Messages for Elizabeth


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi Fans!

Laura and I are recording a tribute episode tonight for the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor, who died only a few hours ago.


If you want to send her your thoughts, write a message of L.O.V.E. in this thread - and we will try and read as many aloud as possible in the episode.

In the episode we will also talk about her carreer and life as well as her beautiful friendship with the one and only Michael Jackson. Is there anything else you want us to include?

EDIT: The episode has now been recorded, and messages afterwards will not make the podcast. Thank you for your L.O.V.E.

Messages of L.O.V.E.:
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Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

I am speechless now
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

yeah, me too... can;t grasp this just yet.
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

this is my message i hope u read it on this special thank u so much.


thank u for being a part of the movie of my life , thank u for a sweet childhood memories, thank u for your loyalty good journey to Neverland miss dame elizabeth is time to be with PETER PAN... and remember ...the second star to the right !
i love you
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)


Thanks for showing us the meaning of true love and loyal friendship. Rest in peace, dear Elizabeth, just as your dear Michael does. We miss you both.
Paola (Chile)

What a sad moment to live :cry:
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

A amazing actress was just the beginning. A beautiful woman inside and out, your work on AIDS/HIV has helped so many, and will continue to do so. The world will remember the day this one of a kind actress died, and rightly so, words fail me to say how much your loss means.
Elizabeth I love you,
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

You will be missed by us all:hug:
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

It's so sad, it brings tears into my eyes!!!
What a lost!!! I hope she's in heaven now with Michael :)
Now he has got a real friend somewhere and they are looking at us for above ;)
This news brings some bad memories, I feel similar to June, 25 2009 :(
And even some coincidence - she passed on March 23, 636 days after Michael :(
All my love for Liz and Mike, Poland misses you !!!

Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

You taught us all how to be a class act. You were a lady of grace, poise, and beauty. I am so grateful to you for the unwavering support you gave Michael during his darkest times, when so many people abandoned him. May you and Michael enjoy that super soaker fight you're having right now in the sky. Give him a massive hug from me. May you rest in peace beautiful lady.
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for loving us, because when there were so bad news for us you stood by Michael, by us. And thank you for your art and all your activities for the good in life. You really cared about people. I love you and I thank you,


Rest in peace, and happiness - we love you.
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

I do not know what to say.... :cry:

Well... I just want to say that we all love you so much Liz :heart: and I thank God everyday that He has placed you in Michael's life. :wub:

Goodbye dear....

Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

Thank you for all of your wonderful messages.

If you still want to contribute, there is 45 minutes until we hit 'record'. :flowers:
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

This Feels Like When Michael Died

I know that it's true but I still can't believe it,
A legend has passed, when I found out my jaw hit.
Yes it hit the floor though I knew it was coming,
I didn't expect you to leave us so sudden.
Now that you're with Michael please send him our love,
We'll miss you Elizabeth, we'll miss you so much.

-KingMikeJ :(
Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

This is...I'm tears...

Beautiful, sweet, lovely Ms. Taylor,
On behalf of the entire Michael Jackson fan community I thank you with all my heart, soul and being for your wonderful creative talent, for your courageous life, and most of all for being such a true, loyal, loving friend to our beloved Michael and for always being there for him! We have always loved, honoured, blessed you and we always will...

Thankyou for your love, courage, strength, resilience, graciousness that were always an inspiration to Michael and to all of us! You were a true survivor on Planet Earth and now you will reap your rewards in the beautiful Heavens! I won't worry about Michael anymore, he has you with him in heaven now...

This world will never be the same without you two, but I know both of you are in a beautiful world together and that gives me much solace.

Rest in peace mam, and please receive all our love, appreciation and blessings:angel:...we are so proud of you...

Re: Elizabeth Taylor tribute - send her your love! (Podcast)

Thank you for all of your wonderful messages. The podcast has now been recorded, and the messages after this post will not make the podcast.
