Message to all of Michael's hurting fans <3


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Hey guys this is a message to all of Michael's hurting fans from Debbie Kunesh who is the creator of the "Reflections on the Dance" website. I just wanted to share this with you guys.


Michael was a very special person and touched a lot of lives, but I also think he would want everyone to move on and live out their own legacies and if they wanted to honor him, as he was humble and I think would be honored and humbled by that, to do what he did. To follow the example he left us with. To show love to others, to try to follow in Jesus' footsteps as all Christians are called to do, to use their own God-given abilities to make a difference in what God calls them to do.

Instead, so many remain in this anger and deep, unrelenting pain over his loss that they cannot move on with their lives. I do understand the pain. I just honestly feel a need to really state this because I feel that this is the time. It's something I've been feeling in my spirit.

As some of you may remember the vision of Michael's profile that appeared on my floor weeks ago minutes before I went on Ustream, and the photo I shared...I am still fully trying to figure out what all that meant. But, thanks to a friend, I was directed to the Dancing the Dream book, "Angel of Light" poem, page 105, and the picture to the left of the poem, from "Remember the time" is almost an EXACT match to the profile I saw...right down to the hair, the curl coming down his face (even the curl is the exact same shape) all matches. The only difference is in the profile I saw, his eyes were looking upward. I think there was a message there, I honestly do. I've spent time trying to figure out if it was a personal message or a message I was to share, or both. I think it may be both.

From the "Angel of Light" poem:

..."Your angel is a speck of light perched at the very center of your heart. It is smaller than an atom, but just wait. Once you get close to it, your angel will expand. The closer you come, the more it will grown, until finally, in a burst of light, you will see your angel in its true shape, and at that very instant, you will also see yourself."

"So now I am looking for my angel all the time. I sit silently, turning my gaze inward. It wasn't long before I caught a glimpse of something. "Is that you, Angel, holding a candle?" One flicker and it was gone. Yet that was enough to set my heart wildly beating. Next time my angel will be waving a lamp, then holding a torch aloft, then lighting a bonfire.

That's what the angel-watcher promised, and now that I have caught site of glory, I know enough to believe." (from Dancing the Dream)

We all have bonfires to light. Are you going about the business of lighting yours, or are you so mired in pain, anger and grief that there isn't even a flicker? Are you letting the anger and pain consume you? It's time to move forward and to turn to love instead and take action out of love coming from your heart.

We all need to see ourselves. We need to do what Michael did and use what we've been given to promote change. That can take many forms...including putting truth out there about Michael, peacefully trying to eradicate hate. But it also should mean expanding out into the world and using the gifts we've been given. Michael loved and admired and at times, mourned the greats. Great dancers and performers, for instance, that he modeled his talent after (and then took it to a whole other level of miraculous art), but he didn't stay there. He helped children, the dying, the sick. He put his gifts and abilities into action, even when he was hurting and in pain. We must all do the same. It's time to move forward.

Moving forward doesn't mean forgetting. Michael's legacy and spirit are with us.

Anger doesn't equal action, but love, by it's very nature, if it's real and pure, has action as it's center, and that action, in itself, ends up being the visible, tangible proof of the love that, if only spoken, means nothing.

Lots of love,
I love this part.
Michael loved and admired and at times, mourned the greats. Great dancers and performers, for instance, that he modeled his talent after (and then took it to a whole other level of miraculous art), but he didn't stay there. He helped children, the dying, the sick. He put his gifts and abilities into action, even when he was hurting and in pain. We must all do the same.

That's so true :yes:
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this MsCassieMollie! I clicked on the link you provided and there was Michael's beautiful voice. :wub:That lovely man wasn't from here...:angel:

I am so glad we had him for as long as we did. I know I should be better and continue Michael's work but I feel so lonely without him sometimes.

I am trying...
That was so beautiful. Moving on certainly doesn't mean forgetting and I remember there being a thread here a few months back about the "moving on" issue. I have definitely moved on from that grieving period but there will always surely be that sting of pain there for many reasons (for me personally, everybody has their reasons why Michael's death pains them). But in our hearts we must know that Michael would want us to keep moving forward and not dwell in anger and sadness. That's not what he, his music, or what his life was about.
This is so hard. Sometimes I just want to die.
O que é seguir em frente sem o Michael é tão dificil deixa-lo, me faltam forças.
Sometimes pain has a purpose as well.

