Michael Jackson - 7 Reasons Why We Will Never Forget Him


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
Remembering Why We Love Michael Jackson
An Ashanti proverb says, "If we stand tall it's because we stand on the backs of those who came before us." For many of today's young entertainers, the back they stood on belonged to Michael Jackson. He was all about
music, dance, lyrics and innovation, setting standards many artists have tried to follow until the next big thing came along. It's been 40 years, and the next big thing, the thing bigger than Michael Jackson, has yet to materialize.

Michael Jackson was and will always be the King of Pop. Standing in evidence of that statement is the ongoing activity since his death. Canada based Cirque du Soleil is planning a show based on Michael Jackson's music and songs. A sequined glove Michael wore at a Sydney concert recently sold at auction in Australia for S57,600. The Michael Jackson estate's 2009 gross earnings are projected in excess of $1,167,500,00. Acknowledging the upcoming anniversary of his death, plans allowing Forest Lawn Cemetery "fan viewing at a distance," are being finalized.

Even in death, the world loves Michael Jackson. Here are a few reasons why we will always remember him.

(Please click the link to see the seven reasons)http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5478012/michael_jackson_7_reasons_why_we_will.html
If I got to make a list of my top ten reasons, it would go in deceasing order and it would end with:

2. Being a great humanitrian
1. Simply being the greatest entertainer in history
I agree with all reasons mention above, but I have to add one more:

He was so inspiring and outstanding human being.
Great article! thanks for posting.

Here are a few more:

1. Wonderful humanitarian
2 The greatest entertainer of all time PERIOD!!!
3. the most influential artist in the last 40 years- bar none
4. the versatility of his voice was and is unequalled, from high falsettos, to normal voice, to gritty, to very low - and his beautiful smooth angelic way of singing too. (sorry, I don't know all the official terms, but I think you know what I mean).

5. The greatest entertainer of all time PERIOD!!!
6. Fashion trend setter -

1. Wonderful human
2. He knows what real music is.
3. The biggest superstar of all time
4. Unique person :wub: no one is like him..
5. A true gentleman.
6. Not afraid to be himself.
7. Dancing and singing like no one had seen before.
Aw what a great article! Thank you for posting this. :)

Michael will never be forgotten simply because he's Michael Jackson. Who he was and what he did is far beyond our time and will forever be remembered.

He should be in the dictionary, but it'd possibly be the longest definition ever. He is just too amazing to explain in one or two sentences.