Meowwalker - New game for iPhone

I just searched for it on my iphone and couldn't find it? :unsure:
I just searched for it on my iphone and couldn't find it? :unsure:

I think it has just been developed...they are waiting for Apple approval to add it to App store.

I like the idea that it uses MJ music already in your ipod. Will download it if it becomes available.

For ipod touch too ?

Should be.
Thanks for the interest in MeowWalker! We hope the game will be approved by Apple soon. We'll be sure to update here when it hits the App Store.

Feel free to post any feedback and feature requests, as we want the community to guide what gets added to the game.

We are also going to randomly select 5 people who are fans of RobotSymphony on Facebook to receive a free copy when we release. You can sign up here:


Robot Symphony