Michael finally laid to rest - he deserves peace


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia
I am just begging everyone to please, please don't give the meda what they want, don't invade the family and their privacy. Put yourself in their shoes. Don't pay attention to any of these "live coverages" and "snap shots"

I am disgusted by the media being there, trying to capture the tear from a child, the heartbreak of a mother, and the pain of everyone close to Michael. He would be disgusted himself. It's horrible.

I want to distance myself and remember Michael in my own way, in a few hours, he'll be finally at peace, and I want to respect the privacy of both him, and his loved ones.

Please do the same, please don't invade their privacy and watch and follow all these "news" threads on tv, the internet. It's so awful.

I can't believe this is becoming so final. But I am glad he will finally have a peaceful resting place.

Farewell sweet Michael :(
I won't be staying up to read/watch anything. Saying my prayers and going to bed. Let the family have their privacy.
I really feel bad as well, but understand - MICHAEL's FAMILY is the one who alerted the media.

They are doing an A&E special that only got renewed to focus on grieving their famous brother's death.

It's sick and morbid that Jackson Inc. Family are capitalizing of off this.

They are even running a live video stream from the arrivals INSIDE where the service will be.

So what do you think? That the media is sneaking in to do this? It's a LIE.

I am just begging everyone to please, please don't give the meda what they want, don't invade the family and their privacy. Put yourself in their shoes. Don't pay attention to any of these "live coverages" and "snap shots"

I am disgusted by the media being there, trying to capture the tear from a child, the heartbreak of a mother, and the pain of everyone close to Michael. He would be disgusted himself. It's horrible.

I want to distance myself and remember Michael in my own way, in a few hours, he'll be finally at peace, and I want to respect the privacy of both him, and his loved ones.

Please do the same, please don't invade their privacy and watch and follow all these "news" threads on tv, the internet. It's so awful.

I can't believe this is becoming so final. But I am glad he will finally have a peaceful resting place.

Farewell sweet Michael :(
I really feel bad as well, but understand - MICHAEL's FAMILY is the one who alerted the media.

They are doing an A&E special that only got renewed to focus on grieving their famous brother's death.

It's sick and morbid that Jackson Inc. Family are capitalizing of off this.

They are even running a live video stream from the arrivals INSIDE where the service will be.

So what do you think? That the media is sneaking in to do this? It's a LIE.

Well, I still can't believe Michael's family would do this to him, so...
I guess I'm in denial.:(
Let's not turn this into yet another jackson family bash fest, let's focus on the topic, give Michael peace and his family respect, that's the only thing we can do.

I'll pay my respects to Michael on my own, with a few prayers and some candles, no need to see the media invading their privacy.
I really feel bad as well, but understand - MICHAEL's FAMILY is the one who alerted the media.

They are doing an A&E special that only got renewed to focus on grieving their famous brother's death.

It's sick and morbid that Jackson Inc. Family are capitalizing of off this.

They are even running a live video stream from the arrivals INSIDE where the service will be.

So what do you think? That the media is sneaking in to do this? It's a LIE.

You guys are acting just like the media. Bashing the Jacksons and Michael based on rumor and inuendo. I heard Tito say from his own mouth that the reality show was in the works long before Mike died. Mike's tour had to be included in the show and I think Mike had to make an appearance or something, but now obviously things have changed. I too thought it was new but according to Tito it NOT. Some fans act like the Jacksons are just famous based on relations with MIKE. The whole family is and was famous. My mom and aunts told me that when they were kids , It was Jermaine and Jackie that girls were more after. Yes Mike star eclisped them all. Hell everyone in Entertainment. But think of it that way these guys were child stars too, raised on stage just like Mike. Thats who they are. Lay off them, its getting old. No matter what they do they will be accused of capitalizing on MJ's fame for our generation. Shoot Janet was. I feel sorry for the up coming Jacksons , especially AUGGIE. He sounds just like Mike and he has an album in the works. No matter what they do they get Bashed. Get over it.
The most beautiful thing I can take from this moment, is that right now, and in the next 30 minutes, the amount of people listening to Michael Jackson's music and welling up with emotion, and thinking of him is enormous. There is no way the universe does not feel that amount of energy. It is a full-on supernova of love.

***as she puts on Dancing Machine, and dances away...
Absolutely agreed with you, Naytobes, I am not going to watch any of them, I am at work right now so the only thing I can do is to play his music with a few prayers as a farewell to him.

My hearts go to Prince, Paris and Blanklet. What a hard day for the three kids to take. May God bless them and everyone of you. :cry:
What are we going to do? This isn't getting better it's so hard i don't know i just :(
Dancing on a cloud, soaring up so high,
Wash me out, watch me fly,
I'm Peter Pan, I can do anything
I soar so high, I am forever

Soar so high, escape the sorrow and the pain
Your heart is pure, your soul is free

We love you Michael, rest in peace...
For me, it gives me closure........
I will watch for the next day or two the footage and all and wait for "this is it " movie.. But... After that..... Will simply pay attention to the investigation... After that... Watching for unrelease footage etc... But, as far as the news and gossip is concerned, i feel so disconnected from it, nothing matters anymore, not madonna, not britney spears, nobody.... Maybe just janet as she is now the only person that keeps the beacon up.........
he and his family deserve peace and Privacy and it's time for the media to ease on up. way overdue.
I will leave Michael to rest in peace as I am having a very hard time with his passing. I will give him the respect and peace he deserves. I miss you so much Michael and now you are finally to be buried it has just hit me even harder. I will not speak in this thread regarding Michaels families actions regarding his burial because it is to upsetting to me. My only wish is that they had done it in private instead of letting the media know the time and place.

For you Michael I wish you peace and rest. I love you so much and all your fans love you, Michael you have touched us deeply and we miss you.

I miss you more and more everyday.
Rest in Peace Sweet Angel
