Michael don't like performing Thriller?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Maby this is just me but whenever i see footage of MJ performing Thriller he dosen't seem to be enjoying it to much. Anyone else feel the same way?
What tour are you talking about, when saying Michael doesn't appear to like performing Thriller. He also looked bored to me when he performed Thriller, but only on the Dangerous and History Tours. Michael was also bored performing Billie Jean on the History Tour, he even said in a 2002 interview that he's bored with the dance routine for it, and would like to do it a different way but keeps it the same for the fans.

I'm pretty sure Michael will enjoy perform Thriller and Billie Jean etc again on the O2 concerts. It will be like Michael performing them for the first time again, both for him and longtime fans like me, because he hasn't performed live or anywhere for such a long time.
Thriller isnt exactly the type of song he'd have a big smile on his face singing :lol:
He gets into the acting part of it and for that song he'd need a serious face. I think that's all it is. :yes:
If i was Michael, i would HATE to perform Thriller...

so bloody boring to perform it!
I mean thriller is a great song and the video is just WOW but performing it live and pretending to be like, what?, a werewolf? A zombie?

No thanks.
I, like Michael, am holding my hands arms wide length with my head turned to the side.
Thriller isnt exactly the type of song he'd have a big smile on his face singing :lol:
He gets into the acting part of it and for that song he'd need a serious face. I think that's all it is. :yes:

i agree 100,peercent =]
He's probably also feeling that Thriller might offend Jehovah's Witnesses despite putting a disclaimer. Not sure if it's true but tabloids like to say he got rejected by them. Definitely not true but he probably feels guilty that it offended them, the same way he first celebrated Christmas with Elizabeth Taylor and he went to cry in the washroom.
Michael loves to perform Billie Jean, because it is THE groove to dance to. He just hates doing it the same way over and over again.

Thriller is good song to dance to. I don`t think he is bored, its just the song has such dark tone to it, he just gets in character for it. If you compare Thriller Bad Tour to Dangerous, he improved on it alot. Also he gets to use special effects and magic for it, so I think he likes to include it. Maybe now he can really make something out if the performance, because he has all this technology to use that did not exist in the old days.
i think he likes preforming it because its the song that got him so famous.
i got the dangerous dvd that was sold in stores, it was one of the ones in Bucharest, not sure how many he did there, but anyhow, when the music for Thriller starts, he gets this big big smile on his face, and then starts it. seems to me that he liked to do it.
Maybe he'll do something different for the TII tour...ditch Thriller for 2Bad...now that would rock. lol
I always got the impression he doesn't like performing it. I'd love to see him perform Threatened instead of Thriller.
He's probably also feeling that Thriller might offend Jehovah's Witnesses despite putting a disclaimer.
Why would he be worried about that now? He left the JW's in 1987. Rebbie and maybe LaToya (not sure about her) are the only siblings still in it.
I've never really been into the performance of Thriller on his tours and I have to say I get the impression that it isn't really one of his favourites for perform. Don't get me wrong I like the song and love the video but I don't think it works as well as a peformance on stage. If MJ does perform it on the This Is It tour though I do think he will switch it up quite a bit. Personally though I'd rather see him perform 2Bad on stage like the Ghosts version because the choreography on that is absolutely killer.
I don't think he hates performing thriller?
if you look at the bucharest dangerous tour when thriller starts and he just stands there looking up and it's a close up on his face, he smiles..

come on!
if :heart:Michael didn't like it, he wouldnt include it in all his 3 tours, Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory.
there is no obligation.
If the word "obligation" is too strong, I'd say he probably feel he gots to give the audience what they want and one of the songs that he thinks they want is "Thriller". He's been a performer his whole life, so I think he has a strong mindset of always taking into account the audience.

The reason we can assume he might not like performing Thriller is sometimes there can be differences between what an artist/performer personally wants to do and what the fans/public want. Many other artist experiences the same thing.

Well, I don't know if he likes or doesn't like performing Thriller. His facial expression is not a strong clue.
Well to be fair on Michael it is hard to tell if he's enjoying something or not because Michael has said ''I never smile when i dance''
come on!
if :heart:Michael didn't like it, he wouldnt include it in all his 3 tours, Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory.
there is no obligation.
Lots of performers sing songs they don't like or are tired of, but they perform them anyway because the audience expects them to. Some change the arrangement a lot like Madonna does with "Like A Virgin". When Mick Jagger was young, he said he couldn't imagine singing "Satisfaction" after 40 years old, yet he still does it today in his 60s. Chaka Khan has said she doesn't like performing "I Feel For You" and never really liked the song. But she does it anyway.
i think he is tired of Thriller,Billie Jean,Beat it.he wants new challanges,it's normal;-)
"Thriller" is pretty awful live to be honest so I don't blame him. That song has never worked live.
I think there's no doubt though that he's going to perform it during the July concerts because the casual fans will want to see it so much, I mean on the MSN poll recently so many were voting it as their favourite song of his even more than Billie Jean.
Yeah I agree. "Thriller" is one of his most popular songs and he'll have to perform it or a lot of fans will be dissapointed, but I don't care to see it live personally. He could do away with performing that song altogether as far as i'm concerned. I'm content with watching the video, which no performance can top imo.
I think it's really logical that you start to feel bored when you've performed the same dance routine more than a 100 times!

I think he will enjoy it a little this summer. It's been a long time since he was on that stage and it's my hope that he have missed the view of all of us fans that loves and appreciate he's art so much!
Yeah I agree. "Thriller" is one of his most popular songs and he'll have to perform it or a lot of fans will be dissapointed, but I don't care to see it live personally. He could do away with performing that song altogether as far as i'm concerned. I'm content with watching the video, which no performance can top imo.

I agree with you totally. I would much prefer him do the Ghosts version of 2Bad on stage, I think that would work much better.