Michael and Live Aid


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Kalisz, Poland
I was wondering lately why Michael didn't perform at Live Aid conert in 1985. Does anybody know anthing about it? thanks :)
thats a good question. i would also like to know. U2 had a good performance there
They also snubbed Michael at the Live8 concerts that happened in 2005!!!!!
I was wondering lately why Michael didn't perform at Live Aid conert in 1985. Does anybody know anthing about it? thanks :)

I honestly don't know. USA for Africa performed We Are the World at the end of the JFK stadium concert in Philadelphia but Michael wasn't there. No idea if he couldn't make it or he just wasn't invited to perform.
whether its true i dunno but this has been talked about a few times. but i read that mj was filming i think captain eo at the time so didnt have time to take part. u also have the shows that were happening in america to coincede.

mj was in no fit shape to take part in live8 bono talked about it at the time about mj needing to rest.even if he had bee asked he wouldnt have excepted.not everything is about being snubed
They also snubbed Michael at the Live8 concerts that happened in 2005!!!!!

I'm not so sure about him being 'snubbed'. I doubt he wanted to or was healthy enough to perform that year. That trial tore him apart, performing would have been the last thing he was thinking about.
Yeah I read that Mike was asked but it was too soon for him, or they just thought that anyway.

I was thinking through this earlier after watching Band Aid, my fave Christmas song and dreaming how cool if Mike was in it.
I don't know about the Live Aid 85, but the Live 8 in 2005 was less than a month after MJ was acquitted... it would be extremely understandable why he would have turned down an offer if one had been made. I get the feeling he really needed time out of the public eye for some time after the trial, I would too :(
Live 8 was less than a month after Michael's acquittal. I doubt he was even remotely interested in taking part.