Michael Jackson - A lover and a fighter ?


Proud Member
Oct 13, 2009
Midlands, UK
I haven't read Katherines book yet, but I hear that she wrote that Michael took Karate for several years, and the way Michael moved like lightening... Well, lets just say that Jarvis Cocker better count his lucky stars Mike was on that forklift when he came up on stage. :cheeky:

Heres a link to a video of Will Smith saying that MJ could kick some ass.

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Yes I heard that Michael was into the martial arts. Although I wonder where he found time to study as it is a big commitment. I also engaged in the martial arts for a short time before I was injured. So while watching Michael dance, I noticed that some of his moves were parallel along the lines of the martial arts. Therefore, I'm thinking that what we heard could be true. You mentioned Katherine's book. I wasn't aware she wrote a book. Do you have any info on it? Thanks.

Peace and love,

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart..." :angel:
When did Michael go to martial arts classes? I heard that it was during the Dangerous era but i may be wrong
lol he took the instructor on tour with him and had class in his studio Privet lessons ya know Michael.
dont know if this is true and i dont have a source but I heard he was a black belt in Karate and something like a brown belt in Judo too!!
dont know if this is true and i dont have a source but I heard he was a black belt in Karate and something like a brown belt in Judo too!!

That's pretty hot. haha. :wub:

I can definitely picture Michael kicking some serious butt if it was ever really necessary. :p
Michael did ask Uri to intoduce him to Matt Fiddes a martial arts instructor who then became one of MJ's bodygaurds for his UK visits. Michael was very impressed with Fiddes and obviously had an interest in martial arts.

Oh and there is this :cheeky:
Nice Picture of Michael in his Karate Gui! I also heard he was a blackbelt. So we are not crazy after all...LOL:)

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart..." :angel:

Michael did ask Uri to intoduce him to Matt Fiddes a martial arts instructor who then became one of MJ's bodygaurds for his UK visits. Michael was very impressed with Fiddes and obviously had an interest in martial arts.

Oh and there is this :cheeky:
Michael did ask Uri to intoduce him to Matt Fiddes a martial arts instructor who then became one of MJ's bodygaurds for his UK visits. Michael was very impressed with Fiddes and obviously had an interest in martial arts.

Oh and there is this :cheeky:

Ooops sorry posted twice by accident but I'll say it again anyway Michael is amazing!!

Michael did ask Uri to intoduce him to Matt Fiddes a martial arts instructor who then became one of MJ's bodygaurds for his UK visits. Michael was very impressed with Fiddes and obviously had an interest in martial arts.

Oh and there is this :cheeky:

Wow, he's amazing.
Thanks for posting this picture.