Michael, I love you


Proud Member
Mar 11, 2009
Why is it so hard for me to understand? While everyone is saying RIP and stuff, I don't even want to write it, it feels so wrong, I just can't say goodbye :(

Michael, I love you so much and missing you so so much! You mean so much to me and today is a day... again... where everything just feels empty.

I know, we all have to die one day.. but .. I'm still so far away from understanding!

I'm not only hurted that Michael, who is such a good hearted person, so full with warmth and sympathy for all human beings, left us, I'm also so sad that I never had the chance to say "I love you" in person. Though I've been a fan so long, I've never seen him. I never had the chance but I wanted to change everything in July and show Michael my undying love and support.

I try to tell myself (and others) that he is still with us that he smiling from above and feels all the love we have for him, but sometimes, days like these, it's so hard to believe my own words.

That's it ... I just needed to write what I'm feeling right now...

Michael, I'll always love you
I think it belongs to the "Why" section. Could someone please move it there. thank you!
Saw it too late
:cry: I feel the same. I have NEVER seen him in my entire life. All was going to change in July when he'd be in England and I'd be going to see him. It's not fair.. now I will never see him! :/

i understand you since i'm same as you...
yep...the truth always be so hard to believe in,
if i have one more chance, i want Michael come back and live with us again...in real
um...but now, i still believe that he was alive with us too, he just changed his living place, but he still lived in somewhere in the sky and looked at us too~~
i've never seen Michael before, and now, i didn't have chance to see him... Just saw him in my dream only>
Big {Hugs} to you all.
It's very hard to understand that you will never have a chance anymore to meet him. But you can always say to him that you love him, he will hear it, I'm really sure he does.