Michael is amazing...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Well, the title of this thread is pretty straightforward and simple, but the word amazing is not to be taken lightly here. I've been (for many years) watching his interviews (all of them), listening to his words, felt his music, etc.
Here is what I think.....

No, Michael Jackson is not a god. This is obvious (although I do believe God is in all of us).

But could it be that MJ is the truest, purest, most accurate example of what it means to be human. Human. He is the definition of humanity.

I don't know that there is anyone more 'human' than Michael. And it is so very logical that his amazing character is the target of tabloid junk. Why? Well, very simple - those that work in the tabloid industry are very far from human and it is no surprise that they cannot fathom his pure intentions. Simply put, MJ is TOO GOOD (literally) for them, and I think he is even too good for the general public. Because, on average not many people out there are properly human.

I stop short of saying he is too good for this world - because his character is I guess what the earth intended of its inhabitants. Too bad it didn't turn out that way.
Well it's a shame not everyone takes an example of what it is to be humane and authentic from this man, but I certainly do. Yes he is a genius of the music, the dance, the ultimate entertainer. But through his compassion and giving and perception of the world we can all learn what it is to be human.
i needed to be uplifted this moment and you've surely accomplished that with your post :) thank you. i am very much in agreement with you. Michael is awesome in this aspect. i wish it were not lost on so many, but it always gladdens my heart when those who see it speak on it and speak on how it is revealed to them. there is much people could learn from Michael. i certainly feel that i am one of his students and love the lessons he teaches through his life and work. :wub: very nice thread. :flowers:
I've said the same thing about Michael for a long time now. I've even written some articles on this very subject. If I can find them, I'll post them here.
Well, this is sort of related. It's an article I wrote a while back, and it goes with what you're saying I think.

The Philosophy of Michael Jackson

Recently, I had the opportunity to read a short transcript of a conversation between Michael Jackson and a one time associate of his, Shmuley Boteach. The friendship deteriorated when Boteach was found out to have taken donation money for himself, originally meant for a philanthropic organization then co-founded between the two, “Heal The Kids”. Michael refused to take Boteach’s phone calls or have contact with him afterwards. That in turn led to Boteach’s shift in attitude towards Jackson, at first describing Michael as a beautiful person to then describing him as an ego-driven superstar with a “Messiah Complex”. Boteach uses the following conversation as proof of this theory, but he misses the point of Michael’s words utterly. Or perhaps he merely refuses to acknowledge their true meaning, feeling slighted, thus twisting the content to fit his own agenda.

Shmuley: What if they were like the Nazis, just evil people.

MJ: I can't imagine that I couldn't reach their hearts in some kind of way.

S: So you believe that if you were face to face with Hitler you could...

MJ: Absolutely. Absolutely! He had to have had a lot of yes people around him who were afraid of him.

S: You believe that if you had an hour with Hitler you could somehow touch something inside of him?

MJ: Absolutely. I know I could.

S: With Hitler? Come on. So you don't believe there is anyone who is completely evil and there is no way to touch them. So you don't believe in punishing the wicked because then...

MJ: No I believe you have to help them, give them therapy. You have to teach them, that somewhere something in their life went wrong. They don't see what they do. They don't understand that it is wrong a lot of times.

S: But Michael, there are clearly people who are irredeemable. Like Hitler. He was evil incarnate. There was no humanity there for you to address. You’d be speaking to the abyss, to a darkness like you never before witnessed. What about someone who has killed a lot of people? Don’t you believe that there should be no therapy for them? They are murderers and they need to face extreme punishment.

MJ: I feel horrible about it. I wish somebody could have reached their hearts.

S: What if they have done it already? They’ve already killed their victims.

MJ: If they have done it already, it is wrong.

Michael believes no one is born as evil, that no one is innately so, and within them, no matter how heinous or socially taboo their actions may be or may have been, there lies goodness. His view is an idealistic one, but all the same, one of truth. What Michael feels is, given the chance, given the benefit of another’s open heart, of understanding and an offering of help, everyone, no matter who, is capable of love.

It is not a matter of Michael seeing himself as some kind of savior or god-like figure, it is based on his belief that, if each of us individually would choose to lend our hand, the world we live in, the lives we lead, would be far for the better. He feels able to make a positive change, he feels us all to be capable of this, if only we would look beyond what we are taught to think and to feel.

Michael Jackson is special. He is special because he isn’t afraid to look into the greatest suffering and harshest of situations, or the angriest and most hate filled persons, and find there the good, the beauty. His willingness to expose himself to that, in order to bring some brightness, to improve and make alright, to help, shows an absolute purity and goodness of heart, an unselfish nature and the most grand capacity for acceptance and understanding. In this way, Michael is quintessentially humane, the kind of openness he displays is a testament to the meaning of the word.

