Michael comes to your house - fictitional :-)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
Here in the UK there is a very popular children's book called ''the tiger who came to tea''. :)

I just wanted to share with you and imagine if Michael were to come to your house.........for tea, supper, spend a short time..........

What would you say to him? How would you be with him?

I would personally try as much as possible to just be myself and not swoon over him but just welcome him as a man, a guest, and ask what he might want to drink. eat, watch on tv etc?

OMG!!!!! Soz right calm.....deep breath................

He has a soda water...........eats fish chips and mushy peas whilst watching sponge bob square pants on tv!!!

We laugh together...........althiugh I personally have no time for this cartoon.............. but hey I'm with MJ so watch and laugh with him just so glad to have him close.................

Please add and share your stories.................

We can dream cant we?

First off, I'd shove my hubby out the back door, then walk back to Mike and most likely giggle uncontrolably the rest of the time he was here.. :yes:
OMG!!!! The tiger who came to tea :wild: that was one of my fave childhood books. :wild: :lol: I never would have remembered if I didn't see it mentioned, Just brought me back memories of being a kid then. :D
OMG!!!! The tiger who came to tea :wild: that was one of my fave childhood books. :wild: :lol: I never would have remembered if I didn't see it mentioned, Just brought me back memories of being a kid then. :D

LOL awww Lorraine!

So come on then! MJ comes to tea! :yes:

Tell me please! lol
Fun question. I assume he would have his sweet children with him. So I guess I would take the little family to Chubsy Wubsy, my favorite pizza place in all of Brooklyn right across from my apartment and treat them all to pizza (or we would order in if they want - gotta watch for the pesky paparazzi).

Then I guess I would ask if they would like to watch a movie or something. Or play video games but the video games I have are old PC games from the 90's lol. Poor kids.

What else...

Maybe we could play a fun board game...

I would try to give them a little tour of Brooklyn (or just the neighborhood).

I think the poor family would be bored to tears in my house. I have a small one bedroom apartment. Not much to do here. :lol:

If it was Michael alone pretty much the same as above but I would hope we would have a pleasant conversation as well!