Merry Christmas! (Julian Calendar)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some of you may know that in certain countries such as Russia and Serbia (my homeland) Christmas is celebrated today, by the old Julian calendar.

So to those who celebrate today,

Merry Christmas!

All the best - may you and your families live your lives in health,peace, joy and harmony.

God Bless You.

And though I have loads to study , I am gonna spend my Christmas watching This Is It with friends :)
That is so weird :D I've heard about it though.

Merry Christmas to you who celebrate it today!! :santa:
Glad that some more people here celebrate it today! Merry Christmas Ethiopia! And thank you to all who posted here, we wish all the best to you as well! :D
That is so weird :D I've heard about it though.

Merry Christmas to you who celebrate it today!! :santa:

It is not weird. There rea a lot of Orthodox Christians in this world: Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Romanians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Palestinians, many in middle east and Africa, Copts, Armenians, Georgians etc.
Yeah but Greeks celebrate it on 25th of December as well. Not many people know of 7th of January though :)

Ah I had a lovely evening. Watched This Is It for the third time and it was... magical. Can't ever get enough of it. Thank you dear God for the film...
I have always known about this. Seeing that I am part Russian. But I am a Russian that celebrates Christmas on the 25th of December. I still think it is pretty cool how the Julian Christmas comes 3 days after my birthday. Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas everyone!! I've known about it being celebrated today too, since it's my birthday today as well, so I always remember that!