Michael Is alive inside each of us.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dont post alot here but I had to post this.
I was sittin in my mothers car listening to Better on the other side on my ipod watchin the sky through the window feeling sad but suddenly in the clouds I saw and maybe its sounds silly but I saw Michael in a cloud form and i felt such a calmness and suddenly I felt such a relief and kind of happyness so in that sence Michael is alive and will always be...

Has anyone had a experience like this:?
Re: Michael Is alive.

He's alive in spirit form! :yes: Many fans have sensed what you're describing.
Re: Michael Is alive.

yea he is i feel it,i felt him about 3 or 4days after tragedy struck
Re: Michael Is alive.

u know whats sad. when i saw the title i actually thought it was true for a second then it hit me again
Re: Michael Is alive.

his love is alive ... his message of hope is also. it is up to us to keep that alive :flowers:
Re: Michael Is alive.

misleading title. sorry but some fans are still fragile
Re: Michael Is alive.

Michael always said he wanted to live forever and in a way he will
Re: Michael Is alive.

He's alive in spirit form! :yes: Many fans have sensed what you're describing.

Okay, because I thought I was losing it. Seriously. When his daughter was speaking, I was crying and then after she said I love him so much, a calm serene feeling came over me. I really did not know what to make of it.
Re: Michael Is alive.

Mera, I think I understand what you're feeling/saying. I too felt that, but for me, I interpreted it as a wanting to sooth her....like, be there for her. Almost as if to say, the hard part is over, now let the healing begin.

And you know something, we still all can, in fact be there for all of the childern and Jackson family. Whatever you do, wherever you go, let the world know that you're a Michael Jackson supporter. His legacy with live on, but just as MJJChiChi said, his love with also live forever. Lets pass our love on to his childern. They have great family around them, I think we shoudl extend it. Live, laugh and love.
Re: Michael Is alive.

Okay, because I thought I was losing it. Seriously. When his daughter was speaking, I was crying and then after she said I love him so much, a calm serene feeling came over me. I really did not know what to make of it.
Over the many years I've studied these phenomena (since I've lost my father a few years ago) the calm and serene feelings that come out of nowhere when you're drowning in grief are coming from your own spirit guides/guardian angels who are enveloping you with love and confort: their message is simple "you shouldn't worry, everything's gonna be all right".
Re: Michael Is alive.

Okay, because I thought I was losing it. Seriously. When his daughter was speaking, I was crying and then after she said I love him so much, a calm serene feeling came over me. I really did not know what to make of it.

Same here!
Re: Michael Is alive.

Michael told Bashir that he wanted to live forever. I believe he is living forever.....in heaven with God.
Re: Michael Is alive.

Michael's spirit lives on and his music will live on in our hearts forever.
Re: Michael Is alive.

Mera, I think I understand what you're feeling/saying. I too felt that, but for me, I

interpreted it as a wanting to sooth her....like, be there for her. Almost as if to say, the hard part is over, now let

the healing begin.

And you know something, we still all can, in fact be there for all of the childern and Jackson family. Whatever you

do, wherever you go, let the world know that you're a Michael Jackson supporter. His legacy with live on, but just

as MJJChiChi said, his love with also live forever. Lets pass our love on to his childern. They have great family

around them, I think we shoudl extend it. Live, laugh and love.

Over the many years I've studied these phenomena (since I've lost my father a few

years ago) the calm and serene feelings that come out of nowhere when you're drowning in grief are coming

from your own spirit guides/guardian angels who are enveloping you with love and confort: their message is

simple "you shouldn't worry, everything's gonna be all right".

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand what I am feeling, it helps when others can give their perspective.

Maybe that is part of what I felt, I'm still not sure. Very nice words. Thank you both.

Same here!

I feel better knowing that. :)

Michael told Bashir that he wanted to live forever. I believe he is living

forever.....in heaven with God.

This got me choked up. :cry:

Michael's spirit lives on and his music will live on in our hearts forever.

Very true. :yes:
If we say the things he said and do the things he did, Michael will never truly leave us.
I dont post alot here but I had to post this.
I was sittin in my mothers car listening to Better on the other side on my ipod watchin the sky through the window feeling sad but suddenly in the clouds I saw and maybe its sounds silly but I saw Michael in a cloud form and i felt such a calmness and suddenly I felt such a relief and kind of happyness so in that sence Michael is alive and will always be...

Has anyone had a experience like this:?

When i read it i decided to sign up because a friend of one of my friends had a similar paramormal experience!! And it happened at the same time MJ deceased!!!

We live in Turkey. So when he was gone, it was about midnight in our local time. When Michael has passed away, a friend of our friend saw the coulds turning into Michael's silhouette. That guy who saw it is reported to not be a big Michael fan so he didn't think that it could be Michael. He was just scared to see a cloud in the form of a long haired man. He was so scared that he thought a disaster would happen like earthquake or something and that's the sign for it. It's happened by the time of Michael's decease, polar coordinates are about 27 E 15 and 37 N 25. Then a while after he received a sms message from my friend telling him that Michael Jackson has passed away. So he told him what happened in the sky and said "That means it was Michael Jackson what i saw."

And remember about the "ghost" photo on a car reported in the press as clouds were shaped like a winged Michael Jackson... Now i always take a better look at the clouds.
A few people have now mentioned the clouds...

I think he is watching over us, I've had strong feelings that is the case...

Me too...

The week after he died, in the midst of my grief and devastation, I couldn't help but notice how incredibly beautiful the skies and clouds were. I would look up and feel peace and love. And as cliche as it may sound, at that time, for the first time, I truely believed in god, and felt Michael's presence. And everytime I look up I feel all the things that he stood for, peace and love.