And sometimes I would feel almost relieved be able to feel pure unbridled anger. I don't.
I'd love to punch a wall sometimes instead of carrying a hole in my heart. You know, that spot that tenses up, that spots that makes pain shoot up all around you? Sometimes I even wonder if drunken stupor would feel good, but I'm not one for praying to the porcelain god, so I don't.
I would love to feel better about his death by cursing someone out in pent up anger. Only there's isn't really any.

I gleaned new meaning of the word 'bittersweet'.

Late at night, between 2 and 3 am when all is quite around the house,
not even the peep of a mouse.
When all is quiet as dust,
when all quiet I must,
acknowledge what bittersweet means.

And sometimes it's precisely that pain that enables me to set out to do what I really want to do. Often, very often I even adjust my response to my child based on a fleeting thought, sometimes I do something in the knowledge that Mr. Jackson would undoubtedly get on my case if I were to waste an opportunity. Sometimes I carry on only because I know that it's the 'right thing to do', not because I want to. I guess that's kind of human.

I will never return to a state of June 24th 2009- not saying I want to be stuck without change, trying to give words to something life changing.

I actually changed things in my life a lot- more doing, less thinking about what I want to do. You do it in the knowledge that life cannot be wasted, but the pain is still the companion.

How many have wished to 'learn about love that cannot die'. I bet there are many by now who learned that lesson.

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Very beautiful. Thank you so much. This is just yet another reminder that even though it feels empty (and believe never felt this sense so strongly b4) life has to go on. I try every day to convince myself that there is an after-lofe, and that Michael would want us to live our lives to the fullest. Thank you for the comforting words.
I really did thought I was doing better getting over my depression over Michael. And just trying to move on. Until January 25th happen and it just put me right back in to my depression over Michael. Ever since what happen back on January 25th all I've been doing is just cry on and off over Michael. Where before that date I was going for days where I wouldn't cry over him much. My heart has remain broken ever since that horrible June day. And I know it will forever remain broken. I have totally given up on trying to find ways to get over my depression. Seeing that murdering a-hole dead (Preferably by my own hands) is probably the only way I can ever fully recover from my depression. The day he took my beloved Michael away from me he might as well should have killed me as well. My life has been over ever since that horrible June day. The only thing that has ever brought great comfort to me since that horrible June day was sleep. And I just truly wish I could go to sleep and not ever wake up.

Any way thank you posting that it was very beautifully written.
I really did thought I was doing better getting over my depression over Michael. And just trying to move on. Until January 25th happen and it just put me right back in to my depression over Michael. Ever since what happen back on January 25th all I've been doing is just cry on and off over Michael. Where before that date I was going for days where I wouldn't cry over him much. My heart has remain broken ever since that horrible June day. And I know it will forever remain broken. I have totally given up on trying to find ways to get over my depression. Seeing that murdering a-hole dead (Preferably by my own hands) is probably the only way I can ever fully recover from my depression. The day he took my beloved Michael away from me he might as well should have killed me as well. My life has been over ever since that horrible June day. The only thing that has ever brought great comfort to me since that horrible June day was sleep. And I just truly wish I could go to sleep and not ever wake up.

I totally understand this, been there a lot, almost died. And I really died often. .... But it has been almost two years already to still feeling this way. This is no way to live a life. ... :(

Please, stay safe and... pray. ... There are still wonderful things left in this world, although depression is too sadistic to let us see that. But there are. Look up at the sky. ....
When you are grieving you go from denial to acceptance,in between there are other feelings like anger,sadness.For some it take shorter times and others it takes years,the latter just need more time to move on.If someone are not able to work or study at all then they need help after this time but otherwise they just need understanding and time.

I think I have accepted it but for example even if I´m kind of happy that Usher makes a tribute to Michael in the O2 arena it makes me angry and sad too.Not at Usher , but the circumstances.Why wasn´t Michael allowed to do his concerts??
It comforts me to try to heal the world the way I can.
The biggest reason for me to join this forum was that I wanted to heal the world together with all Michaels fans.