Message From Perth Fan AU _ Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson 1958 – 2009

It’s now 3 days since I first heard the news that my lifetime idol, hero and inspiration, the legendary King of Pop Michael Jackson - had passed away, aged 50. At this time the exact cause of death in unknown.

Anyone that knows me, will understand, that this has been an extremely difficult 3 days, and thankfully I have received many messages from my friends and family wanting to know how I’m doing. As it is widely known that I have been Michael Jackson fanatic for many years and they are wondering how I’m coping with the terrible news. Those messages have been received well and very much appreciated.

And yet, 3 days on even now, I’m really stuck to really describe how his passing has left me feeling. There are so many feeling and thoughts running through my head right now, and in time I’ll be able to put them into proper words, but for now I would like to share my immediate thoughts...
Even back in 1985 During my parents’ divorce when I was 8 years old - Michael was there, during those difficult high school years in the early 90’s - Michael was there, breaking up with your first love, lost friends and family members, illness, arguments, the saddest and the toughest times... Michael was there.
He was also there to celebrate my fondest memories too, my first car, summer holidays, good times with friends, special days like my wedding and the birth of my son Sebastian. The list goes on...

His music was the soundtrack to my life and he was there to always pick me up, during even the darkest of times and also there to celebrate every great moment too. I don’t care about the scandals, the accusations, or the jokes – as fans we have heard them all – I’ll leave that to the ignorant. The legacy of his career and the greatness of his body of work are far too important to be over shadowed. I have concerns that now even after his death, some will try hard to talk down his achievements, rather than celebrate them. What is important to remember is that Michael is a real person - a son, a brother and a father, with friends and family of his own who must be in terrible pain right now, attempting to grieve.
And whilst, as someone who knew him from a far, I’m finding it difficult to accept he has passed on - I do know this:

My life has been brighter having had him in it, then if he hadn’t of ever been there at all. And I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to enjoy many of his career highs during my lifetime, compared to those in the future who will look back and ask what it was like to experience the biggest superstar of them all. There will never be another star as bright, the world has changed and it isn’t possible to soar that high anymore.
Though he has gone too soon, as I Fan, I’m personally very grateful we had him at all – we are the lucky ones.
Thankyou Michael Jackson for everything! I will miss you dearly X