Michael In The Boxing Ring


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My Dad was watching Boxing on Showtime tonight around 11:30 Indiana time, and I noticed a familiar figure square in the middle of the floor of the ring!

Michael Jackson!

They had painted on or put decals of Michael and some of his lyrics on the floor of the ring!

On the side it said 'Don King pays tribute to Michael Jackson. 1958-2009' then on the sides it said 'MAKE A CHANGE'. Right underneath the picture of him it said 'We ARE THE World!'

The picture was exactly like the tattoo that is on thrillerchild's leg. LOL He has on the Smooth Criminal costume and his arms are in the air and his legs are crossed.

This made me smile so much, I wanted to share it with you all!!
Nice of Don King. He was promoter for MJ during the BAD tour wasn't he? - Or was it Victory tour?
Nice of Don King. He was promoter for MJ during the BAD tour wasn't he? - Or was it Victory tour?

it was the victory tour :yes:

i love these kinda things, when i went to turkey one night club had a huge michael poster on the balconies to pay tribute to him, it was really beautiful :)