Metaphysics Of Music


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
Jazz Composer and Performer Dr. Nelson Harrison explains the metaphysics of music. Music can be "a metaphysics based on the cooperation between what we know and what we don't". Dr. Harrison holds a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology, and has toured as a trombonist with the Count Basie Orchestra. He also holds a Bachelor's Degree in Zoology. Host is Pittsburgh Theosophical Society President Andy Nesky.

lol...'theosophical'? lol..boy..people come up with new words, everyday.

the host doesn't name the 'subatomic substance', admitting that we don't know anything, though we think we know, and i like how Nelson said, seeing is not believing, and that he said, interfering with the silence with individual noise causes negatively disruptive things to happen, and that people think they can do that, as they wish, but they cannot, without bad consequences, and that people do do that.

i like how he said interrupting the silence, or looking at the notes is not preferred, when writing a song..

i think MJ never interrupted the silence, when songwriting. i think he saw through to 'the womb' that Dr. Nelson is referring to. i feel MJ didn't see the 'notes'. he saw through them.
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Huh? Just because you've never heard of it, doesn't mean it's new. It's been in the dictionary for ages.

new to me...rarely to whoever hadn't heard it. not commonly used..

like a song that is new to people who haven't heard it before, because it was in the archives. i guess it depends on how you look at it.
depends on what dictionary you're looking at.
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Nifty, thanks :D

And btw, for those who don't know, Theosophy (a particular kind of religious/mystical philosophy) has been around since the 1800's. The Theosophical Society was formed in 1875. It might not be mainstream, but running into these words is actually pretty common in some circles. All depends on what you're interested in, what you read, etc. Just like anything else, you know.
Duran, where do you find these videos? Curiosity? Or is it part of something else you happen to be doing at the time? And if I may also ask - you always seem to find some interesting article or video, and also have great opinions on this board about music - I'm just curious what your job is, or career? I always enjoy what you have to say about something on here or anything new you have to post. I hope i'm not being too creepy w/ that, haha! I was just curious. :)

Man, I tell ya that guy makes me want to go back to school and get my Masters in....Musicology or something! I kind of felt like I already knew and understood half of what he was talking about. I have....well i've been told my many, many of my music friends that I have perfect pitch, and a good ear for music. I've always thought I got this particular gift for the fact that i've always had music around me and always gave it my undivided attention, even when I was a child. My father said the only way I would take a nap is if Glenn Miller was on the player. I started piano at age 5, and always enjoyed composing my own stuff from what I thought to be good, not what someone else thought was good, or correct.

So I loved his comments on the way the music schools are working today, and how were NOT putting out players like Dizzie, Bassie, or Coltrain.

And I loved his comments on music being silence. And if you can't appreciate the silence, you basically don't appreciate the music of it.

AND his comments on our natural ear, and the training behind it. And how if you don't play what you hear in your own head, it's not gonna respond well to the audience. They won't enjoy it as much. Play what you hear! It's the only way to go.

Thank you sooo much, Duran!

Duran, where do you find these videos?
I read a lot and I like finding out about things that are interesting to me. Unlike a lot of other people, I don't use Youtube to look at people singing in their bedroom, people talking about nothing (blog videos), or schoolyard fights, lol. There's a lot of information on there that is not diluted mainstream stuff. Since a lot of the posters there are not concerned about ratings & reaching a mass audience or advertising money, they can post obscure and little known information. There's a lot of obscure music and performers from the past also.

Thank you sooo much, Duran!