Michael Jackon left with out saying good-bye..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Iam so sad that MJ left this world with-out saying good bye. :( Do you think MJ knows he no longer on earth? I wonder how he feels right now where ever his spirt is about living so soon. It hurts me to know that he left too soon. It still hurts me alot..knowing we will no longer see him out shopping with his kids.
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Aww.. :cry: *hugs*

You know they say that being dead is like being asleep.. it's peaceful.. of course no-one can tell for sure but I believe Michael can still feel our love. :yes: Just like we can sometimes feel the presence of those who have passed away.
yeah I think Michael can still feel our love..l have heard that ...all the love that we feel here on earth we take with us to heaven.....jeez this made me cry..:cry:
You had reminded me of that really sad MJ dream that I had a good few weeks or so ago. Where Michael was to give his last tv interview ever. Because he was dying of a terminal illness. And the last thing he did in that interview. Was that he had made a very sad tearful goodbye message to his fans.

But I am sure Michael can still feel the love that we have for him.
We were not able to say goodbye,because Michael will never leave us.

I do believe that Michael can feel our love in a much closer way.He is in heaven with God,and for god nothing is impossible.
Yes because when he was here on earth, Micheal have been the best male singer in our history books in a very long time. And even though that he is no longer be here with us I feel so sad but very joyful at the same time.
Maybe it was just a tabloid story...but i do recall reading about his last words.
That he loved his family,to his mother. But i find that all very doubtful....because
there's a good chance he had already 'left' before being rushed to the hospital.
I like to believe in a kind of reincarnation, i think when we die our souls leave our bodies, and we eventually start a new life, we dont remember our old life but were still like the same person!
I suppose ive always thought this because its given me comfort, especially when my nan and grandad passed away, i like to think those same great people are out there living a great life, and gving love to others like they did me!
So i think Michael, we'll see him again, some day, his talent will show in his new life and hell influence are world all over again!
Iam so sad that MJ left this world with-out saying good bye. :( Do you think MJ knows he no longer on earth? I wonder how he feels right now where ever his spirt is about living so soon. It hurts me to know that he left too soon. It still hurts me alot..knowing we will no longer see him out shopping with his kids.

I think about that too, and I feel his s[pirit is all around us. I saw the trailer of tii and it brought joy and sorrow. I wasn't going to see it it the beginning coz I didn't feel I would bee able to stand it. Burt I'm ready to see it because I know he would want us all to.

It's weird seeing him during the rehersal and he looked strong and ready, his attititude was up beat and within12hr he was no longer here. That hurts !
I like to believe he never said Goodbye because his spirit lives on. It lives on in his music, his videos, his children and also through us. He will never die because we have him in our hearts, minds and thoughts. Love crosses many barriers, even the one between life and death. He knows and feels our love. :angel:
I've read that anytime you think of someone who has passed , this person spirit can feel and heard your thoughts...So keep sending all your love to Michael , I'm sure he can feel it...

:) *Hugs*
This reminds me of when my grandma died last year... She died just as my plane was landing on my way to see her. Never had the chance to say goodbye either...
This reminds me of when my grandma died last year... She died just as my plane was landing on my way to see her. Never had the chance to say goodbye either...

i'm so sorry about it :cry:

i cannot say goodbye to Michael either... i cannot digest the idea of him not present in my life and as he'll always be in my thoughts, saying goodbye doesnt make sense :(
Iam so sad that MJ left this world with-out saying good bye. :( Do you think MJ knows he no longer on earth? I wonder how he feels right now where ever his spirt is about living so soon. It hurts me to know that he left too soon. It still hurts me alot..knowing we will no longer see him out shopping with his kids.

This is something that leaves me no peace. Michael's death was without warning. Everything would run OK if Murray would have had an inkling of what he does. It wasn't Michael's time to go.

It would be so terrible, if Michael couldn't feel any of our love. I hope he knows what happened to him. And I hope that he can watch from above on his children.
I'm sure Michael is peacefull and feels the love and the energy. I only wish people would not talk about him so much in vain and I mean all the gossip.

To answer your question, I think that if Michael had the chance to say goodbye, he wouldn't do it anyway. It would be TOO painfull for him. Plus, he would never intentionally upset the people who loved him, in ANY way. I think he would prefer to just disappear.
After all, how can you say goodbye to your whole life?
I know how you feel about him not being here and how it effect everything,
absolutely everything. I sometimes feel such physical pain in my heart I
almost cant breathe. I lost a big part in my live. And a part of my heart, of my soul died with him.. But, he lives on, in his art, in his humanity... in us...
The world has lost an angel, a great, a wonderful person, who helped many
people all around the world and who meant/means so much to so many people. He was on the way to start a big comeback..but now it is farthest away than ever.. 2005 we almost lost him, but we got him back..
And now: GONE TOO SOON.. but back home.. our angel..
I lost the love of my life and it's hurting me more every day. I can't believe that he is no longer here with us!! It's getting worse. Oh my God... it is such a nightmare. How could he possibly die. We need him here!:cry:
even though I already posted in this thread...these words keeping going through my head....Michael left without saying goodbye.....it really is getting to me lately....my heart seems so be hurting so much lately.....I wish I could get passed this...:cry:......I just cannot say goodbye to Michael...I think I love him to much to say goodbye to him.....maybe I am just not ready yet.
mj wasnt ready to say good bye in my opinion mj was taken from us far far to early he had soooo much more to give u can feel the love for his fans in the this is it clips!!!