Michael as a judge at shows like X-Factor, The voice, Idol, etc....


Proud Member
Sep 4, 2010
Antwerp, Belgium
How would it be if Michael was a judge on those shows? How would the auditioners react?

IMO, I would be scared for his reaction. He's a perfectionist so I think it would be difficult for him to give his opinion to people who would audition. I don't think anyone (neither the other judges on the panel neither the auditioners) would dare to object his opinion.

What's your opinion?
Michael would have been too good for shows like that. They're silly shows that churn out manufactured 'popstars' every year that you normally don't hear back from.
He's always so kind about other people (read "Moonwalker") that I doubt he would be less than nice about any contestant's performance. From what I've read he has always been very flattering to people-I'm sure to build up their confidence-he told Corey Feldman he was the next Brando, Wade was the next Spielburg, Siedah's hair looked like Pebbles, Britney Spears looked like a "sparkly Barbie doll.", etc. etc. It's unbelievably charming.

So he would have been super nice to the contestants-even if he thought they were awful.
He's always so kind about other people (read "Moonwalker") that I doubt he would be less than nice about any contestant's performance. From what I've read he has always been very flattering to people-I'm sure to build up their confidence-he told Corey Feldman he was the next Brando, Wade was the next Spielburg, Siedah's hair looked like Pebbles, Britney Spears looked like a "sparkly Barbie doll.", etc. etc. It's unbelievably charming.

So he would have been super nice to the contestants-even if he thought they were awful.

This. I don't think he would be a great judge, because he would even praise them if they were horrible. LOL.
Interesting idea for sure. Lol I just can't see him doing something like that. Although I know any of those shows would've KILLED to have him on it. Would've been nice to see :lol:
I don't think he'd have been good at it because critiquing other people wasn't in his nature. Notice Janet isn't doing one of these shows either and I doubt she will.
This. I don't think he would be a great judge, because he would even praise them if they were horrible. LOL.

Sounds more like a job for old papa Joe to be honest. He would have been absolutely ruthless. America's answer to Simon Cowell.
I've always wondered if Michael would have accepted a job as a judge on one of these shows. I know their ratings would shoot through the roof.
I think he said something in Moonwalk about rejecting offers to host and judge for shows because he didn't think he was funny enough to do anything like that.

I don't think he would have done it anyway, he was kind of above such a thing if you know what I mean. I mean for example on America's Got Talent the judges are a radio shock-jock, a magician and Ozzy Osbourne's wife. It's not really the type of show I see Michael fitting in to.
^ Yeah, I think usually those artists do such shows who are a lot lower in status than Michael.
I don´t think he wanted to say to anyone that they aren´t good enough
The media would have had a field day if he ever did one of these shows. They'd be calling him a washed up has been who needs to resort to judging talent shows
He's too nice for that, he would never do it.. Now SNL that I could have seen him do at some point!! that's a show I wish he did at least ONCE
He's too nice for that, he would never do it.. Now SNL that I could have seen him do at some point!! that's a show I wish he did at least ONCE

Isn't SNL one of those shows who happily kicked Michael when he was down during 2003-2005? Cause if that's the case then I wouldn't want Michael anywhere near it
you have a point, but on the other hand SNL makes fun of EVERYBODY.

There's a difference between making fun of somebody and calling somebody a pedophille. I can deal with childish plastic surgery jokes but pedophille jokes is where i draw the line, and anyone who finds those ''jokes'' funny are sick in the head

When it comes to Michael a lot of these comedy shows cross the line from friendly teasing to just down right bullying
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^ I agree. It saddens me that a lot of young people now only know him from the pedophile jokes. Today on a joke page on Facebook, someone posted one of the sadly overused pedophile joke with a picture of MJ and it actually really bothered me (I don't usually let those get to me). This is a man that does NOT deserve to be remembered by the outrageous lies that broke his heart. SO wrong. :no:
It's probably better that Michael didn't participate in any of these shows. It would've just given the media more to write lies about.
There's a difference between making fun of somebody and calling somebody a pedophille. I can deal with childish plastic surgery jokes but pedophille jokes is where i draw the line, and anyone who finds those ''jokes'' funny are sick in the head

When it comes to Michael a lot of these comedy shows cross the line from friendly teasing to just down right bullying

your right that's why I barely watch comedy shows anymore. they do cross the line sometimes when it comes to Michael. I can count on my hand how many comedians I actually like. most of them I cant stand and don't think they are very funny. cat Williams is one of them and chris rock is another.
I actually remember in the news in 2009 that Simon Cowell wanted to get MJ on the X-Factor while he was in the UK
He probably would have been too kind, especially with younger/child performers, which is the opposite to what people like
There's a difference between making fun of somebody and calling somebody a pedophille. I can deal with childish plastic surgery jokes but pedophille jokes is where i draw the line, and anyone who finds those ''jokes'' funny are sick in the head

When it comes to Michael a lot of these comedy shows cross the line from friendly teasing to just down right bullying
I practically quit watching SNL when all those Michael/pedophile jokes started because they were just sick, as you said-the gentle teasing is what I appreciated early in his career-like Eddie Murphy as Michael giving a PSA about not getting girls pregnant after singing "Billie Jean."
Actually, pedophile jokes are not funny and in vulgar taste no matter what and who they're about.
Sounds more like a job for old papa Joe to be honest. He would have been absolutely ruthless. America's answer to Simon Cowell.
Ha-you are right about ruthless. Actually, was thinking a little about this and Tito and Jermaine have been on the UK Big Brother shows and LaToya has been on Celebrity Apprentice-this might be a good gig for the brothers.
Harry Connick, Jr and Keith Urban are the new judges this year on AI and they aren't exactly D list singers/performers.
I can't imagine MJ judging one of these amateur talent TV shows, partially because his presence would be so intimidating. Having the world's greatest entertainer sitting in front of you watching you perform and knowing he's going to judge your performance seems like it would be much more stressful than being judged by a Paula Abdul type star.
I don't think I could see Michael as a judge more like a mentor or someone guiding you.

Also about the shows that were mean to Michael over the years. If he ever did go on their shows they would go crazy over him. They would want to talk to him and be around him. People can be such hypocrites.
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I agree with most of these post, I think Michael is above shows like America's Got Talent & X-Factor. I'm sure had he been a judge, he would've at least enjoyed the imitators haha.
All of these shows would have been beneath Michael.
IF he was a judge he would have been a very kind and generous one, pointing out a person's strengths instead of weaknesses ...
I think if he had been a judge he would've been the most exacting and perfectionist of all the judges! :)
Didn't he say he kinda hated doing TV? Like the shows they used to do when he was younger, how he hated every minute of it. I'm sure he felt it wasn't his 'job' to be a tv personality, nor was it his ambition, he was just 100% focussed on his music. He only liked the spotlight when he could perform, other than that he never really seemed to want a lot of attention. Plus he'd probably have a really hard time criticizing people in front of an audience like that, so like everybody said; he wouldn't be the best judge, he's just too nice:D Anyways, I think he would've never done it, he didn't need it and I think he wouldn't have liked it at all.