Michael adopting children....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
One of the things Michael always wanted to do was to adopt children. He's been saying that in interviews since the 70's.

In his 70's interview, where he said he would adopt children from all nations, all races when he got older.

Brooke Shields also said Michael talked to her about adoption and wanted to adopt children with her.

During his marriage with LMP, he did an interview in August 95 (six weeks seperation after the big fight with Lisa)

DS: In Oprah’s interview you said that you wanted to raise a family one day. Do you plan to do so?
Michael: Yes. That’s my dream for a long time. My own children, I want to adopt them. Not only my own, but children from all over the world. I think we should be less territorial about it.

Michael also mentioned it in Rabbi Shmuley's "The Michael Jackson Tapes" (2000-01) that he had some big arguments with LMP, because she was very territorial about her own children, and Michael said all children were our children. Lisa was very angry about it.

During the 2005 trial, police searched all his computers, and showed Michael had visited 2 adoption websites.

He always said that he wanted to be his parent's number of children one day.

This man wanted to adopt children, he felt all children were his children!!

Because of certain people and the media, he never got to fulfill his dream.

Thankfully, he still had 3 precious children bring so much joy in his life.
If dear Michael wasn"t so bruttaly taken away ....he would adopt , I am sure.
That would be so wonderful. He could give so much love to kids.
I also think that his kids would embrace them with love and understanding.
What could have been....:( :( :(
He could do so much more. So much.
Everything good happens in the end:yes: but it is sad that it couldnt happen before:sad:
But Michael had in fact adopted hundreds of children throughout the years and closely took care of many disadvantaged ones and of children who had a disfunctional family, like Macauley. He did take many children under his motherly wing, whether sad or happy, friends or nephews and nieces, and offered them shelter, food and selfless love, and got many of them to get better by paying for their medical treatments and closely monitoring their convalescent period. One of the many such examples are unfortunate, though. For, although the kid had recovered from cancer, he'd eventually accuse him of the most harmful, false thing ever, and that was Arvizo. .. And to think of the many other needy, but more normal children that could've still benefited from his care, and the 2003 horrendous allegations and 2005 trial ruined it. He still offered lots of love and care, but he was cornered, like a leprous animal afterwards, he left Neverland, and that must've scarred his soul like nothing else.

He may have intended to adopt legally afterwards, paper-proved, but factually, for real was he a parent for many children, not just his. ..
each time when I saw Angelina Julie's charity work, always travelling around the world or her talk about adopting children/her family is always open for worldwide children... it always remind me of Michael. She seemed to follow Michael's footstep and did what Michael always had done his whole life. I hope Michael could fulfill his dream of having the big big family and adopt many children from all nations all races. He deserved much much more.
But Michael had in fact adopted hundreds of children throughout the years and closely took care of many disadvantaged ones and of children who had a disfunctional family, like Macauley. He did take many children under his motherly wing, whether sad or happy, friends or nephews and nieces, and offered them shelter, food and selfless love, and got many of them to get better by paying for their medical treatments and closely monitoring their convalescent period. One of the many such examples are unfortunate, though. For, although the kid had recovered from cancer, he'd eventually accuse him of the most harmful, false thing ever, and that was Arvizo. .. And to think of the many other needy, but more normal children that could've still benefited from his care, and the 2003 horrendous allegations and 2005 trial ruined it. He still offered lots of love and care, but he was cornered, like a leprous animal afterwards, he left Neverland, and that must've scarred his soul like nothing else.

He may have intended to adopt legally afterwards, paper-proved, but factually, for real was he a parent for many children, not just his. ..

100% agreed with you!
If dear Michael wasn"t so bruttaly taken away ....he would adopt , I am sure.
That would be so wonderful. He could give so much love to kids.
I also think that his kids would embrace them with love and understanding.
What could have been....:( :( :(
He could do so much more. So much.

Agreed.... :(
I don't know how true this is but there was a newspaper article where he said he wanted to adopt Lisa Marie's first baby. I found it on another board but unfortunately I didn't take note of the link but I'm reproducing it below:

He Comforts Lonely Lisa

Michael Jackson has offered to help rebuild the shattered life of Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie. And he wants to be the father to the baby 20-year-old Lisa is expecting in the Spring. He had even set up a nursery in a wing of his California mansion for her and the child. Friends of the heiress to Elvis' $20 million fortune is frightened and miserable after her brief marriage broke up. She stunned the world when she wed musician Danny Keough, a 23-year-old follower of the Church of Scientology.

