Man of the Year: Nominate Michael


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
This is that free newspaper they hand out in the streets and subways. It's no Time Magazine but they have a huge circulation (U.S. and international). Today's update in the paper says Ted Kenndy received more nominations than anyone else and Michael Jackson is "another consistent nominee."


We’ve already asked members of our Metro Life Panel for their early thoughts — and the nominations have been fascinating.

President Barack Obama tops many people’s list for Man of the Year. So, too, does Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the hero pilot who landed his stricken jet on the Hudson River in New York.

Michael Jackson’s untimely death makes him the Man of the Year for many readers, and other nominees include Rush Limbaugh, Ed Rendell, the governor of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Menino, the mayor of Boston. On the sporting front, Yankees skipper Derek Jeter is a favorite. Also nominated is Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, who marks 10 years in the job with the iPhone setting new sales records.

What of our Woman of the Year? Michelle Obama is our first African-American first lady and has been nominated by many Metro Life Panel readers. Sarah Palin has rarely been out of the headlines and attracted several nominations. Oprah Winfrey announced she is leaving her show after 25 years — does she qualify as our Woman of the Year? Our readers think so, and they’ve also nominated octomom Nadya Suleman; Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina to sit on the Supreme Court; and even the pneumatic British model Katie Price, known professionally as Jordan (and no, we’re not joking about that.)
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Can you please post the link to the poll on December 7th, when the poll for the final three contestants is open (unless MJ is nor part of the last three) Thanks!!
You have to send an email to this address:

in order to nominate Michael. I just did!
:wild: !!! Thank you! I missed this.. [As I'm partial to AM NY (mainly for the Ken Ken and crossword :yes:)]

Yay! Michael made the shortlist of nominations. Now we must all go to this link and vote in the poll for newsmaker of the year:

Nominations for Metro’s Man and Woman of the Year event have now closed, and this morning we reveal the shortlist of three people in each category who received most support from our readers.

Hundreds of people made nominations. They ranged from the predictable to the personal. One man nominated his wife. Another reader nominated GI Joe and GI Jane.

Another nomination came in for the entire American population “for all that we have had to deal with from the rest of the world.”

Gertrude Baines, the world’s oldest woman until her death in September, Ted Kennedy, the Liberal Lion, Ed Rendell, governor of Pennsylvania and Thomas Menino, mayor of Boston, all had their supporters.

Michael Bloomberg, newly re-elected mayor of New York also made an appearance, as did “Metro Man,” the Metro-North Railroad mascot during the 1980s and ’90s.

But in the end, the shortlist of three finalists in each category was relatively easily established. These six people received probably 85 percent of all nominations, and two of them will be voted our newsmakers of the year for 2009, to be revealed in our end-of-year edition Dec. 28.
I just voted for him. He is in the lead with 67%. Scully has 33%. Obama is at 0%.
Only 5 votes so far, but MJ's at 80% so hopefully it'll keep up!
Hehehe, in better times (when Michael was still with us) I'd have voted for Obama too. But we lost the King of Pop who I've known all my life (not personally, of course). I've only known Obama a few years (although he is the hardest working president the U.S. has had in 9 years, lol ok let me stop my snide political comments ;)). seems only 14 people have voted so far...??? not really a lot if this is a major poll? why so little I wonder...hmmm

Now he's at 92% but only 24 votes? I don't get it either. This paper is distributed all over NYC and internationally. I'm sooooo confused.

Anyhoo, for those who would like to text their votes for Michael, text "B" to 89800.

For Sarah Palin text "D" for duhh. Hahahaaa!

I'm bad. :cheeky:
I just voted. but u have to send an email to vote cuz i didnt see those things where u can just click on. Plus i explained why he should be honoured. hehe..
I can't find a link on the website to today's poll update but here's what it says inside the actual paper edition:

Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger still holds a narrow lead over Barack Obama in the race to be named Metro's Man of the Year after yesterday's voting. What is noticeable is how far back Michael Jackson is falling in third place.

I don't get the website poll. Why does it now say MJ has 95% and Barack & Sully have 3% each. Yet the newspaper update has MJ falling to third place.

Anyway guys, if you would like to put MJ at number one continue voting on the website (link below) and/or by text ("B" to 89800).
Hey guys, today's Metro edition says MJ is a distant third behind Obama and Sully, which isn't bad but since when is MJ last in anything?!! Two more days remain for voting so please vote here:

Or text "B" to 89800 on your mobile (by the way, that also enters you for a chance to win a $250 Visa gift card)


The poll says

Obama: 2%
Michael Jackson: 96%
Sully: 2%

Or am i seeing things that are not there?:scratch:
Metro need to correct their article...or something...:smilerolleyes:

The poll says

Obama: 2%
Michael Jackson: 96%
Sully: 2%

Or am i seeing things that are not there?:scratch:
Metro need to correct their article...or something...:smilerolleyes:


I know, I get a similar result. But I wouldn't pay attention to that. The print edition says MJ is in third place for some reason.

I am a bit disturbed that the print version doesn't jive with the online edition. MJ leading w/ 96%