michael in bollywood awards(u hv to see it)

Oh my, how cute was that! Errr VERY, thats what i say! hehe. Hes co beautiful, and when he says "This is such a long speech>" in a shy sorta voice, adorable!! Love hearing his speeches, so humble aswell. Thanks for sharing i hadnt seen this before.

Oh Michael, i love you and miss you so so much. You beautiful man!! x x x
Aww, I had never seen this before either. It makes me smile because he's so sweet and cute but also cry because he's gone now. :(
That was so cute how he smiled and was shy like he always was in those type of situations. So funny how he said it was the longest speech with a little laugh. :wub:
It was in 2000 apparently. I've watched it more than once. Just out of pleasure tbh. He was such a humble young man.

The material on the cloth is irritating him though. I guess it must be quite itchy. His face looks FLAWLESS though.
He is (refuse to say was!! :() such a wonderful humanbeing! He is the world to me.
Awesome video. The speech from that man was amazing, what he said. It's so true. And when he said he was only doing his duty, so it's kinda weird to receive a award for that...can you get any more humble? No way you can. Very nice. Hadn't seen this before.
wow! thanks for posting this.... gawd he is so hot...

but seriously, a wonderful, thoughtful, generous, and intelligent man michael was... how was it ever ok for this society to treat him so bad???
Whether he sang or talked, that voice of his was always captivating. Not only that, but all his speeches had a purpose. Why can't celebrities nowadays follow after his footsteps??
aww, mike! so adorable. and it's good to see him in a traditional Manish Malhotra kurta! he looks awesome :wub:

*favorites video* thank you :)
OMG... thank you so much....that was absolutely beautiful...Michael is so shy..:yes:.....He really was such a beautiful humble soul......I will miss you always Michael.
Could someone download this from youtube and upload it to megaupload? Pleeeease...? :)
Wow, thanks for both links of this clip :) While watching it I was thinking "How can I have never seen this before???"
Aw thanks for posting! I love his nervous giggle thing he does. :wub: Adorable. His way of speaking is so inspirational. There will never be another like Michael.
Wow, thanks for both links of this clip :) While watching it I was thinking "How can I have never seen this before???"

lol i know! whenever i am browsing michael on youtube i think that. so much unseen stuff. oh michael come back :cry: