Michael Fans all around the world


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There are many Michael fans all around the world, I'd like to know how many fans that he have?
Does anyone knows ? thank you all of you.
To be honest I don't think it's possible to put an accurate count on them. It's safe to say Michael has touched the lives of millions with every stop around the would he's made :yes:
To be honest I don't think it's possible to put an accurate count on them. It's safe to say Michael has touched the lives of millions with every stop around the would he's made :yes:

Actually, I counted them. All 20. :tease:

I think Michael has quite a large amount of 'closet fans'. People who love Michael's music but are not really putting themselves out there as MJ fans. I think if Michael were to do a tour next week all venues/stadiums would be sold out.
I'm a huge fan of ANGEL MICHAEL JACKSON! & i'm from Kazakhstan! He's so kind,adorable and funny! I wish I could meet him one day!
no one knows for sure but as mentioned before MICHAEL JACKSON is one of the 3 most known singers in the world ever so even ppl who dont listen to his music will be intriguied to hear his new album.
l am the biggest fan in Morocco if you want to know me or talk to me it's easy add :mehdi.alone2008@hotmail.com as simple as that :):)
One from Rio de Janeiro,BRAZIL!!!!

Actually, I counted them. All 20. :tease:

I think Michael has quite a large amount of 'closet fans'. People who love Michael's music but are not really putting themselves out there as MJ fans. I think if Michael were to do a tour next week all venues/stadiums would be sold out.

I agree michael has alot of 'active fans'...but he has even more 'closet fans'...
There alot of ppl out there (and I used to be one of them) who are only fans of michaels music - in that theyd probably buy his albums and go to his concerts but will not actively participate in the fan community or bother to know anything about his personal life...

I don't see many active mj fans here in australia yet his music here continuosly sells really well...so there must be alot of closet fans!!! I think most ppl are fans of his music but don't care much about being a fan of him personally...but that doesnt matter, as long as they buy his music and go to his concerts!!
The answer to this question may be like the answer to the question of how many licks does it take to get the center of a Tootsie Pop. . . The world may never know! :no: :smilerolleyes::scratch::tease:
