Meteor shower tonight


Proud Member
Sep 20, 2009
Will you be watching? ;) if you live outside the city, you have a better chance to see it. enjoy!

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Thanks for the reminder. I can't believe I have forgotten about the Perseid Meteor Shower. And astronomy is one of my 3 major passions. According to my Astronomy Magazine With the moon out of the sky observers can see up to 100 Perseid meteors per hour. I think that's great cause I L.O.V.E. meteor showers. But I just realized that I don't think I am going to be able to see it. Since it is suppose to be stormy and rainy all this week. :sad:
Thanks for the reminder. I can't believe I have forgotten about the Perseid Meteor Shower. And astronomy is one of my 3 major passions. According to my Astronomy Magazine With the moon out of the sky observers can see up to 100 Perseid meteors per hour. I think that's great cause I L.O.V.E. meteor showers. But I just realized that I don't think I am going to be able to see it. Since it is suppose to be stormy and rainy all this week. :sad:

You're welcome!
well, I don't know if I'll have a good view from where I live either.:( I guess I'll have to wait and see (or not).
someone should record that, really really like to see it !

or is it already passed by?
unfortunately I didn't see anything, too much lights and it was cloudy. =\
It would be awesome if someone had recorded it but not awesome as you see it live of course.
it was too cloudy here, i couldn't see anything -_-