Ones have sold millions since the King of Pop’s departure, staying at the top of the charts for weeks following his death. In a true kingly fashion, Jackson made HIStory yet again when he became the first artist to sell over one million downloads in a week, with 2.6 million sales.

There is hope that today’s biggest and brightest stars will continue on with the legacy that Michael Jackson has left. Fans may still be mourning the death of the musical icon, but his music is his legacy and with the Jackson mania that has been displayed since June 25, his legacy and message of love will continue and live on forever.

it had to write something kinda short so yeah..i wrote it in like 10 mins
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I like it.
It reminded me of the words of MJ about the industry by the time of the release of Thriller. They were doing really bad and it was he, with his album, who helped them so much.

I quote our dear MJ on his last interview to Ebony magazine:

Q: What do you think about the state of music videos and music today?
A: [The industry], it’s at a crossroads. There’s a transformation going on. People are confused, what’s going to happen, how to distribute and sell music. I think the Internet kind of threw everybody for a real loop. ‘Cause it’s so powerful, kids love it so much. The whole world is at their fingertips, on their lap. Anything they want to know, anyone they want to communicate with, any music, any movies… This thing, it just took everybody for a loop. Right now, all these Starbucks deals and Wal-Mart deals, direct to artist, I don’t know if that’s the answer. I think the answer is just phenomenal, great music. Just reaching the masses. I think people are still searching. There’s not a real musical revolution going on right now, either. But when it’s there, people will break a wall down to get to it. I mean, ‘cause before Thriller, it was the same kind of thing. People were NOT buying music. It helped to bring everybody back into the stores. So, when it happens, it happens.

(Source: http://www.ebonyjet.com/culture/music/index.aspx?id=13602&Page=2)

And even so... the industry was so ungrateful to its MAIN figure.
I like it.
It reminded me of the words of MJ about the industry by the time of the release of Thriller. They were doing really bad and it was he, with his album, who helped them so much.

I quote our dear MJ on his last interview to Ebony magazine:

Q: What do you think about the state of music videos and music today?
A: [The industry], it’s at a crossroads. There’s a transformation going on. People are confused, what’s going to happen, how to distribute and sell music. I think the Internet kind of threw everybody for a real loop. ‘Cause it’s so powerful, kids love it so much. The whole world is at their fingertips, on their lap. Anything they want to know, anyone they want to communicate with, any music, any movies… This thing, it just took everybody for a loop. Right now, all these Starbucks deals and Wal-Mart deals, direct to artist, I don’t know if that’s the answer. I think the answer is just phenomenal, great music. Just reaching the masses. I think people are still searching. There’s not a real musical revolution going on right now, either. But when it’s there, people will break a wall down to get to it. I mean, ‘cause before Thriller, it was the same kind of thing. People were NOT buying music. It helped to bring everybody back into the stores. So, when it happens, it happens.

(Source: http://www.ebonyjet.com/culture/music/index.aspx?id=13602&Page=2)

And even so... the industry was so ungrateful to its MAIN figure.

I know...its so sad
There is hope that today’s biggest and brightest stars will continue on with the legacy that Michael Jackson has left. Fans may still be mourning the death of the musical icon, but his music is his legacy and with the Jackson mania that has been displayed since June 25, his legacy and message of love will continue and live on forever.


Thanks for posting this. Good article.
And even so... the industry was so ungrateful to its MAIN figure.

Did I say the industry "WAS" so ungrateful?
Maybe the present tense would be better in this case.
Michael's legacy is through his love and through his music. Kids will still be dancing to Michael in fifty years time and it will never die.