Michael Is The Reason You........

Michael is the reasons I...

Follow my dreams,
Forgive people no matter how cruel they have been,
Look for the positive thing in everything,
Love children and nature,
Care for the world and want to do my best to heal it,
Love and appericate my friends dearly,
Understand that there is more to life than the human mind can understand,
Pray and wish well for the needy,
Don't judge people.

I love you Michael, I miss you so much. You make me, me.
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Never Judge a person.
Be creative, yes ^^:)
No matter who sends you negative energy or is cruel, Block it off!!
To become what you Beleive.
Be Child like as much as possible :D
be myself.

All in all Michael is The Reason... I Am who I Am:)

I miss you, more Michael X :(
Michael is the reason I had the courage to keep going to school when I was bullied every day.

Michael is the reason I have the strength to keep working at my job as a bank clerk to do the best I can despite being a young girl that the older ones pick on. He tught me to believe in myself.

Michael is the reason I for why I am strong enough to withstand peoples negative opinions of my colour and race.

Michael is the reason I do not judge people untill I have talked to them.

Michael is the reason I sometimes look at the night sky to wish upon a star.

Michael is the reason I have accepted my quietness and shyness becuse he was too.

Michael is the reason I am always cheered up when I listen to his voice or see him smile.

Michael is the reason I have grown up into a relatively sane girl becuse his music and smiles comforted me when I needed it the most.

I love him so much...I miss him too much. :(
R.I.P. Darling Michael.
Michael is the reason I had the courage to keep going to school when I was bullied every day.

Michael is the reason I have the strength to keep working at my job as a bank clerk to do the best I can despite being a young girl that the older ones pick on. He tught me to believe in myself.

Michael is the reason I for why I am strong enough to withstand peoples negative opinions of my colour and race.

Michael is the reason I do not judge people untill I have talked to them.

Michael is the reason I sometimes look at the night sky to wish upon a star.

Michael is the reason I have accepted my quietness and shyness becuse he was too.

Michael is the reason I am always cheered up when I listen to his voice or see him smile.

Michael is the reason I have grown up into a relatively sane girl becuse his music and smiles comforted me when I needed it the most.

I love him so much...I miss him too much. :(
R.I.P. Darling Michael.

Aww honey! It's so cruel that they do that to you! I hope you are still keeping strong. If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here.
^^ Thank you so much, that is very sweet and kind of you!

I quit school when I was 17 and close to finishing becuse I couldnt take it anymore but now I do correspondence school.

I used to listen to Michael's music at lunch time on my cd player becuse I didn't really have any friends and I would be happy becuse Michaels voice was in my ears and I felt comforted that he had been so through so much, wich gave me the courage to keep living.

...back on topic and on a lighter note:

Michael is the reason I have always had a very very VERRRYYY special love for tall men with long dark hair ever since I got a crush on him when I was 7!!!
michael saved my life ....
michael is the reason i had someone to talk with when i was feeling all alone...
michael and only michael was with me, whenever i needed him he was near,
he listened, he huged, he made me feel i was not alone...
he made me stronger, made me to fight for my future...
made me to feel life is beautiful...

Michael is the reason I KNOW WHAt IS LOVE
he taught me what LOVE is...

he taught to struggle for my dreams...

no one can imagine how alone and how weak i feel without him..
like a bird without wings...
like a tree without root
like a fish without water
like a little girl who is left all alone in desert...
he's the reason why I feel free, why I can be true to myself and everyone around me
... love unconditionally

.... do not judge people until I know the facts

.... have seen through the agenda of the media
...Started to love music in the first place

...Not as quick to judge people

...Realized that many in the media have their own agenda's going on and aren't always interested in being truthful or reporting actual facts.

...Learned that it's best to always be myself

...Believe in magic
Michael is the reason why I care about everyone & the world, he taught me how to love.
Michael is the reason I am happy...that happiness is now tainted with sadness but when I listen to his music, see his photos that happiness floods through still :)

And he is the reason I love to dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and he is the reason why I don't buy the tabloid junk.
Michael is the reason I found the right path in the life.
i've always told my family I am because of Michael .
Michael is the reason I am living...
I mean that, his music saved my life
Michael is the reason i started to play guitar and interested in music. In his songs there is a message, and i think these messages in his music had influence on the whole world,and also on my life.
He is the reason why I suffer so much now that he is gone,cause I am such an emotion-driven person... :( :( :(

I am like a child, it's unbelievable how much I resemble him... I have always taught from him...It's amazing...Inexplicable...I feel like...He was the only one who knew me, completely,even though we never met... I love him so much, it's beyond words...I wish there had been a chance for me to somehow show him that... :(
Michael is the reason i started to play guitar and interested in music. In his songs there is a message, and i think these messages in his music had influence on the whole world,and also on my life.

same here, I play the guitar , speak English,dance, sing, write songs,music... I can't go on, it's too long a list!
..have long black hair, and actually likes when stripes hangs down in front of my eyes.. :)
..loves to dance (though I suck at it).
..enjoys water balloon fights with my kid. :D
..are alive, I must say. I couldn't have managed without the energy in his music.

Sorry for bumping, but I've just recently registered.
Michael is the reason I.....love music
....Love to dance
....Believe in Magic
....Believe in love and peace
....Believe in equality for all races, creeds, colours, sexes, sexual orientation and disability
....don't believe everything the meda tells me I should believe
....Was the closest thing i had to a life long best friend, and every day I'll miss him x