Michael got me an A* in English


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
I got my mark back for an English speaking assessment and I got an A* (I usually get low A grades or B grades in speaking)! And it's all thanks to Michael!

We had to do a speech on what we put into Room 101 and I chose 'Tabloids & Sensationalism'. We had to think of what we hated the most and it took me ages to think of something that I could say a lot about. Then it just hit me to talk about the damn tabloids. This past year I've learnt so much about Michael and his messages that it just made sense to do this (and in the process, try to make my friends see sense :lol:)

Have you guys ever done anything about/because of Michael and gotten good grades?
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No, but I remember doing a book report on LaToya's book and it got me a B. Go figure.
Well done :D!! I can imagine you'd know a lot about that as an mj fan. We learn so much through Michael :lol:
That's really awesome you gotten an A. I never gotten a grade because of Michael. But I do remember back in 1999 during my senior year in high school. I was in health class and we were learning about relationships. So we had a mock wedding and a mock wedding reception. Well I was really not liking the music that this one kid was playing for the reception. So I went over to him and ask him if he could play one of my cds. He said sure go get it. So I went over to my desk where my book bag was. And pull out my Blood On The Dance Floor cd. Which I thought it was so perfect to play. So I gave him the cd to play. And told him to play the first 2 songs. So he did and all of the kids were saying how awesome this cd was. And this was coming from kids who hated Michael Jackson. In fact I was the only Michael Jackson fan in a school full of haters. But yet this one class room all was loving that cd. And they ask the kid that was playing that cd if that was his. And he said no its Jenn's. So they went over to me and told me what an awesome cd it is and I just smile and said I know. Why do you think I love Michael Jackson? Because he is awesome. Those kids never did apologized to me for all the nasty comments and jokes they made about Michael. But I did got them to see how awesome his music really is.

I never did anything that had to do with Michael that got me a good grade. I guess because I was always in Special Education classes. Because of my learning disability.
I got into film school because of Michael =) wrote an essay about how much he inspired me. also made a video presentation. and the rest is HIStory =)
Aww wow that's awesome! Great job! There is a freshman at my school writing her research paper about Michael. I wished her luck on it.

My class was working on epitaphs at the beginning of the year and I actually wrote mine for Michael. We could pick anybody we wanted to write for, a relative, celebrity, etc. I put my heart into writing Michael's and my teacher handed it back to me saying how beautiful and true it was. I got a 100 on it. :) Mind you, my teacher grades VERY hard and is very strict...
I have it hanging on my wall. :)
Michael got me a 10+ (like an A+) in Dutch lesson. We had to write an ABC about something like animals, countries etc. But I was like ohh that's boring (coz everyone had a subject like that) and back then I was really into reading everything I could find about Michael. So I was like wouldn't it be great to just combine the 2. So I asked the teacher if I could do an ABC of Michael and she was like huh? Are you sure you can do that? Well I finished it 3 weeks to early and I really couldn't wait till Dutch class so I could read my MJ books again. :lol:

The teacher was so amazed she gave me a 10+ without even reading it all. But she loved what she did read. I suspect she liked MJ a lot aswell coz everytime MJ was on the radio she put it a bit louder.. for me she said but I dunno.. :lol:
Awesome stories. Last semester in college, I wrote one of my French essays on Michael. I think I got an A or B on it. :D
Well done! I teach English outside of school hours (tuition) and I know how how tough A*s are to come by!
That's great!

I've also written two essays about Michael, in English and my mother language, and both times I got the highest grade I'd ever gotten.

It really helps to write about something that you know and like.
Yes, 8 years ago when I was in highschool. As part of my final for my dance class, we had to choreograph a small dance number and I included Michael's Thriller part in my number and got an A. :)
I am a fan of MJ when postmortem. (This is it)When English is being studied, is it easiness because I who becomes [de] nature want to learn the meaning of lyrics of MJ now by the Japanese?It is easy ..[de].. to understand
Just last week for one of my college classes we had to write about someone we knew or someone famous that went through various obstacles and still achieved their goals. It was just a small little participation assignment (i take classes online) but I immediately thought and wrote about Michael. I discussed how his life is "the ultimate story of pain and victory".

Speaking of playing music at school, during my senior year of high school (two years ago), for the week of Halloween they played "Halloween themed" songs. So for days and days I waited to hear Thriller...nothing. I finally approached and offered my copy of Thriller 25 just to hear it. Sure enough, she played it and people were singing and dancing all throughout the school :D.

Also in one class, I would often have this one substitute teacher whom was roughly 80 years old. She absolutely loved Michael so just about every time I had her I convinced her to play some of my MJ cds during class. She would say "me and my daughter just love him.". Her daughter was mentally handicapped and we played it when she came to our class on the last day of school.

I made so many "anti-MJ" people into fans that year. People are so quick to mock him, yet when they actually bother to listen most end up loving him and his music. It really is amazing.
My art exam which starts next week is ALL about Michael