Michael at the 2006 world music awards


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This was his first public appearance after the 2005 trial , and seeing him get so much love from people is something I love watching. Despite all the crap that was throwing at him for all those months, people still loved Michael

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from this point on, i really thought he might comeback (with an album) in 3-4 years.
like, hes getting ready for something soon....

i felt happy for him, when i saw him that day. wished he performed a bit more tho. (one full song would have been great).
Yeah, people were expecting him to perform. But there was never anything announced, that was just made up prior the WMA's and never confirmed. The day after the press bashed him for that. He couldn't do it right. There was Chris Brown performing a tribute which was announced, maybe they confused it but then it was too late. The press just needed another plug to butcher him, writing people boo-ed at him for not performing (joining the children choir for WATW was hardly a performance).

Having been there in person I can assure you there was noone in the crowd booing at him. In fact, the opposite: it seemed as if the whole crowd was just there because of HIM. The Earl's Court (the venue where the WMA's took place) was filled with 15,000+ people from all over the world (indicated by so many flags from Latin America, to European ones and so on) cheering for him throughout the evening, between each act they applauded and then screamed for MJ again. It was not a live-broadcasted event so there were always like 2-3-minute-gaps between each act or award presentation. During every gap people started chanting "M- I-C-H-A-E-L! M-I-C-H-A-E-L!". Anyone could start and the whole arena would respond (a friend of mine and me being one getting one started, lol). Even a Mexican wave hit the hall. Imagine there's an event lasting now 2 hours and no Michael in sight, still created that atmosphere. The later the evening the more the crowd expected him. But it took longer and longer, people got impatient. In between performers on stage ie. Nelly Furtado, Chris Brown, Rihanna, and the likes. Beyonce – who did btw. a pretty decent medley at the beginning (back in the day when I liked her music more than today) – entered the stage and everyone knew the long awaited moment was just seconds away. Beyonce presented Michael with the 'Artist of the Millenium' award, and finally Michael appeared. Electrifying atmosphere, the man simply walked into the spotlight yet the crowd went nuts. Just like back in the day. Obviously Michael needed to begin speaking again and again as the fans cheered so loudly.

The rest can be witnessed in the video posted by the OP or check the others on youtube.
I remember when people were saying he was gonna perform Thriller. I found that really odd because he never did Thriller as a one off performance. That's when I knew it wasn't true
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I remember when people were saying he was gonna perform Thriller. I found that really odd because HE never did Thriller as a one off performance. That's when I knew it wasn't true

That isn't the only reason someone wouldn't expect it though, people expect too much from him a lot of the times.. even when no information has been addressed, other than him making an appearance.
That isn't the only reason someone wouldn't expect it though, people expect too much from him a lot of the times.. even when no information has been addressed, other than him making an appearance.

My sentiments, too. I remember that all I wanted was to show him LOVE. I didn't expect a performance and it wouldn't have made any sense at the time, a year after the trial. I'm happy Michael attended that night and witnessed this incredible outpouring of love and admiration that he received from the fans and he looked STUNNING, too!
To some, Michael, even at age 48, was more or less only some kind of performing and very entertaining monkey, it seems. Michael maybe should have retired from performing officially and announced that in a michaely live press conference. After all he had gone through at that point in his life and after performing since he was a little baby he deserved some empathy and respect, I think. Instead some fans were disappointed...
Yeah I remember the hoopla around that performance. And I remember folks saying he got booed too but I also remember the footage from that night clearly showed the opposite. The hype around that moment was so electrifying even watching on TV!! One of the most memorable MJ moments I've lived through and experienced. The media just looked stupid for saying he got booed when he clearly didn't.
Love forever strong :heart: It just cannot be any other.. The night was magical but ..last time I would ever see him.. who knew...and when I was there I remember grown men were chanting Michael Michael Michaaaaaaal ! Everyone there was waiting on him..just .... . just waiting for Michael to come be back on stage.
Thanks! It was great to see this again. It feels good to see Michael being happy after the trial.
I never saw this on TV when this aired that year but I did watch a YouTube video of it and seeing Michael on that stage was just magical because it was after his 2005 trial and everyone was waiting to see him. He looked healthy, happy and beautiful!