Michael and classical music


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't want to throw fuel on fire here, but weren't there rumors that he also composed classical music and that he was planning on recording them; does anyone of you know more of this...

For this I'm dying to hear. (for I believe that he wasn't only a great singer, but even more a great composer.)
I don't want to throw fuel on fire here, but weren't there rumors that he also composed classical music and that he was planning on recording them; does anyone of you know more of this...

For this I'm dying to hear. (for I believe that he wasn't only a great singer, but even more a great composer.)

Yes, i have heard of that to some years ago.
He loved classical music and i would love to hear some composed by Michael!
I am more interested in this than new songs. We all know how great a vocalist he was. I would love to see more of his music composition talent. I believe he would have made some terrific pieces. The only thing I know is that he wanted to create a classical music album and that he worked on some compositions. However, what was rumored is that he didn't complete any. I wish he had and I wish to hear them someday or at least get a clarification on this from the estate or people in the know.

I only wish to hear something only if it was finished by Michael and he was happy with it. I want to see his best. To do that, you can't listen to unfinished projects. Every artist has drafts and preliminary ideas. To really know what he could do, we need something that's finished.
I am more interested in this than new songs. We all know how great a vocalist he was. I would love to see more of his music composition talent. I believe he would have made some terrific pieces. The only thing I know is that he wanted to create a classical music album and that he worked on some compositions. However, what was rumored is that he didn't complete any. I wish he had and I wish to hear them someday or at least get a clarification on this from the estate or people in the know.

I only wish to hear something only if it was finished by Michael and he was happy with it. I want to see his best. To do that, you can't listen to unfinished projects. Every artist has drafts and preliminary ideas. To really know what he could do, we need something that's finished.


I do remember however, and this must be in the nineties during an interview with Janet, that she had heard finished compositions, but that Michael kept them in the vault, for he realized that the public wasn't ready; that the public didn't see him "in this light". There is no way for me to verify the source. I think it was before Dangerous; at least waaaayyyy before internet. (yes, I'm that old.)

Even though I do agree with the above statement, one side note however: remember what happened with Requiem of Mozart. This was unfinished, and finished after his death, and still very impressive.
the guy (David Michael Frank) who collaborated with MJ on this project has still not been contacted by the estate. Apparently, he doesn't know who to contact in order to bring this wonderful project into fruition. He wanted to contact the jackson family which i think is the wrong idea giving what apparently happened to the mj hard-drive after his death.
He has a picture of MJ on his page concerning this project. Here is a link to his site.


I think Gaz or anyone who has the contacts of the estate should make them aware. And the guy must be the only one tasked with the completion of the project because i think he will be the only one who will know what MJ's vision was.
" Michael Jackson Project

David Michael Frank was collaborating with Michael Jackson on a recording project at the time of the singer’s tragic death. Jackson personally chose Frank to orchestrate and conduct a new album of Jackson’s original, classical compositions. An update on the status of this project will be posted in the near future."

It sounds interesting with an update soon
I think he was hugely talented but he didn't complete any because he was so fucking lazy.

He wasn't lazy. He was attacked and criticized for everything on daily basis. His energy was sucked by vampires.... not only his money.... His aura, his energy....

Including some of his own fans who destroyed in critics many of his worksfrom Invincible and even some of the History tracks... Fans so stucked in the past that they only dreamed of Thriller, Bad or Off the Wall...
I can't belive you would say that about Michael !!! :no:

Me neither. But he was lazy, he said it in the past himself. That's why it would have been very hard for him to compose symphony i.e. Many classical composers are lazy and even though they are hugely talented they create very little. He was just so talented that when he wanted to make a great song and #1 hit, he did it.
Shame on you for calling Michael lazy!
You better go and admire someone else because you are an insult to the MJ fans community!
I can't believe some of you in here...
Shame on you for calling Michael lazy!
You better go and admire someone else because you are an insult to the MJ fans community!
I can't believe some of you in here...

It's hard to go anywhere else after being a fan around 26 years. Tell me if you think he wasn't lazy why he did learn almost nothing about the music theory. I base my saying about his laziness on that. I knew also many other people who were hugely talented but lazy. They were just so musically talented they had time to be lazy. Now I don't have to deal with them and I actually miss that life cause we were in the same boat. We just worked constantly but were lazy at the same time. It's hard to explain.
It's hard to go anywhere else after being a fan around 26 years. Tell me if you think he wasn't lazy why he did learn almost nothing about the music theory. I base my saying about his laziness on that. I knew also many other people who were hugely talented but lazy. They were just so musically talented they had time to be lazy. Now I don't have to deal with them and I actually miss that life cause we were in the same boat. We just worked constantly but were lazy at the same time. It's hard to explain.

I've wondered that too.... why didn't he learned that. But eventually I discovered that he got a theory of why he didn't want to learn it. To not kill the spontaneity. He was pretty stubborn about this, and quite determined that the spontaneity would be killed that way.

So apparently it wasn't laziness but some principle he got.

It would have been so good for him to learn to write notes, because that means that you do not depend on others. That mean you can write songs everywhere you are.
But he saw the negative part of knowing musical notes, and just avoided it like plague.
Michael has said that learning sheet music is not necessary. I don't think that he was too lazy not to learn it, he just didn't see any point in learning it.

