Michael a musical genius? Explain why.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the past weeks I've read several articles in which Michael is referred as a musical "genius".
Unfortunately though other people have recently made nasty comments on Michael's abilities, claiming he wasn't THAT good after all, not as a musician/composer, not as a dancer, heck not even as a singer.
It looks like they don't want to give him credit for anything and the fact he made pop music doesn't mean his songs have to be frivolous, just a tune or a chorus and nothing more.
I can't judge the technical aspects of Michael's work (voice, lyrics, arrangements, impact on music genres) as I'm not an expert so I decided to start this thread to collect the impartial reviews of those of you who think can provide an informed and competent opinion on Michael's true abilities and discography.
Feel free to add reviews from music critics and journalists.
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You should use the search function on this forum and Google. You'll find more than enough reading material, trust me.
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Excuse me? What dumb nickname?

I'm not looking for random reading material (but just for the record I searched both on Google and on this board), I started this thread bc I would like to collect competent and impartial reviews about Michael's artistry here where new fans like me (or casual readers or even haters) can read them.
And besides, like I said I'm not an expert so how can I judge the veracity of someone's article?
can someone explain (for example) why The Beetles are genius?

I think it all depends on taste, some people find MJ's songs aren't that good, others consider him as the best singer of all time (the majority)
I am assuming that OP believes in Michael's genuis, but needs validation through reputable sources. All I have to say is that by now you should know that people, media, journalists are going to try to always belittle and tear Michael down. It's really what YOU believe. The proof has always been there for you and everyone else to see. Michael takes care of every detail of everything he works on. He writes his own songs, uses his voice as an instrument to sing the melodies, he conceptualizes the themes for his music videos and his concert tours, he creates his own fashion style. Bottom line, he is a genius entertainer. Anyone who tries to take this away from him, does so not because he isn't a genius of dance or music, but because they hate him for other reasons- maybe how Michael lived his life, or the accusations, or because of all the rumors that the media spread about him to make him seem strange. But no one can deny that Michael got to the top because of his talent, his hard work, and his ambition.

But I find that people have been calling him a prodigy and a genius since he was a child. Check out these interviews from Berry Gordy and Smokey Robinson



I've read many articles that quote that Rolling Stone declared Michael a child musical prodigy in 1972, but can't seem to find the original article from RS.

Read this thread for some examples of Michael's musical genius. It comes from a forum of musical engineers and some have worked for a long time with Michael. They posted some of their memories working with him.


This post is my favorite.

I was fortunate enough to work with MJ early in my career. He was an incredible artist. Talented beyond your wildest dreams. Extremely generous, and a hard worker. I actually went from a staff assistant at the Hit Factory in NYC to freelance engineer under Swedien and MJ. They were due to start in Los Angeles when the Northridge earthquake hit so they moved to New York. One room was all Bruce, the second room was the writing room. I started assisting Bruce's writing partner Rene Moore. I would track stuff with Rene, and Bruce would come in and tell me what I did wrong, sit in for a few hours and set us straight. After a couple months MJ arrived and the entire tour rig was moved in along with Brad Buxer, Andrew Scheps, and Eddie Delena. I continued to assist them until the whole crew moved to L.A., they decided to take me with them. I would assist Bruce during the day, and help out every where else at night - assisting, engineering, programming, and on one song playing guitar. We had two rooms at Record One, and two rooms at Larrabee where I met John. At one point in NYC we had just about every room at the Hit Factory. The crew was great, and I learned so much from all of them. I learned to engineer from Bruce Swedien, John, and Eddie, and got to sit in with producers like MJ, Jam And Lewis, Babyface, David Foster, Teddy Riley, and Dallas Austin.

I was actually asked to leave the project early on because there were too many people around and MJ didn't know me. Luckily, I was rehired about 10 days later. At the wrap party MJ apologized profusely, and expressed his gratitude. Truly the most sincere man you will ever meet.