The couple went on a honeymoon cruise in the Caribbean but Lisa returned to Los Angeles alone and pregnant. Danny vanished and is thought to be in hiding at a Scientology retreat in California. Then ***** who has never had a girlfriend stepped in.

One of Lisa's friends said yesterday she was upset and sad about her marriage. She had no one to turn to until Michael came into her life. Actually they met before her marriage. When he heard how depressed she was he invited her to the mansion and took her under his wing. Now Michael wants to pick up where Danny left off. He doesn't want to be her husband, just a surrogate father. Before Jackson's offer was revealed Lisa told other friends that he had offered to be Godfather to her child."

Although tabloids tend to be suspect, I'm leaning more towards believing this based on the tons of material I have already read after Mike died. (I became a fan only after his death.) In an Ebony magazine interview he gave in 1994 just after he married Lisa, he said when he started the Dangerous album their relationship reached a new plateau, adding further "We sort of went out together. Then we would talk on the phone...I noticed that we had come closer."

The official line was Mike and Lisa met as adults in November 1992. However, the Dangerous album was being put together in early 1991 so there's a mismatch here. After putting two and two together, my theory is Branca introduced them in August 1988 in Marbella, Spain during the Bad tour (Lisa was said to escape to Spain whenever she wanted to evade the media). After the concert Mike spent a week at a resort called Incosol Health Farm.

At that time Lisa was not yet married. However, in November 1988 she married Danny after she accidentally got pregnant (her daughter was born in May 1989 which means she got pregnant in August, after she came back from Marbella).

For now this is just theory as the only documented facts are: a newspaper article of the above title was published, Mike was in Spain in August 1988 and stayed at the Incosol Health Farm, the Dangerous album was written in early 1991, he was interviewed by Ebony in 1994, Lisa got married in November 1988 and gave birth to her first child in May 1989.
I don't know how true this is but there was a newspaper article where he said he wanted to adopt Lisa Marie's first baby. I found it on another board but unfortunately I didn't take note of the link but I'm reproducing it below:

He Comforts Lonely Lisa

Michael Jackson has offered to help rebuild the shattered life of Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie. And he wants to be the father to the baby 20-year-old Lisa is expecting in the Spring. He had even set up a nursery in a wing of his California mansion for her and the child. Friends of the heiress to Elvis' $20 million fortune is frightened and miserable after her brief marriage broke up. She stunned the world when she wed musician Danny Keough, a 23-year-old follower of the Church of Scientology.

The couple went on a honeymoon cruise in the Caribbean but Lisa returned to Los Angeles alone and pregnant. Danny vanished and is thought to be in hiding at a Scientology retreat in California. Then ***** who has never had a girlfriend stepped in.

One of Lisa's friends said yesterday she was upset and sad about her marriage. She had no one to turn to until Michael came into her life. Actually they met before her marriage. When he heard how depressed she was he invited her to the mansion and took her under his wing. Now Michael wants to pick up where Danny left off. He doesn't want to be her husband, just a surrogate father. Before Jackson's offer was revealed Lisa told other friends that he had offered to be Godfather to her child."

Although tabloids tend to be suspect, I'm leaning more towards believing this based on the tons of material I have already read after Mike died. (I became a fan only after his death.) In an Ebony magazine interview he gave in 1994 just after he married Lisa, he said when he started the Dangerous album their relationship reached a new plateau, adding further "We sort of went out together. Then we would talk on the phone...I noticed that we had come closer."

The official line was Mike and Lisa met as adults in November 1992. However, the Dangerous album was being put together in early 1991 so there's a mismatch here. After putting two and two together, my theory is Branca introduced them in August 1988 in Marbella, Spain during the Bad tour (Lisa was said to escape to Spain whenever she wanted to evade the media). After the concert Mike spent a week at a resort called Incosol Health Farm.

At that time Lisa was not yet married. However, in November 1988 she married Danny after she accidentally got pregnant (her daughter was born in May 1989 which means she got pregnant in August, after she came back from Marbella).

For now this is just theory as the only documented facts are: a newspaper article of the above title was published, Mike was in Spain in August 1988 and stayed at the Incosol Health Farm, the Dangerous album was written in early 1991, he was interviewed by Ebony in 1994, Lisa got married in November 1988 and gave birth to her first child in May 1989.