Anyway even though MJ couldn't read sheet music he still had a better ear for music than alot of people who could read sheet music.
this thread is intresting so ty for this one . and topflux , a hugg for you- ily :huggy:
the best musicans dont need to read em in my opinion , as it makes /block the creativity process ...creation becomes robtic ..to a point. its a bit like writing ..you wouldnt write so perfect and neat when creating a storry flow ...youd jott shit down on paper .quick get it out .the best shit all scribbled .then write it perfectly later . you just got to let it flow ?. sorry ...back on toppic.
the best musicans dont need to read em in my opinion , as it makes /block the creativity process ...creation becomes robtic ..to a point. its a bit like writing ..you wouldnt write so perfect and neat when creating a storry flow ...youd jott shit down on paper .quick get it out .the best shit all scribbled .then write it perfectly later . you just got to let it flow ?. sorry ...back on toppic.

As someone who has been playing piano for 15 years, all i can say is that you couldn't be more wrong. Look at all those composers from 18th and 19th century like Chopin... And they all could read sheets.
did i say somthing stupid ?..well,forgive me :sigh: its a stupid time isnt it ....and im just one of tthe ones not dealin with all this ...(((huggs))) so,no offence dude/dudette :huggy: ...just with the writing process thats how i feel .....of course that bit is offtopic . forgive-?,...you should play for me somtime. :happy:
As someone who has been playing piano for 15 years, all i can say is that you couldn't be more wrong. Look at all those composers from 18th and 19th century like Chopin... And they all could read sheets.

Ah but you see, the melody came from their heads, then they worked it out on piano, then finally wrote it down. It all comes from the mind, and thats the most important part. For what Michael wanted to do reading sheet music wasn't important.
did i say somthing stupid ?..well,forgive me :sigh: its a stupid time isnt it ....and im just one of tthe ones not dealin with all this ...(((huggs))) so,no offence dude/dudette :huggy: ...just with the writing process thats how i feel .....of course that bit is offtopic . forgive-?,...you should play for me somtime. :happy:

You didn't say anything stupid. :D
I just disagree, but at the end, everyone can have different opinion, right? :D

Ah but you see, the melody came from their heads, then they worked it out on piano, then finally wrote it down. It all comes from the mind, and thats the most important part. For what Michael wanted to do reading sheet music wasn't important.

I think i can understand what you are saying, but i believe that reading the sheet music and maybe playing pieces by other artists can only give you more ideas. I'm not talking about copying others but about inspiration and finding out new ways to write music. No mather how good you are, you can always be better. Even when it comes to talented musicians like MJ. For instance, i really wish that MJ would use more real instruments in his songs as i tend to listen to metal/rock/clasical music most of the time (MJ is the only exception).
Me neither. But he was lazy, he said it in the past himself. That's why it would have been very hard for him to compose symphony i.e. Many classical composers are lazy and even though they are hugely talented they create very little. He was just so talented that when he wanted to make a great song and #1 hit, he did it.

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry right now. And I'm not sure if "lazy" is the right word in any of this.

First of all especially many classical composers are the furthest from lazy, they are not thinking in terms of 5 chords for an entire song.

Secondly there is such a thing as 'creative agony' and I'll apply that term carefully here.
'Creative agony' SUCKS, my friend. It means standing in front of your own creation in your head and ears- and fighting like a drowning man in the ocean to find a way to translate that into "physical reality" that others somehow (hopefully!) can hear.

And that's when the freakin' agony sets in- because what you see and hear is not quite yet of this earth, they are impressions, visions, thoughts, emotion that you try to bring into a more dense physical world.

Michael luckily didn't have to fight the fights that same of us fight- armed with a computer (orchestra), some midi input and a mic you try to capture just a fraction of what's in your head.

And 'creative agony' can have so much of a 'this just fu**ing sucks' factor that your measurable output seems little to some. Because you become so obsessed with just one piece, that it takes you forever. You want it to be perfect, so you work on month after month after month.
And sometimes you're close to clicking the God damn "erase" button because it can be a hard birth.

I remember I wrote one song last June and I literally wrote it down in one big swoop, just like Michael said, it literally "came to me" in it's entirety.
It's written- but getting it anywhere near to a stage so that others can catch a glimpse of it- that is the really hard part. Not the writing.

Anybody that writes music often runs through the world with snippets, fragments and entire sections in their head, it doesn't mean you're lazy.
That is where the restlessness, the insomnia can also come from. You don't stop creating, many artists don't stop creating- and when they can't get it "out" of them because somebody literally has drained their energy, because external factors are causing them not to be able to focus on their creations- that is when it becomes very difficult.

Michael always said he never stopped creating, he described to Bashir that in his head the creation never stops, he told Ortega he's up channeling and is has nothing to do with being lazy. He most definitely took the obsession with detail to a new level- and when he was able to work without these idiots ruining his life, he obviously created like a mad man. Look at 'Ghosts'- imagine all that being stuck in your head...
What is meant with learning the music theory?

It means learning how to read and write musical notes, and to learn about the structure of musical composition.

Personally, I don't think we really know just how much Michael knew about music theory. I mean he DID compose many songs himself. He would come up with the composition in his head and record it on tape then he would go into the studio and have someone translate that into musical instruments. But as for how much he actually knew about the process, we don't really know. Even if you know about something, sometimes it's better to rely on a professional who's had years of experience and knows what he/she's doing..
I want to hear his compositions so bad.."childhood" really showed his strength in classical music. This guy who has his music ideas should put the orchestra together and record it
The bodyguards -those writing a book-wrote they heard a lot of new music when they worked for him.
People who worked with him in the studio said he did things noone else did and they learned a lot from him.