Some random memories:

One morning MJ came in with a new song he had written overnight. We called in a guitar player, and Michael sang every note of every chord to him. "here's the first chord first note, second note, third note. Here's the second chord first note, second note, third note", etc., etc. We then witnessed him giving the most heartfelt and profound vocal performance, live in the control room through an SM57.

He would sing us an entire string arrangement, every part. Steve Porcaro once told me he witnessed MJ doing that with the string section in the room. Had it all in his head, harmony and everything. Not just little eight bar loop ideas. he would actually sing the entire arrangement into a micro-cassette recorder complete with stops and fills.

At one point Michael was angry at one of the producers on the project because he was treating everyone terribly. Rather than create a scene or fire the guy, Michael called him to his office/lounge and one of the security guys threw a pie in his face. No further action was needed . . . . .

During the recording of "Smile" on HIStory, Bruce thought it would be great if Michael would sing live with the orchestra. But of course, we didn't tell the players that. We set him up in a vocal booth off to the side. They rehearsed a bit without vocals in, then during the first take Michael sang, just about knocked them out of their chairs.

His beatboxing was without parallel, and his time was ridiculous.

His sense of harmony was incredible. Never a bad note, no tuning, even his breathing was perfectly in time.

Once, while we were taking a break, I think we were actually watching the OJ chase on TV, there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said this is what I have to deal with.

I spent close to 3 years working with him, and not once did I question his morals, or ever believe any of the allegations. I wasn't even a fan then. I saw him interact with his brothers kids, other people's children, and at one point my own girlfriend's kids. I got to spend a day at Neverland with them. A completely incredible human being, always looking for a way to make all children's lives better. Every weekend at Neverland was donated to a different children's group - children with AIDS, children cancer, etc., and most of the time he wasn't there.

He was simply living the childhood he never had. In many ways he never grew up.

I was assisting Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis while they recorded the background vocals for "Scream" with MJ and Janet. The two of them singing together was amazing. Super tight, no bad notes. One part after another. When they took a break they sang the showtunes they used to sing as kids. Again, perfect harmony. Mj refused to sing the "stop f*ckin' with me part" because he would NOT curse.

I was the tape op for the recording of the background vocals on "Stranger in Moscow". Scared the hell out me. Michael was dropping in and out on syllables, rearranging the notes and timing as he put it down. No Pro Tools at the time, just 2" tape, and my punches.

I erased a live keyboard overdub that he played one night. He came in the next morning, replaced it, and never uttered another word about it.

I was there when Lisa Marie was around. They acted like two kids in love. Held hands all the time, and she hung out at the studio for quite a while. I never questioned their love for each other.

We recorded a Christmas song during the summer of '94 that needed a children's choir. Michael insisted that the entire studio be decorated with xmas lights, tree, fake snow and a sled for their recording. And he bought presents for everyone.

The last weekend of recording on HIStory he came to me and Eddie Delena, and said "I'm sorry, but I don't think any of us are going to sleep this weekend. There's a lot to get done, and we have to go to Bernie on Monday morning". He stayed at the studio the entire time, singing, and mixing. I got to spend a couple quiet moments with him during that time. We talked about John Lennon one night as he was gearing up to sing the last vocal of the record - the huge ad libs at the end of "earth song". I told him the story of John singing "twist and shout" while being sick, and though most people think he was screaming for effect, it was actually his voice giving out. He loved it, and then went in to sing his heart out. . . .

Later that night, while mixing, everyone left the room so MJ could turn it up. This was a common occurrence during the mixes, and I was left in the room with ear plugs, and hands over my ears, in case he needed something. This particular night, all the lights were out and we noticed some blue flashes intermittently lighting up the room during playback. After a few moments we could see that one of the speakers (custom quad augspuergers) was shooting blue flames. Mj liked this and proceeded to push all the faders up . . . .

MJ liked hot water while he was singing. I mean really hot !!!!! It got to the point that I would melt plastic spoons to test it.

Bruce and I were talking about walking to the studio everyday in NYC, and what routes we took. Michael looked at us and said we were so lucky to be able to do that. He couldn't walk down the street without being harassed. It was a sad moment for all of us.