Hmm I never heard about that before. You make some valid points. Thanks for posting.
it was a tabloid story that i doubt had any truth in it what so ever. her children have a father. and he was hardly gonna give up his rights and let some other man adopt them. it was just a typcial tabloid peice to wind up the presley fans and ppl in general
I don't know how true this is but there was a newspaper article where he said he wanted to adopt Lisa Marie's first baby. I found it on another board but unfortunately I didn't take note of the link but I'm reproducing it below:

He Comforts Lonely Lisa

Michael Jackson has offered to help rebuild the shattered life of Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie. And he wants to be the father to the baby 20-year-old Lisa is expecting in the Spring. He had even set up a nursery in a wing of his California mansion for her and the child. Friends of the heiress to Elvis' $20 million fortune is frightened and miserable after her brief marriage broke up. She stunned the world when she wed musician Danny Keough, a 23-year-old follower of the Church of Scientology.

The couple went on a honeymoon cruise in the Caribbean but Lisa returned to Los Angeles alone and pregnant. Danny vanished and is thought to be in hiding at a Scientology retreat in California. Then ***** who has never had a girlfriend stepped in.

One of Lisa's friends said yesterday she was upset and sad about her marriage. She had no one to turn to until Michael came into her life. Actually they met before her marriage. When he heard how depressed she was he invited her to the mansion and took her under his wing. Now Michael wants to pick up where Danny left off. He doesn't want to be her husband, just a surrogate father. Before Jackson's offer was revealed Lisa told other friends that he had offered to be Godfather to her child."

Although tabloids tend to be suspect, I'm leaning more towards believing this based on the tons of material I have already read after Mike died. (I became a fan only after his death.) In an Ebony magazine interview he gave in 1994 just after he married Lisa, he said when he started the Dangerous album their relationship reached a new plateau, adding further "We sort of went out together. Then we would talk on the phone...I noticed that we had come closer."

The official line was Mike and Lisa met as adults in November 1992. However, the Dangerous album was being put together in early 1991 so there's a mismatch here. After putting two and two together, my theory is Branca introduced them in August 1988 in Marbella, Spain during the Bad tour (Lisa was said to escape to Spain whenever she wanted to evade the media). After the concert Mike spent a week at a resort called Incosol Health Farm.

At that time Lisa was not yet married. However, in November 1988 she married Danny after she accidentally got pregnant (her daughter was born in May 1989 which means she got pregnant in August, after she came back from Marbella).

For now this is just theory as the only documented facts are: a newspaper article of the above title was published, Mike was in Spain in August 1988 and stayed at the Incosol Health Farm, the Dangerous album was written in early 1991, he was interviewed by Ebony in 1994, Lisa got married in November 1988 and gave birth to her first child in May 1989.

I don't think LMP and Michael had anything to do with each other before November 1992. Yeah, they briefly met when LMP was a child and I also know that Michael once had a dinner with Priscilla around 1984-85 and he asked her to bring LMP with her (which she refused). But I think that was just because she was Elvis's daughter and Michael wanted to to see how they would understand each other. I don't think it was anything serious at the time and I don't think you can fall in love not really knowing the other.

If they had anything for each other in 1988-89, I can't see why would LMP marry another man. Sorry, but I don't think so.

Plus, I know the Glenda tapes are controversial, but I believe them to be real and Michael never mentions LMP there. He mentions a woman called Melissa but never LMP. Odd if they were sooooo in love.

As for the OT: I believe Michael always wanted to adopt and it would have been great. But I'm afraid that after 1993 it was almost impossible for him.
It's good to have some discussion on this as Mike's life is such a mystery and events that happened are often beset with contradictions. When something is confirmed another set of circumstances happen that contradicts it; someone says something and in the next breath it is belied, so much so that sometimes we don't know what to believe anymore. And so we are reduced to speculating and sticking to the theories we prefer.

In response to elusive moonwalker's and respect77's points (which I also used to believe before I did my research), here is what I think happened:

1. In her book On Michael Jackson, New York Times columnist Margo Jefferson did a competent analysis of Mike's life and personality, and among other things she relates that early on in his life, Mike had envisioned a life plan that would make his career "the greatest show on earth," which was inspired by one of his idols, the impresario P. T. Barnum.

