Michael had a son who died??

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I dont think anyone will know the answer to this, and I dont think there will be any positive outcome in speculation.
I'm afraid you have been reading B***S**T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like Michael said when he was alive...."Don't believe! Don't Trust It!! It's Garbage" (something along those lines)!!!
well ...I do remember hearing that Debbie miscarried their first child...but...do we know how far along she was in her pregnancy?...I ask because...she may of been far enough along to tell that the baby was a boy.....by no means am I saying this story posted is true...I am just throwing this question out there.
why does it matter now? Prince,Paris and Blanket are his kids. I know it sounds heartless but sometimes you cant help what happens to the baby. Sometimes things go wrong you cant foresee. Prince and Paris both were born with minor problems its nothing i dont think debbie could have helped. It probably hurt Michael but he has 3 beautiful children all 3 carry on his name.
why does it matter now? Prince,Paris and Blanket are his kids. I know it sounds heartless but sometimes you cant help what happens to the baby. Sometimes things go wrong you cant foresee. Prince and Paris both were born with minor problems its nothing i dont think debbie could have helped. It probably hurt Michael but he has 3 beautiful children all 3 carry on his name.

The OP was just asking a question.this has nothing to do with his othr children. the OP said nothing bad, just a simple question.
why does it matter now? Prince,Paris and Blanket are his kids. I know it sounds heartless but sometimes you cant help what happens to the baby. Sometimes things go wrong you cant foresee. Prince and Paris both were born with minor problems its nothing i dont think debbie could have helped. It probably hurt Michael but he has 3 beautiful children all 3 carry on his name.

I agree with you in this post...however..I am sure both Michael nor Debbie ever forgot that first child....I am not going to say another word about this because I feel as though I am invading on something that is none of my business.....
I agree with you in this post...however..I am sure both Michael nor Debbie ever forgot that first child....I am not going to say another word about this because I feel as though I am invading on something that is none of my business.....

I agree!
When and where do people remember hearing that Debbie miscarried?
I remember she gave a interview some of which was shown for Take 2 while some it wasn't. ET had some of the footage where she mentioned a miscarriage and that Michael helped her through it.

I only saw the preview of it. The next day they had shown the whole thing but I missed it. There are others here who saw it.
She miscarried a baby but, it was early, Michael was married to LMP still.
When and where do people remember hearing that Debbie miscarried?
it was reported on near or around the time but was never offically confirmed until debbie spoke about it in an interview done for take two.good example of chinese whispers. she was a few months pregnant at the most when she miscarried. mj speratated from lisa in december so debbie getting pregnant happened around the same time
Separation and divorce are two different things. Until you have those final divorce papers in your hands, you are husband and wife legally.
not sure what your point is.everyone knows the difference between a seperation and divorce.mj was offically seperated from lisa when debbie had a miscarriage.when the marriage to lisa was over mj took up debbie on her previous offer to give him a kid seeing as lisa refused
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To plenty of people, a child in womb is still a child and there for, a miscarriage would be losing a child. But yes, Debbi did have a miscarriage before they got pregnant with Prince and she said they were both devastated by it.
I dont think, Michael never talked about that , don't belive whatever you read
I dont want to offend any posters here... but in my humble opinion, I dont think its a subject that should be discussed and certainly not speculated. even if the sources are reliable, the loss of a child is very personal and painful and a subject which should be treated with respect.
Whether this is true or not this will not be open for discussion. It is a very personal matter indeed.
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