Michael and Michu ( 'the smallest man on earth')....memorabilia sale


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Michael Jackson's Idol & Real Peter Pan----MICHU "STORY OF THE CENTURY" Project!
NOT A JOKE This Auction is worth Millions of Dollars!

Michael Jackson’s “Peter Pan” -----Michu

PLEASE....This is a serious auction & we are only willing to deal with serious bidders...

Bidders are welcome to make arrangements if they would like to view the items & discuss anything in this auction.

Here is a chance for the lucky winning bidder of this auction to fulfill Michael Jackson’s dream projects with Michu (his special friend & personal “Peter Pan” A.K.A. the smallest man on earth).
Winning bidder will not only receive millions of dollars in memorabilia, pictures, etc. but own all rights to the “written story” & secret relationship with Michael!!!!
Most of the projects are near completion or in the making!
We got the idea for listing this here on eBay from Jay Leno & "The Tonight Show"....This is the place to find the proper investor...

Please read on as this is no joke, this is a very special auction for a “once in a lifetime chance” to own “THE STORY OF THE CENTURY”!

A Hollywood attorney that represents famous celebrities (whose clients include “The Muppets, Pamela Anderson, David Hasselhoff among others) estimated only the tangible material (photos, written facts, memorabilia, etc.) to be worth about 3 million dollars!

Let me introduce myself, I am Dennis D. Varga personal friend, manager, confidant and holding a general power of attorney for Michu (Mihaly Michu Meszaros), therefore you are dealing directly with me. The special, tender, painfully honest relationship that was formed among us, rooted from humbled, poor, working class beginnings for all three of us. Michu is 1 of 9 in his family, Michael is 1 of 9 in his & I am 1 of 12 in mine.

The special bond & friendship among Michael, Michu and myself was formed during Michael’s 1992 Pepsi commercial after which he invited us to his home (Neverland ranch). There he respectfully asked Michu & me if he could have the honor of writing & publishing Michu’s very interesting life story (he referred to as “The Story of the Century”) and later to make a movie of it. We obviously agreed that we would give him anything he wishes.

The book is in the making and he contacted Disney Studios about the movie deal. Plans later also included a museum of Michu (as per Michael’s request Michu & I have been gathering memorabilia over a decade & a half or so). There was also a verbal commitment with JK Rowling (author of “Harry Potter”) for an amusement park in Europe based around Michu (Michael & Michu would have made random appearances there to surprise children). Michu would have played the role of being Michael’s “Peter Pan” and special host of the “Neverland” style amusement park.

Michael admitted to Michu and me that Michu became his idol since age 14. Michu at that time (1973) had just begun his circus career in the United States. Michael never talked about his obsession & kept it a secret. He admitted that he even had a “life-size” poster of Michu in his room. Michael would visit the circus several times disguised just to admire Michu and his dancing, because Michu for him was the ultimate superstar! Confidentially he confessed to us that he even “stole” a few moves & steps from Michu’s dance routine, not to mention his military style costumes!

Since our dear friend Michael’s death Michu & I have been very saddened & obviously all plans/projects with him have abruptly ceased. We are very simple people & have had a very modest attitude all of our lives. Many people who called themselves Michaels friends were actually known celebrities like Macaulay Culkin, Liz Taylor, Brook Shields, etc. or they were on his payroll. They never experienced the closeness to him as we had, his inner most protected feelings, what he was all about. We helped Michael by serving as translators overseas, arranging press conferences, makings arrangements with officials, doctors, hospital staff, etc. We never asked for any compensation for our time & efforts. Michael said “I’ll get you back when we get rolling on the projects”.

The projects being the book and movie deal. At this point I realized that Michu needs to enjoy his remaining years therefore I am offering to winning bidder all rights to Michu from here forth which include: Michael & Michu’s Secret Relationship (book and/or movie deal), Michu’s Life story (book and/or movie deal), Michu Museum, Or Any Other Marketable Items, Products, Projects, etc. Using Michu and/or His Likeness including but not limited to: cartoons, toys, etc. (USA & Globally), since both Michael & Michu have hundreds of millions of fans around the world…..

The following items are included:
The actual facts & written story (rough draft of book) of Michu (including his secret relationship with Michael)
Hundreds of private unpublished (never before seen) pictures my family & I took (& all the rights to them).
Video footage of Michu from Movies, T.V. shows, etc. (recorded)
Private “Home Video” footage of Michu (& all the rights to them)
Hundreds of Michu memorabilia items (most were set aside over the years as per Michaels request for the museum) which include: The actual costume that was worn by Michu in the 1992 Pepsi commercial (Michael’s own design), Hundreds of clothing/costume items, Tuxedos, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Several posters & brochures of Michu from his circus career, 20 Franklin Mint Collector’s plates (signed by Michu)
A (custom made to Michu’s size) bedroom set made by the same furniture maker that made furniture for Pope John Paul II (specially ordered & shipped to USA by Michael Jackson)
A (custom made to Michu’s size) proportionate working pool table
The street sign “MICHU LN.” from the real street that was named after him in his home-town of Hawthorne, California (there is an interesting story to go with this as well).
Massive amounts of other items (just way too much to list in this auction)

Details of The #7 Costume:
The #7 costume can be seen on Michu in the 1992 Pepsi Commercial (here is the YouTube link: http://youtu.be/I5xQz-31Gjs?t=36s )
The costume was designed personally by Michael Jackson himself!
Michu can also be seen wearing The #7 costume on Michaels “Dangerous” album cover! (if you look at the picture, he is standing on the top of the mans head near the bottom just slightly to the right)
There was only one #7 costume made & it is in its original condition since day one (never been washed or dry-cleaned) & still has Michaels hugs & kisses.

Interesting facts Michael & Michu shared with each other:

The costume worn by Michu features the number seven on his top hat. This is because Michael was born the seventh child in his family. Michu was also born the seventh child in his family. Sadly but coincidently they both had siblings that died at birth.
Michu’s real name is “Mihaly” but translated from his native Hungarian to English is: “Michael”!
Here is a YouTube link showing some of the wonderful work Michael & Michu did! http://youtu.be/kNRvZUTVeDc


Two different former presidents on different occasions met with Michu after his routine & then invited him to visit them personally at the White House.

Please read:
I am confident that with what I know & the materials I have, there has not been a more interesting story since poor Michael’s death. Millions of people are fans but even more like to hear the truth (even if its good). Michu & I knew the real Michael Jackson!
If you want to review the items or have a question, we can go into more detail about anything, just ask!

Also check out this short video summarizing Michu: http://youtu.be/J6AHqko9-XU
