Michael composing music without playing a single instrument


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone else think it's awesome how Michael can compose his own music without the help of an instrument? I've always thought that Michael's way of composing music was very unique and interesting, and i think that his way of composing music is alot more fun than just sitting by a piano or strumming away on a guitar (Not that there's anything wrong with that btw)

One thing i hate is how some people try to put Michael down for not composing music by playing any instruments. Shouldn't people be praising him for being able to compose music without the help of an instrument? To do what Michael did you gotta be a genius, and that's what Michael was. Most people who put Michael down for his composing methods are usually (From my experience) a bunch of butt hurt instrumentalist who are jelous because they put in alot of blood, sweat and tears learning how to play an instrument and Michael could composing his own music without needed to play any instruments
Michael was truly one of a kind... He had his own unique way of writing music, which no one really seems to appreciate. People are always saying that he couldn't play any instruments but the fact is that he could. He just didn't play them because he was the instrument himself.
Michael was truly one of a kind... He had his own unique way of writing music, which no one really seems to appreciate. People are always saying that he couldn't play any instruments but the fact is that he could. He just didn't play them because he was the instrument himself.
couldn't say it better. It's funny when people said oh he couldn't play any instruments, the instruments credits he took on his album was just the beatbox, or the pictures of him playing instruments were "acts" etc...
There are some interviews from people knew him talked about him play drum or piano... I think there is also the private home video of little prince leaked on the internet where Michael was playing piano.
You don't need to read notes or play a musical intrument to create a basic melody or beat. You can create a song simply by banging you hands an a table. Look for example how Don't stop till you get enought was created. By clincking bottles together. MJ has a raw talend. He could create music by his mouth without having to experiment with cords or notes. That is a real talend for me. As for those who want to downplay him because he couldn't play a music instrument, i would like to ask them, how many people play instruments out there? Millions? So playing a musical instrument doesn't make someone a genius or something special. Even a twelve year old can learn to play a guitar or a piano etc . But how many people can create music the way MJ did? That is special and that is what makes Michael a genius, in my opinion.
Michael DID play instruments. Look at INVINCIBLE's song credits. He's also known for having played the piano.
^ Yep..He was no Jimi Hendrix or Dave Grohl, but I'm sure he could play all sorts instruments to a certain extent as well.

He was just so incredibly musically gifted that it was easy enough to get his entire musical vision just through himself. Also he probably chose not make it a priority to master instruments because it's not like he would be playing any instruments when he was on stage..He wanted to Dance because all music made him move, and it's hard to have the freedom with a guitar around you.
There are some people who say that Michael could play piano and then there are other people like Brad Buxer who said that Michael couldn't play. Some say he can and others say he can't. My guess is that he could play but at a basic level
Michael was truly one of a kind... He had his own unique way of writing music, which no one really seems to appreciate. People are always saying that he couldn't play any instruments but the fact is that he could. He just didn't play them because he was the instrument himself.

Very well said. :)
There are some people who say that Michael could play piano and then there are other people like Brad Buxer who said that Michael couldn't play. Some say he can and others say he can't. My guess is that he could play but at a basic level

There's no doubt to me that Michael could play Piano...There is a bunch of pictures out there of him playing it..Piano isn't the hardest instrument either, someone like Michael with his ear for music, it would be very very easy to play I would think..
Another thing i gotta say is that there should be no rules for how someone composes their music. Alot of people think that the number 1 rule for being able to compose is by playing an instrument (Mainly piano and/or guitar) but when it comes to creating music there should be no rules

I think that some people get so caught up in ''the rules of music'' that they forget that creating can be a fun and enjoyable experience
Another thing i gotta say is that there should be no rules for how someone composes their music. Alot of people think that the number 1 rule for being able to compose is by playing an instrument (Mainly piano and/or guitar) but when it comes to creating music there should be no rules

I think that some people get so caught up in ''the rules of music'' that they forget that creating can be a fun and enjoyable experience

I agree completely, there's no rules..I think that can be said for all artforms as well. Doesn't matter how it's created, all that matters is the end result.
I totally agree... Michael didn't need to learn instruments to compose... he was the instrument!! And Michael's work and how he created it shows even more how he truly was The God Of Music!! He gave life to the most iconic sounds and beats that ever lived and they all came from his heart, soul, brain, ear and voice... for me the fact that he didn't use instruments is an acomplishement to be proud of... cause he didn't need any material to make timeless classics of music history... he only needed his being! =)
As a musician myself i can tell you it is infuriating when i read people say such things like mocking the fact he didn't usually write with instruments, i can probably play piano for example to a higher standard than Michael, but i barely have the talent of the tip of one of his fingers. Instuments don't write songs, the brain does, so michaels method is no differen't to anyone elses, because the start input and end output are the same. Using an instrument meerly assists in the writing process, and the fact Michael had no need for this assistance is only a testement to his talent. You can teach most people to play instruments to a high standard, talent like Michaels is a gift that you can't teach, something that only comes along once in a lifetime.
Michael's talent was so immense it is sometimes hard to comprehend. It's a God given gift that he "heard" the music and could tell producers exactly what he wanted.

I also think the issue is a prejudice against songwriters in general, to be honest. Like when I say to people I create music or something along the lines, they say oh, what do you play? And I'm like..I write songs. Then say "oh so just the lyrics" *facepalm* No, not just the lyrics, the melody and beat is in my head. I think people give a little bit too much credit to playing instruments when frankly, anyone can play them.
As a musician myself i can tell you it is infuriating when i read people say such things like mocking the fact he didn't usually write with instruments, i can probably play piano for example to a higher standard than Michael, but i barely have the talent of the tip of one of his fingers. Instuments don't write songs, the brain does, so michaels method is no differen't to anyone elses, because the start input and end output are the same. Using an instrument meerly assists in the writing process, and the fact Michael had no need for this assistance is only a testement to his talent. You can teach most people to play instruments to a high standard, talent like Michaels is a gift that you can't teach, something that only comes along once in a lifetime.

I couldn't have said it better! :clapping:
I don't think Beethoven could play all the instruments which his musics are playing by. All the music comes from soul and from Nature and not from instruments.