[Merged] Your New Years Resolutions


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
2301 Jackson street , i know your jealous
I though their would be a thread about this already , maybe i haven't looked good enough anyway prusuming thier isn't one

1.What are your New Years Resoultion(s)
2.Have you ever acheived your NYR

Mine is to be able to jog 11 Miles without stopping
Getting a 6 pack (Got to be honest)
Play Smells like teen spirit on guitar (although i don't play the guitar)
Lose/Loose 20 Pounds ( i weight 150 , i just want to get rid of almost all fat )
Be able to do a plance
Re: New Years Resoultion

- get my learner's permit!!
- be consistent in my endeavours
Re: New Years Resoultion

Learn to drive - I'm 46, it's about time, I think.

The usual year after year - lose weight (sigh)

That's about all I can handle.
Re: New Years Resoultion

I posted a thread like this one, but I only got like 2 replies lol.

I need to go to the gym more.
Eat a little healthier.
Work harder in school.
Get better at some things.
Re: New Years Resoultion

can't remember if I've posted in a thread like this already, but oh well..

Run at least 5 times a week and be able to run 8 miles without stopping (I'm up to 6 now)
Learn to drive
Write at least two hours a day (I'm working on a novel right now)
be more positive
start volunteering somewhere
Re: New Years Resoultion

1st of all, I have fulfilled past resolutions. This year my resolution was to lose about 20 pounds....I lost almost 40..but I have gained about half of it back....so while I did lose the 20 I wanted, I gained 20 back.

So for 2010:

1. Lose the weight again...I'm shooting to be down to 160 lbs. I weight around 200 right now, so I'm going for 40.

2. Quit smoking again....I started back up after a 3 year hiatus (been a bad year for me and the stress got me)

3. Continue to do well with my job, try and further advance myself.

4. I'm going back to college to finish what I started and get my diploma for Web Page Design

5. Try and make my marriage better. We've had some bad times this year...hope 2010 is way better.

6. My wife and I have been trying for baby number 2. Hopefully if resolution number 5 works out, we can get this one knocked off.
Re: New Years Resoultion

hmmm...well first I have to get off the trial mix i recently started eating..daily....second..I need to quit smoking...and 3rd...I need to get back walking daily..I feel better when I do.
Re: New Years Resoultion

Stick to a diet haha I lost 40 pounds after having my second son...then the Holidays came around haha
Re: New Years Resoultion

Have more self discipline

show more love to strangers

excercise more
Re: New Years Resoultion

lose about 30 pounds and to let my hair grow out long
Re: New Years Resoultion

- keep my abs cuz dammit i work hard 4 it
- travel more
- save money
Re: New Years Resoultion

Interesting thread! I like everyone's responses too :D

1.What are your New Years Resoultion(s) - this year it's to lose the weight I gained by stopping smoking and then more, also to get my Emergency Medical Technician I certification by the end of the year.

2.Have you ever acheived your NYR - Yep. My resolutions last new years were to
quit smoking and jump out of an airplane and I did both :D

Good luck everyone on your new resolutions :D If I can quit smoking... you lot can accomplish ANYTHING! :D
Your New Year Resolutions and Why...

so what will you cut down on or do diffrent for me it will be to make more friends in my new college
Re: Your New Year Resolutions and Why...

To be a better person.. Love and forgive more... Enjoy life.. Heal the world :angel:
There will never be too much love :)
I never thought of last years, but I think I have just a couple in mind,

-Have a far better year than 2009

-Lose some weight

I get irritated when my family told me about might and which they know it's none of their business I keep telling them I don't want to hear about it from them again. I'm slimming my own way and NOT theirs.
1. Drop about 20 or so pounds
2. Cut down on the adult beverages (this will help with #1)
3. Eat healthier
Re: New Years Resoultion

1st of all, I have fulfilled past resolutions. This year my resolution was to lose about 20 pounds....I lost almost 40..but I have gained about half of it back....so while I did lose the 20 I wanted, I gained 20 back.

So for 2010:

1. Lose the weight again...I'm shooting to be down to 160 lbs. I weight around 200 right now, so I'm going for 40.

2. Quit smoking again....I started back up after a 3 year hiatus (been a bad year for me and the stress got me)

3. Continue to do well with my job, try and further advance myself.

4. I'm going back to college to finish what I started and get my diploma for Web Page Design

5. Try and make my marriage better. We've had some bad times this year...hope 2010 is way better.

6. My wife and I have been trying for baby number 2. Hopefully if resolution number 5 works out, we can get this one knocked off.

The things in bold are resolutions I have succeeded so far. I'm working hard on losing weight by eating better foods. Trying to quit smoking is a beeyotch, and I don't go back to school until the fall. Everything is looking good for me. :)
well, your making progress :), so as 6. is bold, does that mean your wife is pregnant ? if so congrats :happy:
