Message For My Fans From Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Message For My Fans From Michael Jackson

“I want everyone to know how wonderful it is to be here. I am surrounded by the pure essence of love and it’s like nothing I have ever felt in my physical life. I cry for joy at feeling this wonderful love.

I have no feelings of regret, sadness, anger, hatred, jealousy, or fear. I have nothing but feelings of love for my family, my children, personal friends and my incredible fans. It amazes me at how much love and prayers people send to me now. I Want You To Know You Don’t Have To Pray For Me. I’m Busy Praying for You.

I’m going to be sending love to everyone whose life I have touched in some special way. That includes my fans. Without them my life would have been much different and I love each one of them. It doesn’t matter that we never met in person, here in Spirit I know who each one of you are. You don’t need to try to hold me to you; I will always be with anyone who loved me. My spirit has no boundaries and I can go wherever I want to now.

The peace and tranquility that I feel in Spirit is something I never had in life. I want everyone to know that they will have this when they pass over into the afterlife. I have dropped away all of my physical aspects and I am just living in pure love. I realize that the reason I had so much adversity in my life was for me to overcome those challenges. Now that I’m in the presence of the white light of God I realize I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome. I’m now going to learn how I could have done it differently. It’s wonderful seeing your life completely detached and unemotional.

Going to the other side is a very different culture. There is a prevailing calmness over here. The day to day dramas don’t exist as I knew them. I’m no longer caught up in the daily struggles or in the deep need to survive. I realize I have survived, and I see life here as a series of experiences to learn from. I don’t cling to all the memories of my life on earth. Now I experience everything in present tense. There are no clocks or calendars, no time. It’s so liberating. I do have memories; I remember some of my yesterdays, but they’re not necessarily the ones that others remember about me.

It doesn’t matter what people or the media has to say about me. Don’t let any of it bother you. I left you my music and videos and that’s all you really need to know to understand who I really was. I did my best to help children all over the world and I will keep working on helping those children from Spirit.

I ask that you work at living your life in love and helping others. I’m going to continue sending peace to the world.

My love to all of you,

What is this? Is this some sort of psychic reading?
That, my friend, is something that myself or you could have written, and passed of as 'Michael sending us a message'... and then sold on for a quick buck.

Message For My Fans From Michael Jackson

“I want everyone to know how wonderful it is to be here. I am surrounded by the pure essence of love and it’s like nothing I have ever felt in my physical life. I cry for joy at feeling this wonderful love.

I have no feelings of regret, sadness, anger, hatred, jealousy, or fear. I have nothing but feelings of love for my family, my children, personal friends and my incredible fans. It amazes me at how much love and prayers people send to me now. I Want You To Know You Don’t Have To Pray For Me. I’m Busy Praying for You.

I’m going to be sending love to everyone whose life I have touched in some special way. That includes my fans. Without them my life would have been much different and I love each one of them. It doesn’t matter that we never met in person, here in Spirit I know who each one of you are. You don’t need to try to hold me to you; I will always be with anyone who loved me. My spirit has no boundaries and I can go wherever I want to now.

The peace and tranquility that I feel in Spirit is something I never had in life. I want everyone to know that they will have this when they pass over into the afterlife. I have dropped away all of my physical aspects and I am just living in pure love. I realize that the reason I had so much adversity in my life was for me to overcome those challenges. Now that I’m in the presence of the white light of God I realize I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome. I’m now going to learn how I could have done it differently. It’s wonderful seeing your life completely detached and unemotional.

Going to the other side is a very different culture. There is a prevailing calmness over here. The day to day dramas don’t exist as I knew them. I’m no longer caught up in the daily struggles or in the deep need to survive. I realize I have survived, and I see life here as a series of experiences to learn from. I don’t cling to all the memories of my life on earth. Now I experience everything in present tense. There are no clocks or calendars, no time. It’s so liberating. I do have memories; I remember some of my yesterdays, but they’re not necessarily the ones that others remember about me.

It doesn’t matter what people or the media has to say about me. Don’t let any of it bother you. I left you my music and videos and that’s all you really need to know to understand who I really was. I did my best to help children all over the world and I will keep working on helping those children from Spirit.

I ask that you work at living your life in love and helping others. I’m going to continue sending peace to the world.

My love to all of you,

What is this? Is this some sort of psychic reading?

Yes and I'm confused. This was a message channeled by someone named Cherokee Billie. However, it seems this one is slightly altered with some words missing here and there.

Disclaimer: I am in no way discounting psychism, nor am I specifically supporting the psychic medium mentioned, just clarifiying in neutral way where this particular message originated.

You might want to add the name of that invididual to the thread title to lesson confusion about the origin of this message. :cheeky: