Michael Jackson and Kim Jong II


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
A beautiful positive article posted on maximum-Jackson fan board
from Gotham Chopra's blog about a recent conversation he had
with Michael _ Im Glad they are focusing on MJs beautiful spirit. :yes:
I hope it helps lift yours .. we need more threads like this in here
( hint hint) go find more beautiful things to post about MJ and
bring it to MJJC ... we need Michaels beautiful spirit in here

The last time I spoke to my friend Michael Jackson was about a month ago, 3 weeks before his shocking death. He had called me late one night to ask about another of my close friends who he had read about in the news. Laura Ling, a former colleague and friend, was detained originally by North Korean border guards along with her colleague Euna Lee on March 17th. Since then, they have been imprisoned, had very little contact with their families or western officials, and endured a secretive trial at which they were sentenced to twelve years hard labor. At this present moment, it is unclear where Laura and Euna are – whether they remain in a government guesthouse where they were originally held, in a hospital (due to medical problems for both of them), or moved to the infamous North Korean labor camps that many do not survive.

Michael had read some of the details regarding Laura and Euna’s predicament. As was often the case with him and global events he read about – from famine in Africa to victims of natural disasters in far off countries, to orphans created by wars – he felt a deep sense of empathy for Laura and Euna. When I shared with him that Euna had a four-year-old daughter, he was even more anguished.

He asked me whether I had had any contact with Laura. I told him I had written her a few letters and had been assured they were getting through. Outside of that, her own family had only heard from her twice – brief monitored phonecalls – in the over three months they had been imprisoned. When I told him that, Michael paused.

“Do you think,” he said hesitantly, “that the leader of North Korea could be a fan of mine?”

I didn’t really know how to respond. Not much is known about the reclusive Kim Jong Il or “Dear leader” as he is called in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Over the years it’s been alleged he has a thing for Hollywood, certain NBA stars, Elvis, and specific liqueurs. Still, I’d never heard about any connection between Michael Jackson and Kim Jong Il.

Michael said he had seen some pictures on the internet of the Dear Leader. “You’know, he wears jackets like mine.”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little. It’s true. Michael always had a fascination with military-like jackets, the types with markers and badges on the collars and shoulders. If you search it online, you will indeed find a lot of images of Michael and Kim Jong Il, similarly bedecked in analogous outfits.

“I don’t really know,” I answered Michael. “But I can try and find out.”

“Please,” Michael responded without hesitantly, “because maybe if he was a fan, I could help get those girls home.”

I explained to Michael that there were larger geo-politics involved, nuclear programs, a new administration trying to assert its foreign policy strategy (Obama), and another one in NK possibly going through some sort of transference of power.

“Yeah,” Michael said wistfully, “but if someone wants to do something good, they just can. They don’t really need to worry about all that other stuff.”

And that was really the end of that conversation. I kept my promise and tried to see if I might find a connection between MJ and KJI, but sadly I wasn’t able to. Before I was able to get back to Michael, the news regarding his tragic passing broke. The tributes and commemoratives began in earnest and have not stopped.

Then the irony occurred to me, the far out bizarre seemingly impossible possibility: there is really only one person in the world today that could make a truly meaningful tribute to Michael Jackson. If indeed Kim Jong Il ever was a fan of Michael Jackson, ever gasped at Michael’s moonwalk, smiled at Thriller, hummed along to the Jackson Five or any of Michael’s countess hits, his pardoning of Laura Ling and Euna Lee and sending them home to their families would be a profound act of compassion, a true tribute to a man whose death has left the entire world in mourning. What a better way to re-invent himself and his own conflicted image than for Kim Jong Il to send a message of hope, forgiveness, and empathy as a commemoration of possibly the greatest icon of our times. It’s an act that would be historic, covered by every news organizations in the world, and be immortalized in the annals of time.

Alas, maybe I’m naïve to have such dramatic hopes for my friend and her colleague, to think that leaders of nations may be influenced by the dying wishes of great artists. Or…maybe not. To me, Michael’s memory will always be as a great friend and mentor. To many around the world, it will be as an iconic and brilliant musical artist. Wouldn’t it be staggering if one Kim Jong Il were to honor him – post-death – as a truly great humanitarian?