What makes Michael’s perception so outstanding, what makes it notable, is his ability to see beyond a things appearance, passed its surface level, straight to the core, to the heart. In doing so, he sees a things essence, what it is underneath the layers of social conditioning, and he thus understands it and takes it in its most pure form, as it is in truth, not as it was made to be by circumstance. Without judgment, without prejudice, lending his trust and the willingness to listen.

We are all capable of it, but most are too afraid and unsure to ever try. We don’t ourselves want to hurt in order to heal, so we turn away, we generalize and label, blaming no one but nature and god, claiming it to be unpreventable, as always having been just as it seems, as is. We refuse to acknowledge that there lies there a depth beyond the exterior, further then what we are taught to see.

Unlike most, Michael has not allowed his outlook to be skewed or dictated by what our social structure has told him, and it is because of this that he allows himself to trust so freely, to accept and to give the benefit of the doubt, because he knows things are not always as they appear, not always what state they were forced in to. What Michael wants is to find what a thing or a person was born as, to touch it, and bring that essence forth. He isn’t scared to put himself in such a compromising position, to lend his heart to those that others would be so quick to cut it off from. As a result, Michael has suffered himself so much, been hurt and abused, betrayed and made to bleed, but it is his persistence in standing by his belief that in all things and people, there is good, even in the face of such utter adversary, that is so incredible, as it confirms so brilliantly just how strong Michael’s convictions in this philosophy are, he lives it, he breaths it, he is it, never having become embittered or filled with hate, never having conceded to defeat, despite tireless efforts from so many to beat those values and views from him. He hasn’t let go or conformed to save himself from the cruelty of others, and that only enforces just how greatly Michael trusts the thought of love in this world. If more of us could understand as he does, could open our minds and our hearts as he does, what a more wonderful life we would lead.

Michael understands this better then anyone I have ever seen.

It is in allowing the beauty in our selves to shine brightly which makes possible the beauty in others to take hold and shine brightly too.
Thank you, IFeelGood, for expressing the exact way I feel about Michael and, Friend, I also feel that I am one of Michaels students. Thank you
Just editing my post cuz Iv just read your post WBSS21.
You are amazing, this is just how Michael is and thats how I try to live my life. I always try very hard to see the best in people, I always try very hard to be positive and find something nice to say to people even if they are being unpleasant. Thank you everyone for your posts, you are all much more articulate than me in expressing the way Michael is, so i'll just say...I concur
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:) waves to fellow student(s). Michael rocks :punk:
I stop short of saying he is too good for this world -
But through his compassion and giving and perception of the world we can all learn what it is to be human.

Love that...:)
Well, this is sort of related. It's an article I wrote a while back, and it goes with what you're saying I think.

The Philosophy of Michael Jackson

Recently, I had the opportunity to read a short transcript of a conversation between Michael Jackson and a one time associate of his, Shmuley Boteach. The friendship deteriorated when Boteach was found out to have taken donation money for himself, originally meant for a philanthropic organization then co-founded between the two, “Heal The Kids”. Michael refused to take Boteach’s phone calls or have contact with him afterwards. That in turn led to Boteach’s shift in attitude towards Jackson, at first describing Michael as a beautiful person to then describing him as an ego-driven superstar with a “Messiah Complex”. Boteach uses the following conversation as proof of this theory, but he misses the point of Michael’s words utterly. Or perhaps he merely refuses to acknowledge their true meaning, feeling slighted, thus twisting the content to fit his own agenda.

Shmuley: What if they were like the Nazis, just evil people.

MJ: I can't imagine that I couldn't reach their hearts in some kind of way.

S: So you believe that if you were face to face with Hitler you could...

MJ: Absolutely. Absolutely! He had to have had a lot of yes people around him who were afraid of him.

S: You believe that if you had an hour with Hitler you could somehow touch something inside of him?

MJ: Absolutely. I know I could.

S: With Hitler? Come on. So you don't believe there is anyone who is completely evil and there is no way to touch them. So you don't believe in punishing the wicked because then...

MJ: No I believe you have to help them, give them therapy. You have to teach them, that somewhere something in their life went wrong. They don't see what they do. They don't understand that it is wrong a lot of times.

S: But Michael, there are clearly people who are irredeemable. Like Hitler. He was evil incarnate. There was no humanity there for you to address. You’d be speaking to the abyss, to a darkness like you never before witnessed. What about someone who has killed a lot of people? Don’t you believe that there should be no therapy for them? They are murderers and they need to face extreme punishment.

MJ: I feel horrible about it. I wish somebody could have reached their hearts.

S: What if they have done it already? They’ve already killed their victims.

MJ: If they have done it already, it is wrong.

