Merged:Michael Getting Angry

Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

Im pretty sure there was a whole discussion on this video. Could mods please merge. :)
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

Im pretty sure there was a whole discussion on this video. Could mods please merge. :)

and im pretty sure there was too im just simply saying im glad he is standing up for there really a need for the "mods to merge"?? its not that serious...
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

It's just the best answer Mike could say to that journalist, this says it all. Even the umbrella is put down to cut the conversation, that's just perfect lol
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

I'd be a little more nasty than that...I'd tell her she could F%$K herself!!
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

Boy needs to do that more often! Go Michael, go!!! :wild:
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

Thanks for the video, In my opinion Mike was too nice to her!
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

Yeah your'e right that's what he should have told her. LOL
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

That's right Miké! Show them you ain't taking that bullsh*t no more!
It really sounded like he said; "She's fat" LOL! :happy:
Mmmm. Mikés bad :naughty:
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

How would you feel if you were being labeled a bad father by this B****! Who doesn't know s***! About you!!? Telling her to "ahhhh,Go To Hell!!" is actually being polite!!
Re: Michael Can Get Angry!!! wanna see?

The woman was willing to take his kids away from him cuz I don't know exactly how child care system works in the States, but I heard a parent can be reported to the authorities and the kids can be kept away from him or her. And I read somewhere that's what the woman was tryin to do:smilerolleyes: accusing him of something like child abuse.

I love it when he sad "Tell her to go to hell." Even to this day, when I think of what the b*tch was tryna do to him, it makes me sick.

MJsDoll225 said:
How would you feel if you were being labeled a bad father by this B****! Who doesn't know s***! About you!!? Telling her to "ahhhh,Go To Hell!!" is actually being polite!!
Yep, you're right!
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I remember this! Michael Jackson REAL angry!

The only problem is its not the clear version! In the original, you can see his face so clear, the anger in his face and reading his mouth is not hard; he says "No, no, NO!", pointing. Then he moves his mom out of the way and you can see his mom and janet yelling out too lol. He sticks half his body out the car and yells out "F*ck Head!" LOL!
Does anyone have the original? Please upload it on YouTube or provide a downdload link like megaload or something! :flowers:
This is the ONLY footage ive ever seen of MJ so angry:

EDIT: For those fans that are confussed:

OMG. I have to state the obvious don't I?

This is NOT the orginal, YES there is a voice over!
I ONLY posted this video as an EXAMPLE of the orginal I am after!

The orginal has NO voice over, you can SEE Michael's face expressions CLEARLY and you can MOUTH READ his words clearly and he says "F*CK HEAD!"

My first post wasn't that hard to understand geez. lol.
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tell her to go to hell - nice one Mike!! :)
Re: I remember this! Michael Jackson REAL angry!

The only problem is its not the clear version! In the original, you can see his face so clear, the anger in his face and reading his mouth is not hard; he says "No, no, NO!", pointing. Then he moves his mom out of the way and you can see his mom and janet yelling out too lol. He sticks half his body out the car and yells out "F*ck Head!" LOL!
Does anyone have the original? Please upload it on YouTube or provide a downdload link like megaload or something! :flowers:
This is the ONLY footage ive ever seen of MJ so angry:

wht was that? lol it def was not mj!!
OMG. I have to state the obvious don't I?

This is NOT the orginal, YES there is a voice over!
I ONLY posted this video as an EXAMPLE of the orginal I am after!

The orginal has NO voice over, you can SEE Michael's face expressions CLEARLY and you can MOUTH READ his words clearly and he says "F*CK HEAD!"

My first post wasn't that hard to understand geez. lol.
I wonder how he is when he's REALLY mad. Like when he feels like cracking some paparazieskulls or something.. :p

Theres nothing like men when they get their andrenelin rush'es :p as long as they've got a woman on the side to calm them down before anything bad happens..
OMG. I have to state the obvious don't I?

This is NOT the orginal, YES there is a voice over!
I ONLY posted this video as an EXAMPLE of the orginal I am after!

The orginal has NO voice over, you can SEE Michael's face expressions CLEARLY and you can MOUTH READ his words clearly and he says "F*CK HEAD!"

My first post wasn't that hard to understand geez. lol.


Tink Take a deep breath and relax... No it wasnt that hard but people have looked all over and cant seem to find it no need to be harsh about it.
well the version I posted is clearly the dubbed version and I made that clear its not the orginal and that I'm after the orginal yet all fans are posting is "This is not MJ" "This is fake" :rolleyes:
This is a clearer version of what Tink had posted. I found it on the KOP Board

I thought you guys should really know what was going on with that footage. I was there, right next to the motorcade. Santa Barbara police were harassing and attacking fans for literally LEGALLY STANDING ON THE SIDEWALK. A 300 pound cop shoved me with all his force and I managed to catch myself before I hit the floor. They started shoving fans with all their body weight and several people fell. They actually sent a few fans to the hospital (one cop punched a fan in the stomach for STANDING there) and they even shoved attack dogs at fans. Some fans were going to launch a lawsuit because it was absolutely police brutality, I don't know if that ever came to fruition. In the ultimate power trip, the cops waited until Michael's motorcade was passing by and then they mercilessly started to attack fans in MJ's plain view, to try to show him he didn't have power. Michael saw the fans getting attacked and got pissed off and yelled "*$%# stop!" "Leave them alone!" etc. You always think MJ is polite, but he was cursing and he started to lunge his body halfway out the window. The bodyguards (the nation of islam, at the time) tried to shove him back in the car as he was trying to grab at a cop and was ready to beat some @$$ for the fans, lol. Imagine MJ actually in fight mode. Then, Janet (who was also in the car w/ MJ and Katherine) stuck her body out the window and was angrily shouting and the bodyguards pushed her in too. It was the most messed up thing I've ever seen, and one of the saddest days of my life. I have absolutely no doubt that the cops did beat up MJ as he said, if they were beating up innocent fans outside the courthouse they were no doubt power tripping on him when he was in their custody. The media was right there and naturally they didn't report it and instead just made up stupid garbage about things that never happened that day. Made me sick to my stomach. So yes, folks, MJ really does curse when he's pissed. And, he was willing to throw down for fans, which was very big of him.
^^^ Yikes! MJ in fight mode sounds kinda scary! Remind me not to make him mad! lol
And that's cool that he'd be willing to throw down for his fans. Oddly, I'd love to see that.. MJ to the Rescue!!!