Michael Buble more popular than MJ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm sure alot of you have noticed this, when you type the name Michael into google Michael Buble comes up first with Michael Jackson second.

My question is HOW?? Is Michael Buble more popular than MJ.....surly not?

Its like when I hear of these polls going around saying that Simon Cowell or Lady Gaga are the most famous people in the world.....um nope surly its still Michael Jackson!!!
^ Same, Michael Jackson Comes up first here as well
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MJ first, than Monroe (lead vocalist of Hanoi Rocks) and then comes Buble. Who is Buble anyway?
Bubble before MJ on mine, not really familiar with him either but he sung a song on a radio station once and I thought he had a great voice.
Another excuse for a thread where we all complain that it's slightly possible someone prefers another singer that isn't Michael Jackson?
I'm in the US and Michael Jackson comes before Buble. But Michael Oher is before both of them. haha. This is what mine reads:

michaels (the store)
michael oher
michael jackson
michael savage
michael jordan
michael buble
In my "Kuwait" google .. Michaels store comes first, Michael Jackson comes the second and Michael Buble comes fourth.
In UK google:

Michael Buble 1st
Michael Jackson 2nd

In US google

Michael Jackson 2nd
Michael's craft store appears first in my Google. Then the movie called Michael. And then the official Michael Jackson website. Then a map and a list of places call Michael in the state that I live in. Then the wikipedia about Michael Jackson comes after that. You will also see Michael's Thriller video on the first page in my Google.
Here Michael Jackson comes first then Michael Jordan, Michael Kors & Michael Bubles..I have no idea who is this bubles :unsure:
Another excuse for a thread where we all complain that it's slightly possible someone prefers another singer that isn't Michael Jackson?


Michael Bubblé is a great, great, great singer, but not a great dancer, as you could see :D
MICHAELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL FIRSTTTT, when you ask a kid: do you know Michael Buble??? he goes: NO and then do you know Michael Jackson??? he goes: YESSSSS
this will be a pointless argument and here's why

How Google Suggest works
As you type, Google Suggest returns search queries based on other users' search activities. These searches are algorithmically determined based on a number of purely objective factors (including popularity of search terms) without human intervention. All of the queries shown in Suggest have been typed previously by other Google users. The Suggest dataset is updated frequently to offer fresh and rising search queries. In addition, if you're signed in to your Google Account and have Web History enabled, you'll see search queries from relevant searches that you've done in the past.

it's just based on what other people are searching for, where you are located, what you have searched before and what is suggested and the order changes frequently. so in short basically it doesn't mean a thing - different people at different times will see different order.

plus partially it's based on "popularity of a search term" so if everyone know Michael Jackson and his website etc but has no idea about who Michael Buble is, Michael Buble will be a more popular search term than Michael Jackson but on person wise it will only show that Michael Buble (or any other Michael) is less known and more searched.
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