Michael at Studio 54...what a trip!


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2008
Illinois - U.S.
This is a great video I have never seen before with a lot of footage of Michael at Studio 54 back in the 70's. He looks so happy and alive here! Can I say that I miss this part of Michael. Not saying that he's changed drastically personality wise, just that he did start to become more shy in his later years. The person I see on film here is so alive and happy without a care, only to dance. It's sad to think that in his teen years he claimed to have been very self-conscious also. He seems so vibrant here, and one couldn't probably see a bit of self-consciousness at all.

What I would give to go and see Studio 54 in its hay day. Not for the drugs or the crazy sex acts that happened literally on stage sometimes, but just to go and watch it all. Maybe dance a little bit as well. But mainly just to be around such a carefree atmosphere.

Cool. How did you find this???

Aww...young Michael...how old is he here?
omg the 70s were so cool to be a celeb back then. and michael was so sexy adorable as per usual. thanks for this.
Cool. How did you find this???

Aww...young Michael...how old is he here?

I actually found the video on the KOP board awhile ago, but then looked it up on YouTube. And I'm gonna take a wild guess that he is either 16 or 17 here judging by the size of his fro, lol! That thing is huuuuge!
Nah he was at least 20...I love that giant fro:D I always wished that footage was longer
Nah he was at least 20...I love that giant fro:D I always wished that footage was longer

Yah, see this is the problem. I don't know the official dates of when Studio 54 was open so I can't tell if this is the early 70's or the later 70's. We know by 1978 Michael was 20yrs old. I think this excerpt was at the most a couple of years before that.

But then again, I am not completely sure.
of course u can't tell how old he is..lol..but his shyness in later years is understandable...that's the least of the worst things that can happen to you when the world's cruelties get to you.
Oh yeah, I've seen this!!! THanks for postin

What I would give to go and see Studio 54 in its hay day. Not for the drugs or the crazy sex acts that happened literally on stage sometimes, but just to go and watch it all. Maybe dance a little bit as well. But mainly just to be around such a carefree atmosphere.

LOL!!! I agree soooooo much, lol. Me and my friend always say we wish we woulda been around to go to Studio 54...Not for the sex and drugs though, just to dance...and just see everything. It woulda been amazing to just turn around and see MJ dancin :yes:

omg the 70s were so cool to be a celeb back then. and michael was so sexy adorable as per usual. thanks for this.
I agree with this too :yes: Show biz used to be soooo cool back in the day. *sigh* I miss those days (even though i wasn't around to see it first-hand, lol)
Thanks for sharing. :flowers: Don't think I've ever seen this, altho it seems to be part of an interview I've seen in print somewhere. Anyhoo, this was definitely while he was in New York filming The Wiz, soooo 1977-78 is correct. He was at least 19 or 20. He talked about his Studio 54 days in a few interviews back then... how going to New York during the filming was the first time he'd been away from home alone (with LaToya, of course) and they hung out at Studio54 sometimes. Maybe being away from home freed him up to be a bit more outgoing? There's footage of him years prior to this where the shyness was already starting to become visible...so "maybe" he was just comfortable enuf to relax in this footage.

The way he's speaking here doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me tho. There's an interview he did with his brothers around 1980-81 (should also be on youtube or jetzi if that place still exists) and he has the same demeanor as in this footage. The Barbra Walters one was very relaxed...at least to me...and the one he did with Ebony recently was very upbeat and casual like this one. The audio of that inteview is on youtube as well, I think. At least it was at one time.
Oh yeah, I've seen this!!! THanks for postin

LOL!!! I agree soooooo much, lol. Me and my friend always say we wish we woulda been around to go to Studio 54...Not for the sex and drugs though, just to dance...and just see everything. It woulda been amazing to just turn around and see MJ dancin :yes:

I agree with this too :yes: Show biz used to be soooo cool back in the day. *sigh* I miss those days (even though i wasn't around to see it first-hand, lol)

Mj'sPYT, we both must be old souls! Trapped in a new generation, gah!!!!
I thought Michael hung out at Studio 54 when he was filming The Wiz?
Can you post a "normal" link to youtube, i do not understand what to do with this "version" of the link *ashamed*

Thank you!
omg the 70s were so cool to be a celeb back then. and michael was so sexy adorable as per usual. thanks for this.

I know! The celebs back then had a magic about them that celebs don't have now. I did a research paper on Studio 54 for an English class last semester and man I wish I lived back then.

Michael looks so cute here, btw. :wub: So young too. Like around 18 or so.
Probably one of the last times he got to go out to a cub and enjoy himself without being mobbed.
omg, he was adorable there! happy, young, cute! wow, studio 54 sounds so fun! crazy times honestly...i too am an old soul trapped in a young body. i should have been born in 1960 so that I would have been in my 20s through the 80s. soooooooo good then
Oh I wanna bite him! Chomp chomp chomp!! Look BES, Perfect Boyfriend Mike strikes again. A freaking DORABLE!!! I seriously have hair envy that fro makes me so jealous.

I've always loved the 70s, the hair, the clothes, the music. I'm a late 70s baby so I missed out on all of that. I mean growing up in the 80s was cool, I would never trade that in, but being in my 20s in the 80s woulda definitely meant being able to see MJ in the Bad Tour which probably would have made the decade for me.
One more thing. Studio 54 was like the EXACT opposite of everything that MJ was about with the exception of the dancing and the music. Gay boys and girls all over practically naked, dugs all over the place, sex in inappropriate places. No wonder he loved it so much! :lol: Hell I wish I coulda been there...
I believe in MJ's Moonwalk book, he says he spent his 21st bday at Studio 54 and really enjoyed it. :) Hope this helps.
I believe in MJ's Moonwalk book, he says he spent his 21st bday at Studio 54 and really enjoyed it. :) Hope this helps.

That's right. There is a photo of Michael, with Jane Fonda another American actress and the Village People celebrating his 21st birthday.

I've got the full documentary of this YouTube clip on video, I recorded it in the late 1990's. There is more footage of Michael, such as a short clip of him dancing is Studio 54, and Liza Minillei hugging Michael in Steve Rubel's office.

Michael will be between 19 and 20yrs old in this clip if the clip is from 1978, and maybe as young as 18yrs old if it's from 1977.
Thanks!!!! Michael said "I'm ready to have fun!" Makes my heart beat faster:) cuz I'm happy for him. If it's not a club exclusively for celebs, he probably never could go to clubs esp. since the Thriller era. And I don't think he could even go to those kinds of clubs as often as he wanted. The other celebs would mob him.

A lot of times I imagined him being a clubber. I mean, in my mind, as he just dance to enjoy himself, not for shows, it woulda been amazing. That's how he's talented. I woulda been happy to be a fly on the wall.
That's right. There is a photo of Michael, with Jane Fonda another American actress and the Village People celebrating his 21st birthday.

I've got the full documentary of this YouTube clip on video, I recorded it in the late 1990's. There is more footage of Michael, such as a short clip of him dancing is Studio 54, and Liza Minillei hugging Michael in Steve Rubel's office.

Michael will be between 19 and 20yrs old in this clip if the clip is from 1978, and maybe as young as 18yrs old if it's from 1977.

could you upload more footage of michael? pleeeeeeease?

also, LOL at mike being a dweeb here :wub:
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