Michael bigger and more populair than ever?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you guys don's think Michael is getting as popular, if not MORE popular than ever? I mean, his music will be played 24/7 and new fans will rise like hell. Michael's music is timeless. If Michael had never exist and an artist came with a song, video and/or moves like MJ he would be a major hit.

This is what I tell myself continuesly. I try to see the positivity in all this. I am in deep deep mourn. To be honest I don't want to live anymore. I don't know how to go on. I will not commit suicide but if I was just a little more fragile maybe I concider to kill myself.

I hope nobody will. I heard 1 fan killed himself already. This is a very very very sad day... I have no words for what I feel rightnow. This is unbelievable. I didn't go to work today. My boss is calling me for two hours now. I don't know what to do. I think I call my friends and go out or something. Before I do something bad.

I am so damn sad. I have no words for this.

I really hope his star will rise and rise and rise and rise...

I love you Michael. I want to thank you SO MUCH for your music. It's a great gift you have given to the world.

Lots of love from the Netherlands.

Michael was never NOT popular, he just stopped releasing new material. And had these shows came about, he'd have proved he never really went anywhere.
Michael was never NOT popular, he just stopped releasing new material. And had these shows came about, he'd have proved he never really went anywhere.

That's true. I realise that by watching all the reactions from people all over the world.

I don't know what to do. I feel like going crazy.
It's a small consolation indeed to see him as popular as ever again - even though I wish it didn't have to come to this. Sadly, that's what usually happens to great icons. It's as if it's a rule. And they all die young. Even artists with smaller status than MJ became instant icons after their death... So can you imagine what will happen to MJ over the years?

I agree, it's always best to see the positivity in such events.
At first I thought all the controversy would have an impact on his outstanding contributions, but I now change my thoughts. It's really sad to say, but he died just how Icons die, YOUNG, FAST and UNEXPECTED. The world wasn't ready for this at all. And most of the coverage is really focusing on his contributions to the music industry. I am really happy about that.
That would be my perfect wish. He will be talked about for centuries to come in popular culture, music and dance class. He will live on.
That would be my perfect wish. He will be talked about for centuries to come in popular culture, music and dance class. He will live on.

That is true.. That would be great. I am crying over the idea that my children and grandchildren will not know our king of pop
Michael was never NOT popular, he just stopped releasing new material. And had these shows came about, he'd have proved he never really went anywhere.

Well said, and that's what a small minority of fans who saw Michael as a music machine and felt he own them an album and tour, should relise that Michael was never NOT popular, just musically inactive because. It was the nasty media who even after his death say Michael's career was finished after 1993 when he went one to have an amazing comeback in 1995.
I was at a record store the other day and couldn't find a single cd of Michaels. I asked the clerk and she said they were sold out, all of Sweden, everything was gone. Michael has always been popular but I think after his passing new fans have discovered his music.
I think what's happening is that the world is seeing Michael Jackson as Michael Jackson again, instead of a story in the tabloids. People are focussing on what he stood for again, his art, music, dance, genorosity, etc. It's like the negative focus is melting away.
Right, he's getting the recognition that he always wanted..from USA to across the world.
Now that Michael is being shown in better light (finally although there are still some nasty people out there) and his music is getting the huge amounts of airplay it deserves, a lot of my friends have started to buy his music and some becoming fans. better than never, but I wish they'd discovered his music etc earlier.
The racist are trying to see to it that he is remembered as a p.... I am so hurt by what that congressman had to say and there more like him sadly.
Yeah he is bigger than ever, but I would much rather have him back alive than anything else. High record sales are nice, but wish MJ was alive instead.