Michael and Grace in living with michael jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I never notcied her till now in the bit where paris is holding on and michael is saying ' pull pull, thats what she does.'..I thought it was a fan trying on hold her hand ! So was grace new on the scene around then because it seems michael is telling her how paris behaves and she was new to it..its nice to see them interact though, esp as if they were together
o yeaa of course ! lol..but still it seemed like he was telling her a thing that paris did that grace didn't know about..was bit off that all
I should think it would be the same if it was ur own child... i guess.

Its been a really nice docu so far... i cant for some reason remember seeing this. I knew I saw it but can't remember seeing all this !!! and i know i did see it before!....

Mind u, arseface is working up to the nastiness .... he's starting to be a bit funny in his commentary.
started good with editing then the person doing it lost focus and stayed on some scenes for too long and some missing just leaving out crucial moments and cutting too soon..it paints a better picture of michael i guess although some bits were still unnecessary.But the sad irony is that IF THIS ONE HOUR WAS RELEASED...things might have been alot easier in the aftermath
Indeed although im realy sad it ended on a sad note... i mean the arsewipe really upset Michael at the end about the 2003 allegations.... It s hould have ended on a good note - not with MJ being all upset.

Im glad to see MJ was sticking to his guns tho. He made some extremely valid points about how families are drifting apart.

Good ol' Michael. Your missed so much.
I should think it would be the same if it was ur own child... i guess.

Its been a really nice docu so far... i cant for some reason remember seeing this. I knew I saw it but can't remember seeing all this !!! and i know i did see it before!....

Mind u, arseface is working up to the nastiness .... he's starting to be a bit funny in his commentary.

I know that alot has been cut out of it the doc as before it was much longer then an hour,and i remember thay were the bits that bashier made out to be lies grrrrr,so so sad watching it though,just cant believe its all happening,love u michael xx
What did he mean when he said "that's what she always does"? she never let go of his hand?
From what I understand, Grace has been close with the family and Michael from the late 1980's I think the Bad era and Dangerous. Someone they trusted and was there for the children when they were born.

yeah that is what I remember too and before the kids came she was his personal assistant.
she was working for mj since at least 1991. shes named in the dangerous credits
Grace should be banned from this forum.

Or at the very least, thrown into the "Enough is Enough" forum.

She is not trustworthy. I do not like what I see or hear.
Vstreet, may I ask what exactly did she do? I don't know the entire story...something about her giving an interview and saying something about Michael then taking it back? Sorry, forgive me, I'm just not at grips with things these days. Family situations and now Michael, it's all too hard.
yea i didn't realise it was grace but the bit i was questioning is how grace didn't know why paris was holding on..just from michael's reply off 'pull pull, it's what she does'..just thought it was a comment that made sense if that woman was a fan who didn't know, but it was their nanny, just seemed bit odd to me..maybe she had been away from them for a while then?...doesn't really matter anyway..she does seem nice but if she was mj's gf she must have gone through so much pain if there really was this inner circle of michael's people..but surely she could have got through to him or convinvced him to see his family..maybe no one could or its all bs..
he may have sacked her for a host of reasons, i thin kmaybe she told him so home truths and he was in denial and didn't wana admit he was wrong or what he was doing was bad or anything..i think she was a very down to earth , level headed person who had luxuries mj didn't and could therefore tell him the truth of how it is..thats why i thnk they made a lovely couple but it would have been tough too if he was in denial and corrupted by other people..she must have tried so hard and i think he got rid off her, ie they went on a break..he always took her back,just for the kids? maybe but also because he loved her maybe...james brown did that alot too, someone i kno who worked with him said he got rid of band members and singers and said you'r fired but they always came back for rehersals..not saying that is why mj did it but they were very similar beings i feel ..2 peas in a pod almost in many ways