Michael I still wanna make you proud of me


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Dear Michael,

Everything's just been a head rush over the past two months. I don't really know where to start.

My dad isn't getting much better :( After a major stroke 20 years ago he's been disabled. He is paralised completely down his left hand side and has had a number of minor ones since. Over the years it's been ok but nothing has improved and it's having knock on affects to him and everyone around him. He's had a heart attack and surgery to clear up a clogged artery. He's now 69 Michael. Because of his limited mobility his weight has become an issue as well as troublesome legs :( My mum, god bless her, is trying her best to cope with the full time care but with our crowded house (brother and his family are here because of money troubles) there's always something going on and she never gets much rest. So she's gradually become dependant on anti-depressants and as a result has high blood pressure. It's a terrible burden but she still does it.

I've helped out the best i can ever since it all started (when I was 6) but I've had my own problems to deal with too (Bullying, Psoriasis & an mugging) so it's been tough on all of us. For me it all came to a head when my parents went through bankruptcy proceedings. They were constantly hounded by stores asking for payment and the bank as well. It got to everyone and I used to scratch myself to pieces and sank really low...but you kept me going Michael :cry: You kept me... :cry: ...going strong with your messages of hope and that made me decide that I wanted to help even more.

I've been doing fundraising since 2004 participating in various bike rides each year since up and down the country. I've raised money for The British Heart Foundation (in my dad's honour), Cancer Research UK, CLIC Sargeant & The Stroke Association (again for my dad). But in two weeks I embark on my hardest bike ride yet. I'll be cycling from Greenwich in east London all the way to Canterbury in Kent. It's gonna be 63 miles Mike! But what makes it even more special Michael is that it's one I'm doing in your honour :cry: I wanna make you proud of me man!! :cry: I want to carry on your great work. It's for The Children's Trust and I will do it for them. These children need all the love and care that you provided to so many children all over the world in the past and I aim to raise as much money as I can for it! You will keep me going all day! :cry: You will be my inspiration for continuing throughout the entire ride. No matter if i'm struggling I'll just think of you and especially the kids :cry: DAMN I MISS YOU MICHAEL!!! :cry:

Michael you may no longer be here,
but we feel you every single day and more,
I always pray to see you once again,
but it makes my heart so sore. :cry:

Love you more


:cry: :cry:
Stephen!!!! This is beautifull!!!!
You are right we most keep on his work!
Thank you so much!!!
This made me cry Stephen. Really beautiful. You are so wonderful and great and I know Michael is proud of you and is shining through your heart. I'm so sorry for your troubles at the moment. If you need me I'm here. Please PM me or any of us.

Let's keep Michael's legacy going

Sweetheart I cared for and nursed my own mum when she needed me most.........and I grieved for her b4 she died what will be 10 yrs this Dec 20th :-(
Bless u darlin................hugs to u I so totallly feel and understand ur pain. :-(
Cos I been there! :-(
Heart-wrenching I can imagine what your mum and you are going through, it is really hard to get not sick himself. Caring for sick people is rough physical und psychical
I'm in tears reading this. I have a lot of crap going on too and Michael has helped me so much over the last couple of years. Stephen, you are an inspiration and I know without a shadow of a doubt that Michael is so, so proud of you, and that he loves you very much. Stay strong sweet. (((Stephen)))