2. Everything he did would follow that life plan and one of the goals is that at a certain point he would need to to find a wife and have a family. At first, he though that wife would be Diana Ross and he was very public in saying that she was his first love and would marry her and move to Switzerland. When that plan did not push through, he turned his thoughts on Lisa Marie, the perfect life partner (the King of Pop marrying the daughter of THE King). He was not in love with her yet but wanted to meet her and see where it goes.

3. When they did meet, she had fellow Scientologist Danny as her boyfriend and I don't think it was love at first sight when she met Mike but she and Mike developed a relationship as friends, talking on the phone and all that. Then she got pregnant and had to marry Danny. During the course of that marriage, Michael became a shoulder for Lisa to cry on when problems developed in the marriage. That's when that newspaper article came out. Maybe Mike had a hand in getting that information out, I don't know. But I suspect this was part of the plan and that part about adopting was purely Mike's fantasy.

4. Maybe Mike had fallen in love with her by that time, or maybe not (if he was talking about Melissa who I think he considered a pest) and Lisa was beginning to do the same. If he did not talk about Lisa in the Glenda tapes, it may have been because they agreed to keep it a secret because she was still married and living with Danny.

5. Lastly, if we go by that Ebony magazine article where he actually said they had become closer while he was doing the Dangerous album in early 1991, this proves they met earlier than November 1992.

That's my theory and I welcome more discussion on this as we need, as much as possible, to get to the truth about the Mike and Lisa story.
Those children would have been in the best of hands--I've never seen someone so honest and so...right. All children are our children, he's absolutely right. I've always been an advocate for adopting children, first of all, because I think we've got one Hell of an overpopulation problem already, so we really have no need for more mouths not to feed, to put it lightly. Second, there are so many children currently alive in this day and age who have no mother, no father, and no home to call their own--why is it that they're less deserving of a happy home than "biokids"? I think people should stop being so selfish and really look at loving children instead of just their own children--but most people are a waste of space, so they wouldn't really understand. It takes an extraordinary kind of person, it seems, to adopt children who aren't "theirs" and treat them as their own--and Michael was willing to do that, it's too bad he never got the chance to do so. He would have given those kids an excellent and happy home. He had a certain gift for parenthood that few people in this world have.
In her book On Michael Jackson, New York Times columnist Margo Jefferson did a competent analysis of Mike's life and personality, and among other things she relates that early on in his life, Mike had envisioned a life plan that would make his career "the greatest show on earth," which was inspired by one of his idols, the impresario P. T. Barnum.
if im remembering right from the time it was released that book was terrible and as nasty as hell so i take nothing from that to get to the bottom of anything

as we need, as much as possible, to get to the truth about the Mike and Lisa story.
do we really? seriously im not taking the piss or anything. but why? its old hat does anyone rally care. theres nothing to get to the bottom of they met. got married and kept things quiet until it eventually came out.then got divorced!

Besides, this isn't yet another one of the endless Jackson/Presley fascination/obsession threads (which I, for one, cannot comprehend), what a waste of precious time. He, btw, said he felt love for all children, which LMP didn't have, so she'd push them away, which rubbed him in a very bad way. ... This topic is about Michael adopting children, not his failed relationships.

Besides, this isn't yet another one of the endless Jackson/Presley fascination/obsession threads (which I, for one, cannot comprehend), what a waste of precious time. He, btw, said he felt love for all children, which LMP didn't have, so she'd push them away, which rubbed him in a very bad way. ... This topic is about Michael adopting children, not his failed relationships.

Agreed. Thank you. I wish he was able to adopt while he was still here...
It's good to have some discussion on this as Mike's life is such a mystery and events that happened are often beset with contradictions. When something is confirmed another set of circumstances happen that contradicts it; someone says something and in the next breath it is belied, so much so that sometimes we don't know what to believe anymore. And so we are reduced to speculating and sticking to the theories we prefer.

In response to elusive moonwalker's and respect77's points (which I also used to believe before I did my research), here is what I think happened:

1. In her book On Michael Jackson, New York Times columnist Margo Jefferson did a competent analysis of Mike's life and personality, and among other things she relates that early on in his life, Mike had envisioned a life plan that would make his career "the greatest show on earth," which was inspired by one of his idols, the impresario P. T. Barnum.

