Michael, I want him back so bad


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Michael's passing hurts so much it hurts so much to think about what happened to him, while I'm at class things are alright I'm busy and dont have to think about what happened to him tha the is no more. but during the breaks and especially when I'm hope its just killing me. At first I thought time would heal the wounds but it doesn't after 10 months I can say time doesn't do ish for me. It does absolutely nothing. I want Michael back I dont know how but he he should be back. He should be here to live his life with his children not to entertainmen me
I don't care about all the he's in a better place talk im a selfish person I want him back here on this earth. thinking about him not being here anymore physically makes me vomit. I just want Michael Michael Michael
A girl i know just lost her grandma and was fine 3 days after her funeral i don't understand how can u get over stuff like that so fast i dont get it it's been 10 months with him and im still not over it, when my grandpa died i cried more than my mother did. idk im like this i want michale back for my own sanity im a selfish person i want him back back back
All I think about is michael i want him back i dont want him to be dead it hurts so much to know he isn't here anymore i wish i was living on a deserted island not knowing what happened in June last year.
twinklEE, I feel the same way. I would give absolutely anything to have him back. I miss him so much, and the pain from missing him has only gotten worse. I miss him more now than I did last year it seems. It makes me so angry that Michael had to deal with so much BS while he was alive, and then to have his life taken away from him like that. The fact that this had to happen to him breaks my heart. I don't care about any new music from him, I don't care about tours, all I care about is Michael. If he could somehow come back, even if that meant never working or making new music ever again, I would still want him back. Just to know that he is with his children, and that he is alive and well would be enough for me.
:hug:.....I know how you feel Twinkee...It hasn't been easy....I think its because Michael died so young and his life was taken from him. Its not the natural order of things for people to be taken away at the age of 50 especially the way Michael passed...I think what makes it even harder is the fact that we just dont know if we will EVER see justice for Michael. It is just not fair that his children have to grow up without a father..

I was thinking about this last night...Michael's childhood was stolen from him...now HIS childrens childhoods have been stolen from them.....I know Michael would of given anything for history not to repeat itself..but it did...of course they are two different ways but none the less it happened...its just so sad.
We're all in t he same boat. I cant believe this is our life now, talking about post-Michael. Its still very strange.
yeah..well, the scary thing about all this is there still are naysayers out there, continuously killing him again and again and again. and some of them come on this site. and what's worse, they don't think they're doing it. and i'm one of the ones that is feeling it. and the resulting emotions from the combination of how he was negatively treated before June 25, how he died, and what's going on, afterwards makes me one of the ones they like to target the most. and they act like they don't understand why it's like this. and it feels like they are doing it all on purpose. and it feels like they don't want to understand that, either. and it feels like there is nothing i can do about it. it makes me wonder how it would be if he did come back. would it matter that they knew he died?
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Yep we all so totally agree with you. :(
I sometimes feel guilty for wishing him back though:doh:
My reasons for wishing him back are 3.
MJ's 3 children.
BUT and this is a big but...............Michael is now in a place where the media can no longer hurt him.
MJ was a strong man. Rhino skin as he put it, but still human and he hurt.:(
What we can do now is defend his name and his legacy, let that give you energy, to love him and honour his name always.
We are in this together.:angel:

I feel your pain. It makes me ill thinking about him dead. I can't believe it still... It depresses me. Ive never mourned so much before. I just want things to go back as they were before June 25th :cry:
I guess we're all feeling this pain :cry: Today it's been 10 months since June... Still so surreal sounds to me "since Michael Jackson's death". I am not sure if I'll ever be able to get over it. Even when for 2 days I think, it's ok now, He's watching over us and maybe He's even closer to every one of us right now... It's just one second and it's all coming back and I don't want Him to be so close, I just want Him to be alive! During last 10 months I look almost all the time like this smiley in you siggy, twinklEE, almost all the time with tear in my eyes... :( I can't tell it'll be easier with every day, 'cause it isn't... I can only say, I'm totally with you. I feel your pain, I share your tears. I really do. :hug: