I thought you guys should really know what was going on with that footage. I was there, right next to the motorcade. Santa Barbara police were harassing and attacking fans for literally LEGALLY STANDING ON THE SIDEWALK. A 300 pound cop shoved me with all his force and I managed to catch myself before I hit the floor. They started shoving fans with all their body weight and several people fell. They actually sent a few fans to the hospital (one cop punched a fan in the stomach for STANDING there) and they even shoved attack dogs at fans. Some fans were going to launch a lawsuit because it was absolutely police brutality, I don't know if that ever came to fruition. In the ultimate power trip, the cops waited until Michael's motorcade was passing by and then they mercilessly started to attack fans in MJ's plain view, to try to show him he didn't have power. Michael saw the fans getting attacked and got pissed off and yelled "*$%# stop!" "Leave them alone!" etc. You always think MJ is polite, but he was cursing and he started to lunge his body halfway out the window. The bodyguards (the nation of islam, at the time) tried to shove him back in the car as he was trying to grab at a cop and was ready to beat some @$$ for the fans, lol. Imagine MJ actually in fight mode. Then, Janet (who was also in the car w/ MJ and Katherine) stuck her body out the window and was angrily shouting and the bodyguards pushed her in too. It was the most messed up thing I've ever seen, and one of the saddest days of my life. I have absolutely no doubt that the cops did beat up MJ as he said, if they were beating up innocent fans outside the courthouse they were no doubt power tripping on him when he was in their custody. The media was right there and naturally they didn't report it and instead just made up stupid garbage about things that never happened that day. Made me sick to my stomach. So yes, folks, MJ really does curse when he's pissed. And, he was willing to throw down for fans, which was very big of him.