Michael is Innocent; how do I convince my friends and family?


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2010
Some of my friends and family believe that Michael Jackson was a pedophile. How can I convince them and make them believe that he was innocent?

I know that they will not read pages and pages of information and facts but if I could make a DVD and sit down with them and watch it; I think it could work.

If I download some videos from YouTube and maybe add in some additional information I might actually be able to convince my friends and more importantly, my family. I don't want them to live the rest of their lives thinking that Michael Jackson molested children.

So what I'm asking here is does anyone know any good YouTube videos about Michael's 1993 allegations and the 2005 trial? I know that they will not be bothered to read lots of information so this is why a video would be better.

Thank you in advance. ;)
It's hard if they are not willing to read. I never understood how people can jump to conclusions when they are not willing to learn all the facts. Unfortunately most people do this, that's why the media are able to lead them by the nose.

The facts I would point out for them in the first place:

- In the 2005 case the prosecution's claim was that Michael started to molest Gavin AFTER the Bashir interview aired! That in itself is ridiculous, considering it was because of the interview why the child protection services and Sneddon's office started to investigate. So what they were basically claiming was that Michael started to molest Gavin while all these investigations were going on and while all the world was looking! Yeah, right. The prosecution first set different dates for the molestation (those preceded the Bashir interview), but they changed (!) the dates after it turned out Michael had a strong alibi for that period. Again: what does that tell us?

- You can also show the bad history of the Arvizo family. How they had a history of lying for money and falsely accusing other people (see the JC Penny case).

- For the Arvizo case, this one is a good documentary:





(Unfortunately the last part was taken down by Sony, but that's only about 2 minutes showing fans and Paris at the memorial. I think you can also order this documentary on DVD on Larry Nimmer's website.)

- As for the Chandlers. They never went for a criminal trial, they always wanted a civil trial. The difference is that it's the civil trial where you can get money (but you can't make the defendant to go to jail). It would have been the criminal trial where they could have put Michael jail. They wanted to avoid that badly! In fact, it's in Ray Chandler's book that they were in a hurry to file the civil lawsuit, because they didn't want a criminal trial to precede that. In his book Ray Chandler also says that they wouldn't have sued Michael if he had paid them $20 million dollars in August. I'm not lying! It's right there in his book!

"Had Michael paid the twenty million dollars demanded of him in August, rather than the following January, he might have spent the next ten years as the world’s most famous entertainer, instead of the world’s most infamous child molester.”

It was all about the money! What family of a molested child would want money instead of justice?

This series of articles is a good summary on the Chandler case, but you will have to read. Maybe you should think about how you could make a short but effective summary for your family. Maybe a PowerPoint presentation or something. LOL.




This is a good website for getting info on both cases: http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/

Show them this, it's an audio clip of Evan Chandler talking about his plot to bring Michael down and get all his money basically.

They may end up then saying....well what about the 2nd time he was accused? Then you have to explain to them that if somebody were to want money from Michael again by accusing him of something......well it really doesn't take a genius to decide to accuse him of child molestation again does it? You have more chance winning in a trial if you accuse someone of something they have already been accused of, than if you accused them of something entirely new.

It's not that hard to see through all of this if people are just willing to do a bit of thinking for once, rather than just being told what to think.
Thank you for all your help, both of you. I will download and read this information later and hopefully I can show my friends and family that Michael Jackson was innocent.