Michael had an accent?

Woman in the Mirror

Proud Member
Nov 22, 2011
São Paulo
I always wonder if he had an accent because I think he had his own way of pronounce certain words. :clap:
What do you guys think?
My first language is not English, so it's more difficult to me to spot accents, but I noticed a couple of things as well. For example how he tended to say "sometime" instead of "sometimes". It's also cute how he says "genuine" here at 1:05:

English isn't my first language either so I might be wrong here, but to me it sounds like he sometimes doesn't pronounce the D at all :D Especially in words like 'world' and 'childhood'.. it's cute :)
^ yes! Thats the one. So cute! The anything one is almost like 'inithing' cuteness overload!
:) Oh yeah that's right Lil "worl " I love it

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Aah :wild: those videos are so CUTE! At 1:13 in that second video he's like 'I'm so emberrassed' (or imberrassed hehe) :wub:.. Sorry I just had to be all girly and swoon over that :D
I also love when he says, 'It's just a plug...It's just a plug'...in Moonwalker...The way he over-pronounces the L in 'plug'...It's so cute lol
I just love his mid-western american accent - if that's what you call it. He could read teh telephone directory,and i'd be happy, he had a really lovely speaking voice.
Bumping this thread because I feel the subject is very interesting. Would love to hear more if anyone has anything to share!
Bumping this thread because I feel the subject is very interesting. Would love to hear more if anyone has anything to share!
This is a fantastic bump @Agonum his accent was key to me. mid west accent omg twang i go nuts
"i wanna ashk you something " oh dont , youll start me off good and proper 😆
i hate posting that old c!nt but it has alot of Michael talking, the pausing and the "Well, " perfect example.
"tchinking ""fheel "thiing" thats another one i love. It is a shame we cant write accents you know? @Agonum
i hate posting that old c!nt but it has alot of Michael talking, the pausing and the "Well, " perfect example.
"tchinking ""fheel "thiing" thats another one i love. It is a shame we cant write accents you know? @Agonum
You can get pretty darn close with IPA.
thats real right? never heard it got shocked out my seat lol @Agonum
It must be real. I never questioned the authenticity when listening to it. Appears to be from an answering machine. But how did it wind up on Youtube? 🤔