Michael believes no one is born as evil, that no one is innately so, and within them, no matter how heinous or socially taboo their actions may be or may have been, there lies goodness. His view is an idealistic one, but all the same, one of truth. What Michael feels is, given the chance, given the benefit of another’s open heart, of understanding and an offering of help, everyone, no matter who, is capable of love.

It is not a matter of Michael seeing himself as some kind of savior or god-like figure, it is based on his belief that, if each of us individually would choose to lend our hand, the world we live in, the lives we lead, would be far for the better. He feels able to make a positive change, he feels us all to be capable of this, if only we would look beyond what we are taught to think and to feel.

Michael Jackson is special. He is special because he isn’t afraid to look into the greatest suffering and harshest of situations, or the angriest and most hate filled persons, and find there the good, the beauty. His willingness to expose himself to that, in order to bring some brightness, to improve and make alright, to help, shows an absolute purity and goodness of heart, an unselfish nature and the most grand capacity for acceptance and understanding. In this way, Michael is quintessentially humane, the kind of openness he displays is a testament to the meaning of the word.

What makes Michael’s perception so outstanding, what makes it notable, is his ability to see beyond a things appearance, passed its surface level, straight to the core, to the heart. In doing so, he sees a things essence, what it is underneath the layers of social conditioning, and he thus understands it and takes it in its most pure form, as it is in truth, not as it was made to be by circumstance. Without judgment, without prejudice, lending his trust and the willingness to listen.

We are all capable of it, but most are too afraid and unsure to ever try. We don’t ourselves want to hurt in order to heal, so we turn away, we generalize and label, blaming no one but nature and god, claiming it to be unpreventable, as always having been just as it seems, as is. We refuse to acknowledge that there lies there a depth beyond the exterior, further then what we are taught to see.

Unlike most, Michael has not allowed his outlook to be skewed or dictated by what our social structure has told him, and it is because of this that he allows himself to trust so freely, to accept and to give the benefit of the doubt, because he knows things are not always as they appear, not always what state they were forced in to. What Michael wants is to find what a thing or a person was born as, to touch it, and bring that essence forth. He isn’t scared to put himself in such a compromising position, to lend his heart to those that others would be so quick to cut it off from. As a result, Michael has suffered himself so much, been hurt and abused, betrayed and made to bleed, but it is his persistence in standing by his belief that in all things and people, there is good, even in the face of such utter adversary, that is so incredible, as it confirms so brilliantly just how strong Michael’s convictions in this philosophy are, he lives it, he breaths it, he is it, never having become embittered or filled with hate, never having conceded to defeat, despite tireless efforts from so many to beat those values and views from him. He hasn’t let go or conformed to save himself from the cruelty of others, and that only enforces just how greatly Michael trusts the thought of love in this world. If more of us could understand as he does, could open our minds and our hearts as he does, what a more wonderful life we would lead.

Michael understands this better then anyone I have ever seen.

It is in allowing the beauty in our selves to shine brightly which makes possible the beauty in others to take hold and shine brightly too.

Ummmm, AMEN!!!

I've often thought, too, you know, "if only" someone could have reached their heart. If only that person would even ALLOW someone to reach heart without getting killed before they could do it. Now, Hitler we know did a lot of heinous acts. He was a murderer flat out. However, Hitler was also an extremely bitter and jealous man. He also idolized Darwin, and probably Marx as well. His thought process was all wrong, his heart not in the right place. Did anyone ever try to reach that man's heart and soul and try to heal his bitterness, jealousy, pride, ignorance, etc.? Same goes with anyone else. How can a person who has utterly lost their way get on the right path? It takes someone ELSE to guide them, to point them in the right direction, show that person they care about THEM, not what they have DONE. You can hate the sin, but love the sinner. So often that is hard to do and get beyond the act. Michael, fortunately, has that ability and is confident in it. He has softened a LOT of hearts. It's okay for him to be angry at the situations he constantly finds himself in. But have you ever noticed how quiet he is abut it? More often, he will avoid a person, and avoid a fight. Then he will let the justice system take care of any legal disputes and move on with his life. That quietness, though annoying to many who are mad at him, is just his way of saying, I still care, even when things go wrong, I still care. He won't really badmouth people, at least not publically. He won't give them the satisfaction of getting a rise out of him, which is what they want. It's quiet strength, love, etc. And it's a way to get through to people's hearts.
the op's original post is right on point. a point that is so easy to blow out of proportion.

let's face it..the easiest thing to do, after being exposed to this cruel world, is to become cruel. that's why the phrase 'nice guys/girls finish last' came to be.

and so..if you attempt to be the meant to be definition of 'human'..all the sharks naturally come at you to change you into another shark...or..they attempt to do that...or destroy you in the process.

the fact is, that all the elements are in place to be the true definition of 'human'. it's simply up to each of us to meet with those elements. and..if we don't..we have no right to abuse the one or ones who met those elements. they're inside all of us..so..it's up to us to seek them and implement them.

