"Michael" Album - My Amazon Shock

The Moonwalker

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Harrogate, England
I was just looking around on Amazon and it suggested I look at buying the 'Michael' album. I wouldn't have bothered as I already own it had it not been for the price...the CD, brand new...is only £1.75!


Can't believe it...I know there was all the controversy etc. but I didn't realise it would have such an adverse effect on the album. Let's hope the Estate learn from their mistakes and make sure the next 'new' album is completed to a much higher standard.
Wow, now thats a low price! In Germany it's 5€ on Amazon, so still very cheap.
Many albums from lesser known bands - especially bands from the Metal-genre - still are around the price they were at the release date, even years after that: About 12-16€.
I'm not surprised the album dropped in price. Not just the controversy but the mere fact Sony & The Estate pretty much gave up on it after Behind The Mask. They could have done maybe 1 or 2 more singles from it, but just let the project fade away.
Note : Off topic but here another album example not doing well

Embarrassing: Madonna’s ‘MDNA’ Price Slashed To $0.41

It’s hard being a Pop megastar. Yet, that much harder when you’re one who can no longer sell.
Just ask Madonna.
For, while her royal status sees her Madgesty sell-out arena’s globally, it seems interest in her music has hit rock bottom.
Find out out why after the jump…

According to Roger Friedman over at Showbiz 411, the 53 year old’s latest album is now available on Amazon for all of $0.41. Yes you read correct:The saga of Madonna’s “MDNA” just keeps getting stranger. Even as Madonna launches her world wide tour–very successful, looks like a hit–”MDNA” is suffering. The latest situation: the album is being offered on amazon.com for 41 cents. That’s right–forty one pennies. The shipping is actually more expensive–$2.98. A couple of different companies are offering “MDNA” at this price. I emailed AbundaTrade in South Carolina. Their owner advised me: “Yes, there was a flaw in our purchasing calculator. We paid $4.86 each. We have 111 left in stock and can sell them all to you for $0.41 plus $2.98 shipping each as per our Amazon listing.” That’s pretty much as low as you can go.
Granted ol’ Madge is probably laughing all the way to the bank (see: tour gross), the Janet’s, GaGa’s, and Mariah’s she so often shades are likely cackling at this shocking low. A low which, due to Billboard rules, won’t even count towards to LP’s so-so sales.
On the plus side, at least the album’s price now reflects the material.​
Click here to buy ‘MDNA’ for $0.41

bluesky;3652655 said:
Note : Off topic but here another album example not doing well

Embarrassing: Madonna’s ‘MDNA’ Price Slashed To $0.41

It’s hard being a Pop megastar. Yet, that much harder when you’re one who can no longer sell.
Just ask Madonna.
For, while her royal status sees her Madgesty sell-out arena’s globally, it seems interest in her music has hit rock bottom.
Find out out why after the jump…

According to Roger Friedman over at Showbiz 411, the 53 year old’s latest album is now available on Amazon for all of $0.41. Yes you read correct:The saga of Madonna’s “MDNA” just keeps getting stranger. Even as Madonna launches her world wide tour–very successful, looks like a hit–”MDNA” is suffering. The latest situation: the album is being offered on amazon.com for 41 cents. That’s right–forty one pennies. The shipping is actually more expensive–$2.98. A couple of different companies are offering “MDNA” at this price. I emailed AbundaTrade in South Carolina. Their owner advised me: “Yes, there was a flaw in our purchasing calculator. We paid $4.86 each. We have 111 left in stock and can sell them all to you for $0.41 plus $2.98 shipping each as per our Amazon listing.” That’s pretty much as low as you can go.
Granted ol’ Madge is probably laughing all the way to the bank (see: tour gross), the Janet’s, GaGa’s, and Mariah’s she so often shades are likely cackling at this shocking low. A low which, due to Billboard rules, won’t even count towards to LP’s so-so sales.
On the plus side, at least the album’s price now reflects the material.​
Click here to buy ‘MDNA’ for $0.41


Okay, it's totally off topic, but Madonna's album is actually one of the most succesfull albums of 2012 yet. And that 0,41$ album is actually sold by a private seller, not by Amazon itself. The article is totally wrong and mean :ph34r:

Okay, now straaaaaight back to topic:
It isn't very surprising as the controversy definitely is the main reason of it all. Even casual people now know about the fake-songs thing (even if many don't know which songs are exactly meant), so I believe it turns many people off from buying the album.
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I'm not surprise that the album is that cheap now. I had pre ordered my from Amazon.com when it was coming out. And I still have yet to take the plastic wrap off of it. I just saw it on the American Amazon site and they want either between $2.90 to $5.23 for it now.
I love this "Michael" album, the songs are very nice, maybe some arrangements were not complety in Michael's vision, the producers did their best, but the fans were not ready for this album and Sony didn't know what approch to take...now they went for demos, that's also not a great aproach because the quality is not good enought for Michael...so I hope they will find a balance in the future!
Wow! £1.75! Eek! It's not surprising though given the controversy surrounding the album. That definitely turned people off of buying it.
I honestly wouldn't have accepted that album, even for free.
Thats low that album could have been so much better if they had used songs in their original form that were finished