Michael Is Our Angel Watching Over Us


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ever since Michael went to sleep I've felt this really strong sense that he's watching over everyone who "truly" cared for him.......and that would definitely be us. God needed him right now and he's in a better place.

When I look up at the sky and see beautiful clouds I remember him saying he loved to watch clouds it's a sign he's with us. When I see a star brighter than any others I feel he's with us.

I've always believed nature and Heaven are one. So when the wind blows, the sound of the ocean, the sound of a bird, leaves blowing across the ground, anything like that, it connects us with Michael and Heaven.

I know this sounds kind of silly but it's just the way I feel, especially since Michael went to Heaven and is now watching over us :angel::flowers:
I feel the same way too! I always "look for" Michael, especially at night when the moon and stars are shining. One day a few weeks ago I was walking to school by myself and I started quietly singing I'll be there. It was a cold, dark and very cloudy morning. Just as I reached the first I'll be there (you know, after where there is love), the clouds right ahead of me shifted and suddenly revealed the full moon! I am honestly not making this up and it felt like such a powerful sign, because as I'm sure many of you do, I really relate the moon to Michael. I had started that day being very sad but that one sign made my whole day. I really do believe he is right here with us
Ever since Michael went to sleep I've felt this really strong sense that he's watching over everyone who "truly" cared for him.......and that would definitely be us. God needed him right now and he's in a better place.

When I look up at the sky and see beautiful clouds I remember him saying he loved to watch clouds it's a sign he's with us. When I see a star brighter than any others I feel he's with us.

I've always believed nature and Heaven are one. So when the wind blows, the sound of the ocean, the sound of a bird, leaves blowing across the ground, anything like that, it connects us with Michael and Heaven.

I know this sounds kind of silly but it's just the way I feel, especially since Michael went to Heaven and is now watching over us :angel::flowers:
It's not silly at all. To be honest with you, I always feel that way. I feel that he's always right next to me, as silly as it may sound. I believe he's watching after all of us right now and always will be.

Thank you for sharing this. I have always felt connected to nature but your writing it as being connected to heaven is beautiful. xo
Thank you. All of you. It is so comforting to read. I also do have strong feelings that Michael is very much close to those of us who loved him. :)
However comforting this is I still do feel very sad at times, missing him. Selfish maybe? But then I think of his children, and how sad it is that no longer have the physical comfort and guidance of their daddy. :-(
I feel the same way too! I always "look for" Michael, especially at night when the moon and stars are shining. One day a few weeks ago I was walking to school by myself and I started quietly singing I'll be there. It was a cold, dark and very cloudy morning. Just as I reached the first I'll be there (you know, after where there is love), the clouds right ahead of me shifted and suddenly revealed the full moon! I am honestly not making this up and it felt like such a powerful sign, because as I'm sure many of you do, I really relate the moon to Michael. I had started that day being very sad but that one sign made my whole day. I really do believe he is right here with us
Something very similar happened to me last night. I was in my bedroom, listening Will You Be There, I was looking at the sky thinking of Michael and my tears were coming down my cheeks. The speeking part came, my favorite part, that part made me smile but now... he was whispering it in my ear, I felt so connected with him... then the clouds shifted away and the moon appeared, there, so big, so white, so beautiful. I knew it was Michael up there, I know it, and I felt so blessed.
I also relate Michael so much to the moon. Oh Michael... what I would give to hear your voice again. :weeping:
:hug: :weeping:
I feel like this too.

L.O.V.E. to all of us and our angel Michael.
When I finish work and get out of my car after I have driven home I always look at the sky and look for Michael. I know he's there watching over us all.
Always when I hve exams at university I ask Michael to help me.And it works.So I'm sure his in heaven and try to help us.