MJ is successful at it. face it. all the sharks that are after him, bear witness.

yes...Michael is legitimacy to the word 'amazing'.
the op's original post is right on point. a point that is so easy to blow out of proportion.

let's face it..the easiest thing to do, after being exposed to this cruel world, is to become cruel. that's why the phrase 'nice guys/girls finish last' came to be.

and so..if you attempt to be the meant to be definition of 'human'..all the sharks naturally come at you to change you into another shark...or..they attempt to do that...or destroy you in the process.

the fact is, that all the elements are in place to be the true definition of 'human'. it's simply up to each of us to meet with those elements. and..if we don't..we have no right to abuse the one or ones who met those elements. they're inside all of us..so..it's up to us to seek them and implement them.

MJ is successful at it. face it. all the sharks that are after him, bear witness.

yes...Michael is legitimacy to the word 'amazing'.
You read my mind. You said the things that was going through my mind soon as I saw the title of this thread. There can be skeptical folks who easily think, "Oh people like MJ, so successful to that level in their own fields, cannot be good-hearted cuz it takes evil spirit to become successful in this world." IMO, they've lost belief in goodness in human being in general and probably find few examples in their lives to maintain and revive the belief. Well, in my case, thankfully, I've met several truly caring, considerate people and they're all my inspirations. So, I think of MJ as the same case.

Even when I was not a fan, I thought he's one of those good-hearted people in our daily lives. That gave me sort of an inner shield that prevented me from believing what the media and hardcore haters say. Now that I'm a fan and getting to know more about him, I believe that more strongly but not to the level that makes me a blind worshipper.
for me Michael is awesome , he is not God but he do believe in that's why he is powerful and more energy in now adays since generation ,he was is and will be always the best.
I grew up with Mike, can't imagine how it would have been without his music!
Yep, I think MJ is more than amazing! No words in the English language could properly descibe him. I guess I am Speechless.:wub:
Yep, I think MJ is more than amazing! No words in the English language could properly descibe him. I guess I am Speechless.:wub:

A new word has to be inventet to describe him.

oh boy ...... he means every thing to me ... i love every little thing about him...he's my life ...everything ...


he's an angel ...
oh boy ...... he means every thing to me ... i love every little thing about him...he's my life ...everything ...


he's an angel ...

this is so cute I love it! :flowers:

The person that Michael is moves me. Hes so kind, loving, and gentle. and it seems the depth of his empathy is to such a level most arnt blessed enough to come close to.

Michael has discovered and knows very well one truth: if you feel like no one cares, and you want happieness again, care for someone else, and youll get it...it feels good to give.

his faith in the LORD is moving as well...I cant remember who but there was someone who said she felt like she met a saint or something when she met him. And i do think Michael could be glorified as a saint in Heaven...because to be a saint is to know what its like to be truly human. Mother Theresa I think will be a Cannonized Saint, because she always saw GOD and good in everyone..I think Michael tries to do the same thing. To be human is to worship and love GOD and one another. its really that simple. ;)

Well, the title of this thread is pretty straightforward and simple, but the word amazing is not to be taken lightly here. I've been (for many years) watching his interviews (all of them), listening to his words, felt his music, etc.
Here is what I think.....

No, Michael Jackson is not a god. This is obvious (although I do believe God is in all of us).

But could it be that MJ is the truest, purest, most accurate example of what it means to be human. Human. He is the definition of humanity.

I don't know that there is anyone more 'human' than Michael. And it is so very logical that his amazing character is the target of tabloid junk. Why? Well, very simple - those that work in the tabloid industry are very far from human and it is no surprise that they cannot fathom his pure intentions. Simply put, MJ is TOO GOOD (literally) for them, and I think he is even too good for the general public. Because, on average not many people out there are properly human.

I stop short of saying he is too good for this world - because his character is I guess what the earth intended of its inhabitants. Too bad it didn't turn out that way.
Well it's a shame not everyone takes an example of what it is to be humane and authentic from this man, but I certainly do. Yes he is a genius of the music, the dance, the ultimate entertainer. But through his compassion and giving and perception of the world we can all learn what it is to be human.

Good post! :clapping:
People can't stand the fact that the man is just so good and they want to bring him down all the time to prove he can break, which he never will. It's a very sad world we live in. I wish we had a lot more people like Michael in it to do good.
once during the trial i was talking to a friend and exclaimed something "can't they see he's innocent? it's just so obvious!" and my friend said "well peple don't believe in goodness anymore" may be true

as for Michael being an example of humanity - when they ask me about him at work or anywhere - i say exactly that - the example of humanity. and people don't understand