- Gotham Chopra

thanks qbee.... sweet sweet Michael.....yea I love the jacket comment to. lol
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Here he is I think:
Posing with the army... Just like Michael... :rofl:

Alright; I study the DPRK, and this stood out:

I couldn’t help but laugh a little. It’s true. Michael always had a fascination with military-like jackets, the types with markers and badges on the collars and shoulders. If you search it online, you will indeed find a lot of images of Michael and Kim Jong Il, similarly bedecked in analogous outfits.

And I saw only one picture of Kim Jong Il in any military regalia, and that was in a portrait painting and not a photograph. North Korea is into "socialist realism" when it comes to glorifying the leaders and spewing the endless campaigns of propaganda.

The pictures of Kim Jong Il has several "uniforms" he wears, and none resemble the other members of the National Defense Commission. To compare:


The most recognizable uniform.


A getup similar to that of his father, Kim Il Sung.


More recently, he has been "dressing down", a possible indication he may be in semi-retirement like his father was when he was handing power to his son. There is no evidence to suggest Kim Jong Un is in power yet, but the shuffling in his cabinet and elevation of Jang Song Theak raises a lot of speculation.


The only picture I know of Kim Jong Il in a KPA uniform.

As for some delegation with MJ and Kim Jong Il, it could have happened (but unlikely because few are given permission to enter the state), but few understand what would have happened afterward. Kim would have given all these promises, but would either later redact them because of something else (real or imagined), or just ignore it. Lastly, MJ would have been used for propaganda. For instance I can hear Chosun Central News saying "An international star thanked the Chairman of the National Defense Commission, Kim Jong Il..."
Originally Posted by qbee

“You’know, he wears jackets like mine.”

I can just hear Michael saying that:D

(makes me cry a little though):cry:
Oh, and while MJ's intentions were good, chances were very, very low these journalists would have been freed based on a plea from some celebrity. Kim Jong Il wants money and concessions from high political figures in Washington.
I don't know why I recorded this because I can't stand CNN's Campbell Brown as far as I can throw her. (my personal distaste with her dates back to her mouth going off regarding vaccines and autism.) She is just an over payed brunette bimbo mouth piece on CNN

But what caught my eye and why I recorded this is the part about how humanitarian Michael was. How he may have wanted to deal with the situation with diplomacy and reach out to help Laura Ling.

As Brown tries to downplay and ruin this news about Michael, she only makes herself look like a TOTAL @SS (as usual) I just want to slap her! (sorry I can't stand her...)

The rest of her report is of just more frustrating things relating to Joe Jackson, Michael, his kids, Kathryn, Debbie etc.

I hope I am not stepping on any toes when I say: I think Joe Jackson should just chill and keep quiet. He's only going to make things easier for Debbie and much harder for Kathryn and Michael's kids.

See the video report online HERE

An attempt to embed it here:

“Yeah,” Michael said wistfully, “but if someone wants to do something good, they just can. They don’t really need to worry about all that other stuff.”
The whole 'Heal The World' video is like that - soldiers dropping their guns, not caring about the politics involved...simply because they want to do something good.
It's just like Michael to think like that. :) Unfortunately, politicians just don't.
Where ever Michael is right now I know he's smiling big because those two girls are coming home and his friend Bill Clinton went to get them.

I am so happy for them and for Michael's wish coming true!
he is such a sweet guy ~
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I love this whole story, what a wonderful blessing they are now free. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if Michael's hoped intervention would have worked though, what a thoughtful and loving man he was.
Nice article and made me smile, Michael's great ability to make me smile carries on!

I also study the DPRK alot, Kim Jong Il is probably too caught up in the glorious music of the homeland to be bothered with Michael. Long Live Juche, Praise Kim Il Sung, goodness I can't even remember the names of the songs they are so bizzare. Kim Jong Il is probably one of the most evil men on earth right now, I can never get over his abuse of his own people, the gulags, he knows about it all and does not care, I can't see how he could conciously be a fan of Michael the humanitarian while overseeing the brutality of those camps, starvation, abuse, rape, chemical experimentation. It just does not make any sense I would rather not see Michael's name and Kim Jong Il's name in the same sentence.

Still Michael makes me proud as always, way to go, and now all the better Eula Lee and Laura Ling are free! Go Bill!

Michael the immortal, keep being yourself forever :D
The freeing of these women was such a happy story - go Bill Clinton! And it was sweet that Michael wanted to help.

One thing occurred to me after watching the footage from yesterday - Michael's death was probably one piece of news that these women didn't hear until they were back home (or en route) .... at least I'm assuming they weren't hearing news of the outside world.