Michael Jackson According to Dr. Firpo W. Carr


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
L.A. Sentinel: The Michael Jackson Columns


From Moonwalker to Miracle Worker Oct 29, 2009 at 12:00 AM

Michael the "Messiah"?
Oct 22, 2009 at 12:00 AM

"Saint" Michael (Jackson)? Oct 15, 2009 at 12:00 AM

Exoneration by Autopsy Oct 08, 2009 at 12:00 AM

Michael's Murky Murder Mystery? Sep 24, 2009 at 12:00 AM

Michael Jackson & Religious 'Holidaze' Sep 17, 2009 at 12:00 AM

Michael Jackson Murdered? Sep 03, 2009 at 12:00 AM

The Drug-Induced Death of Michael Jackson

Demystifying Michael

Michael Jackson & Prescription Medication

Michael Jackson & Jehovah's Witnesses


Dr. Firpo W. Carr is a best-selling author who resides in the Los Angeles area, and who hails originally from Watts via South-Central. He is an internationally known author, scholar, lecturer, former radio show producer, former radio show host, university instructor, documentary producer/writer/director, and investigative journalist. He has appeared as an eminent scholar on such nationally televised documentaries as Encounters with the Unexplained: Secrets of the Bible—What Do the Dead Sea Scrolls Tell Us?, and the prime time specials Ancient Secrets of the Bible I, and Ancient Secrets of the Bible II. He has been featured with other distinguished scholars on CBS’s Today Religion, and was the lone guest on KTLA’s Pacesetters. During the debate on the release of the unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls, KCAL9’s Pat Harvey and Steve Jackson interviewed Dr. Carr on his ground-breaking new book at the time, The Divine Name Controversy (Vol. 1). He’s also the author of the perennial best-seller, Germany’s Black Holocaust: 1890-1945.

Dr. Carr has been a columnist for the Los Angeles Sentinel since 2005

L.A. Sentinel
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I really enjoyed reading some of these articles (I could not read them all because I am at work). Thank you very much for posting them.
Very interesting read. Thank you for posting these links.
The article called Exoneration by Autopsy really hit home for me. You can be sure that if the report had revealed Michael to be an addict it would have been headline news on the major networks and cable shows. The 'deafening silence' re what the report did reveal says it all ...
I had read some of those articles a while ago. Really interesting. Will read the rest when I have time :).