The studio crew got free tickets to the Janet show so we all went right from work one night. About halfway through the show we see this dude with a long beard, dressed in robes dancing in the aisle behind. I mean really dancing . . . it was Mj in disguise. Kind of like the costume Chevy Chase wears in Fletch while roller skating.

He got one of the first playstations from sony in his lounge . . . we snuck in late at night to play the games that hadn't been released yet.

A couple people on the session hadn't seen Jurassic Park while it was out, so MJ arranged a private screening for us at Sony.

He was a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral . . . .

I was lucky enough over the course of 3 years to have access to the multitrack masters for tour prep, videos, and archive purposes. To be able to pull these tracks apart was a huge lesson in production, and songwriting. A chance to look into the minds of geniuses.

Of all the records I've worked on, MJJ was the only company to give platinum award records.

One day we just all sat in the studio listening to his catalog with him for inspiration. He loved the process, he loved the work.

Hope some of this helps you in your quest.
They have a song contest on tv ,swedish idol.
They had Michael Jackson theme one evening and they mentioned that it was the hardest theme they ever had had on idol.
(Idol in sweden has been going on for some years and many songs has been sung)
It seems so easy when Michael sings his songs but when I saw the competition I realised it was too difficult for them to sing some of his songs.
Maybe you just don´t think about what a great songer he was.

When there comes to dancing, you can see the dancers in the beginning of this is it movie.How they talked about how they admired Michael Jackson and how happy they were to be one of his dancers.
In an interview one of the dancers said Michael wasn´t there when they began the rehearsals.
Ortega told them that when Michael would come the dancers would forget all the steps they had learnt.That was true said the dancer.
The higest dream in a dancers life was to dance with Michael Jackson.
They didn´t make a single show but they were actually dancing with Michael Jackson and that´s a memory for life.

You can see the dancetributes dancers from many places over the world made for him.Something like that has never happened before .A tribute from dancers to someone they thought was one of the greatest dancers.
Thanks elmari, those articles are exactly what I was looking for.

I am assuming that OP believes in Michael's genuis, but needs validation through reputable sources.
Maybe the title gave away the wrong impression of what I think about Michael's artistry: I firmly believe he was a brilliant composer and musician and an incomparable entertainer.

Imho you can recognize a musician's talent even if you don't like the genre of music he/she plays but bc of the lies and the venom that have been spread about him, that simple statement doesn't apply to Michael.
Even if the press made his life miserable making up absurd stories about him, his talent seemed to be clear and acknowledged by everybody.
But now that he's not here anymore, not only the rumors about him haven't stopped, but people even started claiming that he was overrated as an artist.
Which is the ultimate infamy.

This is why I hoped we could collect professional reviews from people in the musical field or from the ones who worked with MJ, I want to be able to say "I can't tell how good he was? Fine, here's what people who make music for a living think about him."

PS I thought the asterisks were meant to avoid repeating Michael's name over and over again but darmin just explained to me what *** stands for and I want to apologize myself. I would never use that word.
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^^ Yeah, it's interesting that since Michael is no longer alive for his actions to be scrutinized by the media, tabloids, and paparazzi, they are resorting to attack his musical legacy. And it doesn't help when the likes of fair-weather friend Quincy Jones says that 'Michael did not have that much talent.'

I think those that targeted Michael to make his life miserable are mad that he died because now they have no one to pick on anymore. So they continue to pick on him and spread their vile opinions.

I am reading a book about the historical Jesus Christ at the moment and I am finding a lot of similarities to what Jesus Christ was put through by the politicians and the scribes to what was done to Michael by 'people in power' and the tabloids. Jesus' disciples wrote the gospels for the specific purpose of trying to reveal the truth of Jesus' life because after his death, there was so much confusion and so many rumors about who Jesus Christ really was. It would be wonderful if there was some literature on Michael that was really just nothing but the truth, good and bad, so that rumors and myths don't become the truth because so many people repeat it throughout the years.

If I find anything, I will definitely post here.