2. Everything he did would follow that life plan and one of the goals is that at a certain point he would need to to find a wife and have a family. At first, he though that wife would be Diana Ross and he was very public in saying that she was his first love and would marry her and move to Switzerland. When that plan did not push through, he turned his thoughts on Lisa Marie, the perfect life partner (the King of Pop marrying the daughter of THE King). He was not in love with her yet but wanted to meet her and see where it goes.

3. When they did meet, she had fellow Scientologist Danny as her boyfriend and I don't think it was love at first sight when she met Mike but she and Mike developed a relationship as friends, talking on the phone and all that. Then she got pregnant and had to marry Danny. During the course of that marriage, Michael became a shoulder for Lisa to cry on when problems developed in the marriage. That's when that newspaper article came out. Maybe Mike had a hand in getting that information out, I don't know. But I suspect this was part of the plan and that part about adopting was purely Mike's fantasy.

4. Maybe Mike had fallen in love with her by that time, or maybe not (if he was talking about Melissa who I think he considered a pest) and Lisa was beginning to do the same. If he did not talk about Lisa in the Glenda tapes, it may have been because they agreed to keep it a secret because she was still married and living with Danny.

5. Lastly, if we go by that Ebony magazine article where he actually said they had become closer while he was doing the Dangerous album in early 1991, this proves they met earlier than November 1992.

That's my theory and I welcome more discussion on this as we need, as much as possible, to get to the truth about the Mike and Lisa story.

It's too much speculation in my opinion. I have a hard time believing LMP was yet in the picture before November 1992. If MJ indeed said it to Ebony that they became closer while he was making Dangerous, he might have mixed up dates or not being totally honest. The meeting at Brett Livingstone's in 1992 was a meeting of two people who haven't met for a long time. There's no way those two were "close" before. Also, it doesn't make sense: LMP and Michael were "close" while he was making Dangerous, yet LMP got pregnant (for the 2nd time) by Danny?
Let's just put this to rest temporarily till we get more definitive information (there are lots of tell-all books coming out this year) and since this is not the original thread for it. As to Lisa getting pregnant in 1991, let's just say it is not unlikely for her to get pregnant with Danny while having a "friendly" relationship with Mike. As we can see from her behavior after the divorce, she continued see Mike while she was engaged to John Oszajca as well as while she was married to Nicolas Cage. Nic Cage was said to have divorced Lisa because she continued to see Mike on the sly.
Can we please get back on topic here. This thread is not about Lisa and MJ. It is about MJ and adopting. It is not about MJ and his relationships. Let's not ruin this trhead please!

Thanks! :flowers:
I wish MJ would have been able to adopt children as he wanted to, he was such a great father, and he would have really changed their lives for the better.

With the exception of Bashir interviewing:

I remember watching this when I was about 5 or 6 and telling my dad I want him to adopt me :lol:
Something I find recently, read the circled paragraphs:
Thanks for the article! I never knew that he had planned to adopt children. But i think it's a good idea because my sister was adopted too.
But Michael had in fact adopted hundreds of children throughout the years and closely took care of many disadvantaged ones and of children who had a disfunctional family, like Macauley. He did take many children under his motherly wing, whether sad or happy, friends or nephews and nieces, and offered them shelter, food and selfless love, and got many of them to get better by paying for their medical treatments and closely monitoring their convalescent period. One of the many such examples are unfortunate, though. For, although the kid had recovered from cancer, he'd eventually accuse him of the most harmful, false thing ever, and that was Arvizo. .. And to think of the many other needy, but more normal children that could've still benefited from his care, and the 2003 horrendous allegations and 2005 trial ruined it. He still offered lots of love and care, but he was cornered, like a leprous animal afterwards, he left Neverland, and that must've scarred his soul like nothing else.

He may have intended to adopt legally afterwards, paper-proved, but factually, for real was he a parent for many children, not just his. ..
Beautifully written and heartbreaking at the same time.
Michael had so much love to give! But sadly there were people who didn't appreciate this and who used his loving soul for their own evil purposes, knowing that the things they would accuse him of would just destroy him and leave him heartbroken. It's so sad that there are still some people who don't see what Michael Jackson was about, namely love. And love was all he wanted in return for loving and pouring his heart out to people he didn't even know, the children of God. But nothing ever could destroy his loving and giving soul because HE knew what was important on this earth.